

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26



有国外网友评论:Michelangelo's David (1501-1504) is no problem, but Stéphane Simon's "In Memory of Me" (2018) needs underpants?

“米开朗基罗的「大卫」(1501-1504)都没问题,Stéphane Simon的「In Memory of Me」(2018)就需要内裤?”

Artist 'humiliated' after UN cultural agency put underwear on his nude sculptures


The United Nations' cultural agency has been criticized for covering up the genitalia of a series of nude sculptures with underwear.


表示“一丝不挂的;裸体的”,英文解释为“not wearing any clothes”举个🌰:

Nude sunbathing is only allowed on certain beaches.



genitalia /ˌdʒɛnɪˈteɪlɪə/ 表示“生殖器”,英文解释为“A person's or animal's genitalia are their external sexual organs.”

Works by French sculptor Stéphane Simon, which show nude, classical-style figures taking selfies, were being displayed in Paris during UNESCO's European Heritage Days event in September.

But officials decided to cover the offending parts of the artworks with underwear, to the shock of Simon and the ridicule of arts commentators.

Simon told CNN the clothing was "disgusting" and said the experience left him "humiliated."

"I felt ashamed, so deeply sad to see all these years of work and research broken," he added. "For two days visitors came to meet, to ask me: 'But why did you do that?' But it was not my choice."

The artworks, part of a project called "In Memory of Me," had been designed to comment on the spread of the selfie in recent years.

"I should have spent two days explaining the fascinating link" between the practice of selfie-taking and Ancient Greek history, Simon added.

He said he had raised the issue of nudity during planning meetings with UNESCO before the event, but had not been asked to cover up the works until a few days before the sculptures were displayed and had no time to amend the pieces appropriately.


表示“赤裸,裸体”,英文解释为“the fact that people are not wearing clothes”举个🌰:The movie was criticized for its excessive violence and nudity.


UNESCO has not responded to CNN's request for comment, but the UK's Times newspaper quoted a spokesperson saying: "We didn't want to censor the artist, and understand that he felt hurt."

Simon added to CNN that the organization has recognized a "mistake made by one employee."

Unesco said that it had been a “big mistake” to cover one of the statues with a thong and the other with a baby’s nappy. Critics accused the agency of censoring art and said that the issue was all the more worrying since Unesco was meant to encourage cultural pluralism.


thong /θɔːŋ/ 表示“内裤;丁字内裤”,英文解释为“a pair of women's knickers or men's underpants that has only a very narrow strip of cloth, like a string, at the back”。


表示“尿布”,英文解释为“a piece of soft cloth or paper that is folded around a baby's bottom and between its legs to absorb and hold its body waste”,如:a disposable nappy (= one that is made to be used once only) 一次性尿布,举个🌰:

I'll change her nappy.



pluralism /ˈplʊərəˌlɪzəm/ 表示“多元化,多元性(不同种族、不同政治或宗教信仰的多种群体共存)”,英文解释为“the existence of many different groups of people in one society, for example people of different races or of different political or religious beliefs”,如:cultural pluralism 文化的多元性。

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