
「故事·听力」My Cat Saved Me From My Cheating Boyfriend

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

My Cat Saved Me From My Cheating Boyfriend

Hi guys! My name is Helga, I'm twenty-two years old, and I will tell you a story about my cat named Gandalf. Gandalf is not just an ordinary cat, I know for sure that he is very clever and even has a supernatural intuition... you don't believe me, do you? Well, you will! My cat prevented me from making a terrible mistake.

Not long ago, I met Eric. He quickly became my new boyfriend, and as everything was getting serious, he quickly moved into my apartment, where before that I lived all by myself. Well, not totally by myself, but with Gandalf. My parents bought this apartment for me, and since I owned it I thought that it was pretty reasonable if I let my boyfriend move in with me. I trusted Eric. But my cat, for some reason, did not.
On the first day, when Eric brought his stuff to my apartment, Gandalf quietly went into the hallway and lied down right in front of Eric, closing off the entrance from him. Eric looked at me inquiringly, and I jokingly stated that my cat lived here before him, so he probably needed to get along with whoever was here first. But when Erik tried to take a step forward, Gandalf hissed and slashed Erik's leg with his claws. The whole situation immediately stopped being funny. Erik was lucky that he was wearing thick jeans! But the relationship between my cat and my boyfriend had gotten off to a bad start.

To be fair, I have to tell you that Eric did not like animals, and I knew that, so it was not surprising that he could not get along with them. But the aggression and rejection by Gandalf were so intense. Before that I never noticed that my cat was jealous, for example, of my friends, but this time it went beyond the limits! Somehow I managed to convince Gandalf to stop attacking my boyfriend, but this only stopped him from doing it openly. Instead, Gandalf ruined Eric's stuff all the time. My cat... left traps in Eric's slippers, and Eric was terribly outraged by this, to the point that, each time, it was harder for me to calm him down. Gandalf stopped scratching, because I cut his claws, but he still managed to hurt Eric. His favorite trick was to appear suddenly at my boyfriends' feet. In order to avoid stepping on him Eric would stumble and even fall down, sometimes directly on the floor... And this started to really upset me, but I had no idea how to bring peace to the world of the two men I loved.

And then... and then something happened. I unexpectedly came home at a time when I was supposed to be at my parents' house. Eric did not expect me to be at home that early, and I forgot to call him. So when I entered my apartment, I saw that Eric was... not alone. Yes, my boyfriend was cheating on me, in MY apartment, with MY friend Amal, who he met at MY birthday party a couple of months ago! I was so shocked that I didn’t even scream at them. I exploded only when I discovered that Eric had locked my Gandalf in the closet.

Of course, I had a big fight with Eric, and he spat out the truth to me: that in fact, he did not love me, he loved Amal. But he wasn't in any rush to break up with the girl with her own apartment (that's me, you know) because he didn't have the money to rent his own apartment. And Amal had no problem with this! How disgusting! And do you now see why Gandalf would not let me relax while Eric was near. My cat knew that my boyfriend was a liar!







