
「故事·听力」I Date Our Housekeeper's Son.

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

I Date Our Housekeeper's Son. He Robbed Me!

Hi, guys! My name’s Lola and I'm 15. I keep wondering why people always say that it’s better to be a good and kind person. ‘Cause recently, I experienced something pretty unpleasant, which I doubt would've ever happened if my parents and I were not as nice as we actually are.

The first thing you should know about my family is that we are sort of wealthy. We live in that big house in suburbia with a pool and a garden, and my parents are members of various social clubs, and my sister and I literally have everything we've ever wanted. But don’t think that we’re snobs. It’s actually vice versa. Honestly, a few times, I've overheard other people talking about our family and everybody really loves us and admires the fact that our parents have managed to stay unspoiled with their money and that they've brought me and my older sister Alice up well. Ain’t that delightful!?

As a matter of fact, we had a number of helpers, as my dad called them, who took care of us and looked after our property. And the most important of them and the closest to our family was our housekeeper – Ronda. We met her 5 years ago and since then we never had any trouble with her. She was a great cook, she kept everything in the house in order, and she was an extremely kind woman, who was devoted to her family and called me and Alice “her precious girls.” One day we were having that after-dinner-family-time, as we usually had, when Ronda came up to my dad and said that she wanted to ask him for a favor.

You see, she left her home country to provide a living for her family and came here to work with ours and she left her son there with her husband. But recently an accident happened at the lumberyard where he was working, and unfortunately, he died. Well, Ronda couldn’t let her son, who had just graduated from school, stay in their hometown with no future, no prospects, and no father. So, she asked my dad to lend her some money for the ticket for Alex and to let him stay here at our house with her. She also promised that he had always been a smart and hardworking young man, and that maybe he might be useful here as a gardener, or the pool boy, or anything else. It would be a great possibility for him to start his future, she said.

Of course, daddy said that he would be happy to help Ronda and in a week or so we had a new helper at our house. Alex looked like he had just walked off the cover of a magazine or something. He was tall, dark-haired, with green eyes, and when he was gardening for the first time and took his shirt off, I couldn’t help but stare at his six-pack abs. It's no wonder that I immediately felt some kind of an attraction toward him. But what was even more inspiring than simply watching him work, was that I was constantly catching his looks, which were full of interest and I could tell he was attracted to me.

Once I got totally embarrassed, when after another tennis practice, I was still in my sparkling white uniform and I decided to grab lunch. One old lady has been so inattentive as to leave the plate with her brownie on a chair, and I didn’t notice it until I sat on it. I suppose you can imagine what a piece of chocolate cake can do to white cloth, right?

When I arrived back home, Alex was there in the garden. I really tried to hide my, you know, lower back from being seen by him, but I failed. I was probably feeling too shy about being next to him or it was completely not my day, but I tripped on a slippery spot and barely fell down. He hurried over to me to try to keep me from falling and saw the brown spot on my skirt from that unfortunate brownie. He began smiling while trying to hold in his laughter, but in my rush to get into the house, totally blushing with shame, I could swear that I heard him murmuring something about me having used the restroom inappropriately.

It was literally the first time that he was that close to me and I totally couldn’t let him remember this failure of mine. So, I decided to take a chance and have a nice little chat with him and explain why my skirt was brown. Since I needed an excuse to go up to him, so that he wouldn’t discover that I really liked him, you know, I made ice tea and went outside to give it to him. I must say, I not only had a chance to explain what I wanted (he still laughed at me, though), but this, sort of, beat a path to our future socializing. I mean, it turned out that it was really easy to talk to him, and he kept telling me about his life and everything, and I just realized that I was completely crushing on him.
And then, there was a night that I will never forget.







