
「故事·听力」I Am A Hero But No One Believes Me

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

I Am A Hero But No One Believes Me

Hey guys, my name is Nick. I think I’ve got a lot of stories to tell since I'm always getting into trouble. Most of them are cringeworthy and stupid, sometimes very funny though. But the one I am about to tell you is the one where things got really bad. Some of you might say that I deserved it, and if that's the case, I don’t really care what you think. Here’s the story.

I can tell you I that have never, ever been "good." At least my parents have been saying that I have caused them troubles for years. They work a lot, so we never spent much time together, but, well, I never needed them anyway. I just live the way I want, and everyone hates me for me being me. That's the thing. Every time I fight with my parents, they bring up all the same stuff: me not studying, me breaking stuff, me being aggressive and rude. I hate it. It’s not just my parents either – it’s also my teachers, my aunts and uncles, and random adults who don’t know anything about my life.

Anyway, this particular thing happened in May. My dad had gotten another call from the school about me being useless and stupid, and got mad. I mean – really mad. I was not allowed to leave the house for the weekend and I had to sit down and study for 2 days straight. If I left the house (unless it was on fire or something), or switched on my PlayStation, or got distracted in any other way, I would not be able to go and stay with my older brother Kev for the summer, and this is the thing I live for. He lives three hundred miles away and he’s basically the only person who doesn’t call me an idiot all the time. We have a lot of fun, play FIFA, go fishing, and just hang out. It's the best time of the year. And if my parents say I am staying home – they mean it. So, I could not blow this.

On Saturday they left and were going to be back that night. I was home by myself, but I guess they asked the neighbors to watch me, or maybe they put a camera somewhere, because they’d never trust me alone like that. And I was really gonna sit in my room and read a textbook, but then my friend Justin texted me that he had found an abandoned hospital (!) on the other side of the town by the river, and asked if I wanted to take a look. Hell yes I did! I could leave from the first-story window, jump over the fence in the backyard, and be at a bus stop in 30 seconds. I’d been studying for about an hour and a half already, which was totally driving me crazy.

Long story short, I went, met Justin, and on our way to the abandoned hospital we saw a man in the river. So the whole thing is on a river bank – and there is a very low wooden bridge, which is pretty old too. And I recognized that the figure in the river was old man Charlie. He’s like a local celebrity here. This guy is literally one hundred years old, but he’s like a cyclist and a runner and a super active guy and The Honorary Citizen of our town, or whatever. He’s a swimmer too, but at that point I just saw him drowning.

Justin froze 'cause he was confused and had no idea what to do, while I rushed to the river and jumped into the water. Kev and I swim every day in the summer, so I swim pretty well, I guess. I didn't ask myself any questions in that moment, but later I learned that the old man was riding his bicycle over the bridge, felt bad, and fell into the water.

I got him out of the river and onto dry land. It wasn't easy, but I thought he was probably planning to live for at least a couple more days. Justin was there when we got out, ready to help. I told him to call an ambulance – Charlie was breathing, but he didn't seem to be conscious or at least he wasn't taking in anything that was happening. I stayed there for a while, but when I heard the ambulance siren in the distance, I realized that I might get into real trouble for this. I was supposed to be at home studying, and our town is pretty small so the story would surely get back to my parents, and this just could not happen. So I asked Justin to get into the water for a second to get wet and to tell the paramedics that it was all him who saved the old man, and that there was nobody else. He agreed and after a few minutes I was already on the bus, soaking wet, desperately trying not to attract much attention. I was home way before my parents were, and even managed to wash and dry my clothes.







