
「故事·听力」My Parents Left Me At The Hospital To Die

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

My Parents Left Me At The Hospital To Die. My Gf Remained With Me Till The End

Hello! My name is Noah, soon I will turn twenty. Not that old, you could say, but sometimes, I think that over a hundred years have passed since the days when I was seventeen, and not just two— my life has changed so drastically. And it's not only because I now have to walk with a cane. Actually, it feels more like I was born again... well, at least I had to study to walk again.

So, I was seventeen and I had just entered college. By looking at me, at an ordinary guy, none of my new friends would have thought that my family was somehow different from the vast majority of other families. However, they were different: my parents were... and, I think they will never change. They were people with very strict views - like they came straight from somewhere in the Middle Ages. They were literally obsessed with issues of morality and sin, I think you understand what I'm talking about.

But I think that nowadays it is pretty difficult to protect a child from information, unless you keep them in the cellar. As for me, I grew up as an inquisitive child, and if I did not get any answers to my questions apart from, “...it’s a sin to talk about that” ...well, I searched for the answers in books. Maybe that was the way I realized pretty early that I did not share the restricted views of my parents... They simply did not suit me. I wanted to lead the normal life of a modern guy. But, as far as I had not had the opportunity to live SEPARATELY from my folks, with their outdated notions about the world, I would have to hide a lot from them... in other words, I would have to lie to them.

Oh no, don’t start imagining something strange or dirty, please! I am talking about the simplest things. Like going to see a sci-fi or horror movie, or going to a beach party with friends...  even just to wear a pair of shorts and a sleeveless T-shirt on a hot day — my parents sincerely considered it sinful and unacceptable. 

So when I started going out with Kathie, I didn’t even consider telling my parents about it. In this case, it would have been easier to admit that I was gay! Why? Because my parents knew Kathie very well. Even though they had never met her in person. But they were the ones who collected signatures in favor of expelling Kathie from the school where I, too, was going. According to their opinion, her very existence was a disgusting example to other children.

The thing was that Kathie got pregnant at the age of 16. And even though she lost her baby, everybody in the neighborhood found out about her pregnancy. Some people took the whole situation with humor, others sympathized with it, but in general, nobody perceived it as something worth a lot of attention. Except for my parents.
Of course, they did not succeed in expelling Kathie from school. But I had a really hard time convincing them that I should not change schools during my last year before graduation because of this “black sheep.” I solemnly vowed that I would resist Kathie's sinful influence with all the strength I had. Actually, I can hardly restrain my laughter while talking about this — I didn’t know her at all then, she was a year younger than me, and I only caught a glimpse of her several times, that was it.

But it turned out that I violated my oath as much as was humanly possible. One day, students from different years of study at our school went on an excursion, and I ended up with Kathie sitting next to me on the school bus. We talked... and a week later we began to go out together. I fell in love with her, head over heels.

Usually, girls fear their parents and go on secret dates more often than guys. But with us, it was different. I had to come up with one lie after another just so I could see Kathie. And when summer came, it became almost unbearable for me — I wanted to be with her every minute. And, you know what, I found a way to!

The parents of one of my distant cousins left for a long European vacation and hoped that their son would look after their house, dogs, and flowers as they traveled. They also owned a horse farm, but there was no problem with it since several stable workers looked after the horses. Only the house required attention. But my cousin, who was my age, had absolutely no desire to be stuck on some farm for two months, so he mumbled something about having to pass his college admissions tests and recommended that they ask me to look after the house instead. And, Holy Lord, they agreed!







