

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26


随后,苹果方面回应:多数指控与事实不符(most of the allegations are false),加班是自愿(all overtime work was voluntary),没有强迫劳动的证据(there was no evidence of forced labor)。

Apple and Foxconn confirmed they broke a Chinese labor law by employing too many temporary workers at the world's biggest iPhone factory

Business Insider

On the eve of Apple announcing the iPhone 11, a report from China Labor Watch has accused the company — along with its manufacturing partner Foxconn — of profiting from worker exploitation to build the new phone.


表示“剥削”,英文解释为“a situation in which you treat someone unfairly by asking them to do things for you, but give them very little in return – used to show disapproval”如:the exploitation of children 对儿童的剥削。

Investigators from China Labor Watch went undercover at Foxconn's Zhengzhou factory, the largest iPhone factory in the world which is sometimes referred to as "iPhone City."


表示“ (警方行动)暗中进行的;秘密干的”,英文解释为“undercover work is done secretly by the police in order to catch criminals or find out information”如:an undercover investigation 秘密调查。

One of the investigators worked in the factory for four years, the report said.

China Labor Watch's report said that in August 2019, 50% of the workforce was made up of temporary or "dispatch" workers. According to Chinese law, dispatch workers can only make up a maximum of 10% of any company's workforce.


表示“发送;派遣”,英文解释为“the act of sending someone or something somewhere”,如:the dispatch of troops 派遣部队。此处dispatch workers 指派遣工人。


Spokespeople for both Apple and Foxconn confirmed in statements to Bloomberg, the Washington Post, and CNBC that the proportion of dispatch workers had exceeded the limit allowed by Chinese law.

Apple told Bloomberg it had found the "percentage of dispatch workers exceeded our standards."

"We have confirmed all workers are being compensated appropriately, including any overtime wages and bonuses, all overtime work was voluntary and there was no evidence of forced labor," Lori Lodes, an Apple spokeswoman told the Washington Post.

"We did determine that the affected workers were paid all earned overtime and related bonus payments," a Foxconn spokesperson told CNBC.


"We are working closely with Foxconn to resolve this," said Apple in its statement to CNBC.

According to China Labor Watch, the number of dispatch workers has increased dramatically since 2016.

"Apple is now transferring costs through their suppliers to workers and profiting from the exploitation of Chinese workers," the China Labor Watch report said.

China Labor Watch claimed the companies committed a slew of additional workers rights violations in the factory, all of which both Apple and Foxconn denied in their statements to Bloomberg, the Washington Post, and CNBC.

a slew of

表示“很多,大量”,英文解释为“a large amount or number”举个🌰:

He has been charged with three murders as well as a whole slew of other crimes.


Those allegations included:

· Workers putting in 100 hours of overtime per month, well in excess of China's legal limit of 36 hours per month.

put in

表示“投入(时间、精力)”,英文解释为“If you put in an amount of time or effort doing something, you spend that time or effort doing it.”举个🌰:

Wade was going to be paid a salary, instead of by the hour, whether he put in forty hours or not.


· Student workers being forced to work overtime during peak season.

· The factory didn't provide the workers with adequate protective equipment, even though workers said they were exposed to toxic chemicals every day.

· The factory didn't report work injuries.

Apple and Foxconn were not immediately available for comment when contacted by Business Insider.

Here is Apple’s statement:

"We believe everyone in our supply chain should be treated with dignity and respect. To make sure our high standards are being adhered to, we have robust management systems in place beginning with training on workplace rights, on-site worker interviews, anonymous grievance channels and ongoing audits.


表示“现场的(地),就地(的)”,英文解释为“at the place or on the area of land that you are talking about”,如:on-site car parking 就地停车。


表示“不平的事;委屈;抱怨;牢骚”,英文解释为“something that you think is unfair and that you complain or protest about”举个🌰:

Does the company have a formal grievance procedure (= a way of telling sb your complaints at work) ?


When we find issues, we work with our suppliers to take immediate corrective action. We looked into the claims by China Labor Watch and most of the allegations are false.

We have confirmed all workers are being compensated appropriately, including any overtime wages and bonuses, all overtime work was voluntary and there was no evidence of forced labor.We did find during our investigation that the percentage of dispatch workers exceeded our standards and we are working closely with Foxconn to resolve this issue."

This is Foxconn’s statement to CNBC:

“Foxconn employs a workforce in its operations in China that is comprised of a combination of full-time employees and dispatch workers. In addition, in some locations, we have an established, short-term internship program that we carry out in cooperation with local governments and vocational schools. In all cases and with all types of workers, we offer an industry-competitive salary and related benefits that significantly exceeds government-mandated levels.

We work hard to comply with all relevant laws and regulations across all our operations. We can confirm that a recent review of our operations at our facility in Zhengzhou did identify some workforce compliance issues. As soon as we received the results of that review, we immediately began a detailed process to ensure that all issues were addressed. At no time did we find any evidence of forced labor and we can confirm that this facility currently has no interns working overtime.

We did find evidence that the use of dispatch workers and the number of hours of overtime work carried out by employees, which we have confirmed was always voluntary, was not consistent with company guidelines. We did determine that the affected workers were paid all earned overtime and related bonus payments.

Our work to address the issues identified in our Zhengzhou facility continues and we will closely monitor the situation. We will not hesitate to take any additional steps that might be required to meet the high standards we set for our operations.”

the peak season 旺季

the supply chain 供应链

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