
新西兰总理首访日本就口误 把日本说成中国哈哈哈哈哈

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26
近日,新西兰总理杰辛达·阿德恩(Jacinda Ardern)首次正式访问日本,刚到日本接受采访时开口就失误了,她说,“这是新西兰与中国关系令人难以置信的激动时刻,...”(this is an incredibly exciting time for New Zealand and its relationship with China)...,随后立刻改口,与日本...

Jacinda Ardern's Japan trip off to bumpy start as she names wrong nation


The Prime Minister's first official visit to Japan got off to a bumpy start as she referred to the wrong country during an interview with media.

be/get off to a good/bad/slow etc. start

used for saying that something begins in a particular manner, especially a race or a competition;如be off to a good start即表示“有好的开端;开门红;顺利开始”,举个🌰:

I didn't get off to a very good start this morning - I'd been at work five minutes and my computer stopped working!


Jacinda Ardern began her opening remarks saying "this is an incredibly exciting time for New Zealand and its relationship with China" – before a quick correction instead to Japan.

When asked about the misstep she simply put it down to jetlag having moments earlier touched down from New Zealand.   


表示“错误;失策 ”,英文解释为“a mistake, especially one that is caused by not understanding a situation correctly”举个🌰:

A misstep here could cost millions of dollars.



lag作动词,表示“落后(于),拖后”,英文解释为“to move or develop more slowly than others”,举个🌰:

She stopped to wait for Jane who was lagging behind.


作名词时,表示“时间间隔,相隔的时间”,英文解释为“a delay or period of waiting between one event and a second event”,我们常说的“时差”可以用time difference也可以说“jet lag”,其中jet表示“喷气式飞机”,那么jet lag具体怎么来的呢?

The term "jet lag" is used because before the arrival of passenger jet aircraft, it was uncommon to travel far and fast enough to cause desynchronosis. Travel by propeller-driven aircraft, by ship, or by train was slower and of more limited distance than jet flights, and thus did not contribute widely to the problem.

put sth down to sth

表示“把…归因于…”,英文解释为“to think that a problem or situation is caused by a particular thing”举个🌰:

I put the children's bad behaviour down to the fact that they were tired.



put it down to experience表示“把…看作一次教训把它当作一次经验教训,英文解释为“to decide that instead of being upset about something bad that has happened or that you have done, you will learn from it举个🌰:

Okay, so you made a mistake - you just have to put it down to experience and carry on with your life.


touch down

表示“(航天器)着陆,降落”,英文解释为“When an aircraft touches down, it lands.”举个🌰:

The space shuttle touched down yesterday.


"You’ll understand I've been on continuous travel and just this moment stopped here," she joked. But the timing couldn't have been worse.

A report released the same day by the Asia New Zealand Foundation is questioning whether New Zealand has allowed its relationship with Japan to "drift" with the focus more on China.   

"Perhaps we have taken the relationship with Japan a little bit for granted," Asia New Zealand Foundation executive director Simon Draper says.

Mr Draper says while the country's focus on China is understandable now it is an opportune time to strengthen ties with Japan.

"Because of the opportunities that have existed in the region, particularly around China, our energy has been going there."

But the Prime Minister was keen to downplay the report referring to the importance of creating a diverse range of export partners.


表示“对…轻描淡写;贬低;低估”,英文解释为“to make something seem less important or less bad than it really is”举个🌰:

The coach is downplaying the team's poor performance.


也可以说:play sth down:to make something seem less important or less bad than it really is 对…作低调处理;淡化…的重要性(或糟糕程度),举个🌰:

They have played down the significance of the reports.


"Obviously China is our largest export market, but Japan coming in at fourth is an incredibly important market for us as well."

An official welcome ceremony will be held for Ms Ardern in Japan today including a bilateral meeting with its Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.

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