
「故事·听力」I Am Marrying The Son Of My Father's Enemy

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

I Am Marrying The Son Of My Father's Enemy. Like Romeo And Juliet!

I’m Amber. This story began long time ago, but I am going to tell you right now about the turning point in it, which still affects the lives of a lot people. Well, let me just start from the very beginning.
My dad has managed to experience a life-long, lasting friendship. He and his best friend, Mr. Bridges, lived on the same street when they were little boys. Then, they went to the same school, and then to the same college to study law. As a matter of fact, they practically shared their first job and it was the first time in the company’s history when two competing applicants were both offered employment.

There was nothing surprising about the fact that both of their weddings happened the same year and that both families had their children within six months of each other. Of course, since Ben and I grew up together, it's no wonder that we happened to fall in love with each other as soon as we turned 16. Everything was totally perfect and our dads were on top of the world anytime they’d start dreaming about their common grandchildren and everything.

I’d been dating Ben for more than a year when, as usual, we decided to drop into his house for dinner. But when we opened the front door we heard his parents arguing really loudly in the kitchen. Neither of them seemed to hear the door opening and closing, because his dad was yelling pretty loudly and his mom was trying to calm him down by trying to shout above him. Anyway, even though I was almost a part of the family, I felt like it would be better if I just went home this time.

Imagine my surprise when I got home and witnessed exactly the same situation with my parents screaming and shouting at each other upstairs. So, I went to my room, but even before I got there, I came across my dad on the stairs. He looked really mad and asked me where I'd been. I tried to tell him about the fight I’d heard at Ben’s place, but strangely, it seemed to me that just mentioning Ben's family drove my dad to a new level of angry. He just refused to listen to me and went downstairs, mumbling curse words or something about his best friend. This was really odd, so I decided to tell Ben about it.
It turned out that he had managed to figure out that our dads had just had a really big fight between each other. It was somehow connected to a promotion where they worked: both of them were applying to it behind each other's backs (how do you like that!) and as fate would have it, my dad had gotten promoted. And then Ben’s dad figured out what happened and accused him of betrayal, and… Well, you know the rest of the story.

The next day Ben was supposed to come and get me because we had planned to go to the beach, but he texted me that he wasn’t really feeling good enough for sunbathing. So, I decided to go see him to, you know, make sure there was nothing serious going on. I wanted to take my dad’s car, and usually he didn’t mind at all, but this time he wouldn't let me use it. He said that he didn’t want his precious car being parked in the driveway of the Bridges’ house. I tried to be sarcastic somehow and said, "Thank god you don't mind if I'm seen at that house." And he was like, “Actually! I do mind. Don’t go anywhere near them and stay home.”

Come on! This whole situation with the job and the fight with Ben’s father just pissed me off. I mean, why on earth should the whole family now have to participate in this stupid drama. I told dad what I thought and he just started yelling again. And I yelled at him back, which was definitely not smart of me because he ended up saying that I was not only grounded from that moment on, but I was also not allowed to see Ben anymore. I furiously went up to my room and locked the door. I was hoping that he wasn’t serious, at least about Ben and me, but it turned out I was terribly mistaken.

Of course, I rushed to call Ben to tell him everything and I was crying, because the whole situation really upset me. Ben hated to hear me cry – he was ready to beat up anyone who would cause a single tear to run down my face. He tried to calm me down and promised to drive over to my house as soon as he could. I was just staring out my window, as if the closer I looked, the faster Ben would come. But instead of seeing him, about 30 minutes after we talked, I got a text from him. It said that Ben’s dad had gotten rushed to the hospital because he had a stroke.

I knew I had to be there for him, no matter how hard our dads were fighting, Ben needed me. So, I climbed out of my bedroom window, and shimmied down the tree nearby - I almost fell out of the tree, by the way - and I took my bike and hurried to the hospital.







