
「故事·听力」My Parents Hate Me And Love My Friend

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

My Parents Hate Me And Love My Friend. She Lives With Them!

Hey. My name is Barbara and I'm seventeen years old. Now, when I get my thoughts together, I understand how strange my story is! It's about me and about my best friend Sabrina, who turned out to be ... well, just listen.

I met Sabrina at school about a year ago. I had some problems with academic performance and in order to add some additional points to my GPA, I signed up for an elective course in psychology. Honestly, I thought that the only people who studied psychology at school, were freaks and nerds, but it turned out that it was not that bad — there were quite a few freaks and nerds there, but the teacher was interesting and even a little funny, and I met a cool girl during my second lesson.It was Sabrina, as you may have already guessed.
I had not seen Sabrina before at our school. She started studying here just recently. She was transferred here, not because she moved — her home was pretty far away, in an area that was not very prosperous. But she had good grades that allowed her to transfer to our school. At the same time, Sabrina was nothing like a nerd! She was calm, quiet, and had a habit of smiling with just her lips. Well, to make a long story short, I liked Sabrina immediately.

For some reason, I did not make any close friends in high school, so Sabrina quickly filled this place. And, as I said, she lived far away from school and because it took her forever just to get to school, she would often stay overnight at my house. My parents didn't mind it at all! They liked my friend, and Sabrina in turn really liked my parents. Well, you know, when I left the living room to talk on the phone, and left Sabrina drinking tea with my parents, she did not give me those glances, silently asking me to save her from my folks — it seemed like she really enjoyed talking to them. And I was never interested in what were they talking about... well, maybe I should have been.

Honestly, I even tried to use the fact that my parents liked my friend so much — I sent Sabrina to convey to them, well, the RIGHT information. A little while ago I met a guy named Mitch. Mitch was so cool! He was already eighteen, he was a member of a local biker club, and he was literally absorbed with his hobby. I quickly understood that if I wanted to be with Mitch, I would also need a bike. Moreover, after the first trip with him on his motorcycle, I had fallen in love with the speed and that feeling of freedom, so soon it was not even about Mitch, I wanted to have a bike, too!And I even had a plan!

Our neighbor, Mr. Wojnowski, was selling his old Indian, which had been gathering dust for a long time in his garage. I was not sure about its condition, but Mr. Wojnowski assured me that the Indian only needed a quick visit to the shop in order to be on the move again. I made up my mind to buy it, but my pocket money savings were not enough — I had to convince my parents to help me with this purchase. Sabrina immediately understood everything and agreed to help. At that point, I thought that everything was settled! But something went wrong — after talking with Sabrina, my parents for some reason forbade me to even think about motorcycles! They said that they were very dangerous — although before that they had nothing against my new passions... neither motorcycles, nor Mitch. But now they also forbade me to see him, unexpectedly deciding that he was a bad influence for me!

I had a big fight with my parents and stopped talking to them. In fact, we communicated only when Sabrina came to visit us. When she found out about our conflict, she said that she was very surprised with how my parents behaved, with their inconsistency and strange restrictions. And that I was already almost an adult and I could decide for myself who I should date and whether I should be able to ride a motorcycle or not. I fully agreed with my friend, but I had no money for a bike, and Mitch himself did not want to go out with me anymore.

You know, before that, my relationship with my parents was neither close, nor cool — I always thought that they were NORMAL. And now for some reason our relationship began to deteriorate sharply. There were conflicts constantly, I told my parents a lot of bad things that I regretted later on, but they also became very sharp with me... It was because of Sabrina that I was able to overcome this difficult period. Fortunately, she began to spend more and more nights at our house, and when she was there, she managed to somehow clear the air. We even got together at the same table.







