
「故事·听力」I Married Three Horrible Men For Money

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

I Married Three Horrible Men For Money

Hi, everybody. I'm Sarah. I'm in a very difficult situation right now. I could lose my son because of my actions and my lifestyle. The worst thing is, that everything I did was to give him a better life, because I love him more than anything in the world.

A few years ago, I met a man, Victor. He was a real gentleman. We dated for a long time and everything was just fine. Of course, we were young, passionate, and deeply in love. We needed nothing but each other. And we were very happy right up until we started living together. All the bad parts appeared gradually. At first, all the household chores fell on my shoulders, and I was tired all the time. Then the love from my boyfriend began to wane. We began to bicker often, and stopped understanding each other. It was like we were speaking different languages! Honestly, we were trying to save our relationship. We even went to a psychologist, trying to understand everything, but it didn`t help. We understood that we needed to unite in the fight for something, and soon we figured out how to do it. We decided to have a baby. You might think it's a bad idea to have a child in a family that was falling apart, but at the time it seemed like a good solution. 

And it was. While I was pregnant, Victor took care of me and the household. Despite the fact that he worked hard and I was pregnant, our relationship became much better.  But taking care of the baby turned out to be much more difficult than we thought. After I gave birth, life became unbearably hard. I spent all day babysitting our daughter while Victor was at work. By the end of the day I was exhausted. But in the evening when he came home, he wanted the house to be in order and a warm dinner to be waiting for him. At night I spent time with the child again, because he slept poorly, and woke up crying all the time. Victor didn't help me much, and if he did, he made it seem like he was doing me a favor.  He changed a lot since we met. Perhaps this was his real personality - a man who sees a woman only as a housewife. At some point, I realized that our relationship could not be saved. After a year of living like this, I just hated him, and I wanted to get out of this prison. And I found a solution. I told him I wanted to break up and take care of the baby myself. In return, Victor would pay me some kind of alimony. We weren't officially married, so we were able to negotiate this hurdle without a trial. I think he agreed to this because he was tired of my rebellious temper, and he was willing to give me that money to get rid of me. So I moved out and started living separately. 

Victor`s money was more than enough for the child and for me. I was able to get rid of the husband I hated and leave with the child I loved more than anything. I was able to escape from this male trap. And this thought haunted me. Like I was just remembering how my parents lived. My father was just like Victor. My mother told me that when they met, their relationship was perfect, and everything changed after they got married. My parents fought all the time. My father wanted my mother to only do household chores and take care of their child. He believed that since he earned the money, that everything else should have been taken care of by his wife. In my opinion, this was a bad attitude, and it oppressed us for many years. When I was old enough to understand this, I started to hate my father. But my mom never tried to divorce him because she wanted me to grow up in a full-fledged family. But is life with a dictator-father in a dysfunctional family better than a broken home? I don`t think so. And as soon as I turned 18, I finally moved out of my parents' house.  I have to say that after this kind of childhood, I treated men with caution. It was hard for me to have relationships because I didn't trust them. 

When I met Victor, I thought he was different. But after a while, I became convinced that men only see women as housewives who are there to serve them. And I came to a strange conclusion. Maybe I should do this all the time? I thought men deserved to be treated like that. And if I could use them that way, I could provide for the child and for myself. After all, the main thing for a child is not a full-fledged family, where the father constantly humiliates his wife, but what they needed most was love and care. And I was ready to put my heart into raising my baby.

So as soon as I got my life back on track, I started looking for another man to provide for me and the baby. And soon I found one. He was almost 10 years older than me, his name was Rick, and most importantly he was very rich.







