
「故事·听力」My Mom Uses Her Illness To Keep Dad Away From His Lover

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

My Mom Uses Her Illness To Keep Dad Away From His Lover. Bad Plan

Hi! My name is Lee-Ann, I’m 14, and I’m lying to my dad about my mom to help her save our family.

This story, or rather a whole bunch of unpleasant occasions, happened a while ago. I was living together with my mom and dad and my little brother Mathew - he’s two. And just like in any other family, my parents sometimes argued over things. They eventually always made peace after a little while and things would go back to normal again, which always made me pretty sure that that was the normal, and how marriage should be. But one day it turned out that I was terribly mistaken when I heard my mommy crying in the bathroom.

It was in the middle of the day and I was doing my homework and mom was busy with her chores. At some point, she asked me to look after Mathew while she was going to put a load in the washing machine. After 10 minutes I realized that mom still hadn’t returned, so I called to her, but she didn’t answer and I decided to go and see if everything was okay with her. I found my mom crying over the laundry basket. She said that she had stubbed her toe badly and that’s why she had tears running down her face, but I felt like something else was going on that made her so upset.

Just for you to understand - my mom’s a very tough woman and most of the time she keeps her emotions to herself, no matter whether these emotions are positive or negative. She never cries over, let's say, a sad film or upsetting news. And you can be sure she wouldn’t just sit there and cry over a stubbed toe. Oh, by the way, I guess it's because of this that I was never really close with my mom. She always said that I had plenty of peers around me to be friends with, and she was eager to be a respected grownup and that’s it. This pattern of my mom’s character is key to this story so keep listening
Anyway, later that day, or rather during the night I woke up because I heard some voices. It was my parents talking loudly to each other, and judging from the few words that reached me, I figured out that my mom had found a lipstick mark on my dad’s shirt while she was doing laundry. Then I understood why she was crying earlier that day – she decided that dad was cheating on her with another woman. I got really scared. Recently the parents of one of my classmates divorced and I saw how hard it was for him to be forced through such serious changes in his life, and I really didn’t want my family to break up.
So, I was just lying in my bed trying not to move or to breathe loud enough that I wouldn't be able to hear anything else from that talk. Then I heard a rumbling sound and a minute later dad entered my room. It turned out that while they were arguing, mom fainted. She immediately regained consciousness, but dad decided to take her to the hospital just to make sure that she was all right. He needed me to be awake now to look after Mathew.

I will never forget that night. I darted from one corner to another while I was waiting for my parents to return. They didn't  come home until the morning. Dad was gloomy, and mom’s face showed that she had only just stopped crying. They said that we needed to talk. It turned out that back there in the hospital while doctors were doing all the necessary tests to figure out whether mom got hurt when she fainted or not, they found something that shouldn’t be there. This is how all of us figured out that my mom had lymphoma.
Of course, everybody was shocked and devastated. And you can rest assured that mom decided to start her treatment immediately. Dad told me that ever since then I would have to cover mom’s back with the housework, at least to some extent, but he really didn’t need to say anything – I was  ready to do anything to help mom.

So every day, when I came from school, I had to cook, clean, wash, and vacuum. And, of course, I tried to look after Mathew on my own, ‘cause, you know, after the chemo mom didn’t really feel well and she could barely take care of herself. Mom’s health condition wasn't the only thing that was different now, but also her temper. Day by day she became totally unbearable. Anytime she heard me at home, she had something to ask me to do, like, to fix her pillows or put socks on her feet – you know, the stuff she could really do herself.

And it was not only me who she was torturing with her illness. She constantly yelled at my dad, saying that he did everything wrong - he didn’t cook soup for her in the way that she told him to do it, and he didn’t buy anything at the store that she asked for, and he did a crappy job of looking after me and Mathew and so on...







