

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26


Details emerge of what happened to remains of Yingying Zhang


At a press conference Wednesday (Aug. 7) morning, information was revealed by Steven Beckett, the family's attorney, that Brendt Christensen, who was convicted of Zhang's kidnapping and murder, placed the remains in three separate garbage bags and disposed of them in a dumpster outside his apartment building.


表示“大型垃圾桶”,英文解释为“a large metal container used for waste in the US”;

类似的,skip作名词,表示“废料桶(装工地废料、垃圾等,由卡车拖走)”,英文解释为“a large open container for putting old bricks, rubbish/garbage, etc. in. The skip is then loaded on a lorry/truck and taken away.”

Christensen told the information to his defense attorneys, who, in turn, told the information to prosecutors and law enforcement agencies under an immunity agreement, thus the information could not be used in his trial.


表示“免除;豁免”,英文解释为“the state or right of being protected from particular laws or from unpleasant things”举个🌰:

They were granted immunity from prosecution.


据克里斯滕森的辩护律师(defense attorney),2018年11月,为了获得豁免协议(immunity agreement),凶手曾告诉他的律师章莹颖尸体下落。



美国Witness Immunity制度介绍:

Witness immunity from prosecution occurs when a prosecutor grants immunity to a witness in exchange for testimony or production of other evidence.

In the United States, the prosecution may grant immunity in one of two forms. Transactional immunity, colloquially known as "blanket" or "total" immunity, completely protects the witness from future prosecution for crimes related to his or her testimony.

Use and derivative use immunity prevents the prosecution only from using the witness's own testimony or any evidence derived from the testimony against the witness. However, if the prosecutor acquires evidence substantiating the crime independently of the witness's testimony, the witness may then be prosecuted.(Wikipedia)


colloquially /kə'lokwɪəli/ 表示“(词语或表达法)口语地,通俗语地,非正式地”,英文解释为“(of words and expressions) informal and more suitable for use in speech than in writing”。


“Due to the compaction process, Yingying's remains may be very, very small in size,” Beckett said.


表示“压实”,英文解释为“the process by which the pressure on buried solid material causes the material to stick together and change to rock”。

Beckett later went on describing that some of the remains could be as small as a cell phone.

Two days after Christensen disposed of the body, Beckett said, “he placed Yingying's clothing, backpack, cellphone, books and other personal items along with cleaning materials he tried to use to cover up the murder into a large duffel bag. He then drove around the Champaign, Urbana area and placed the items from the duffel bag into various dumpsters and placing the duffel bag itself in a dumpster,”

duffel bag

表示“(圆筒状的)行李袋;帆布包”,英文解释为“A duffel bag is a bag shaped like a cylinder and made of strong fabric such as canvas.”

Beckett said the dumpster was emptied on June 12, 2017. By the time the information was disclosed, about 30 feet of fill could have been placed over where officials believe Zhang's remains could be located.

The excavation process, as Beckett described, will be expensive, complicated, require government oversight and cooperation of the landfill owners.


表示“发掘,挖掘”,英文解释为“the activity of digging in the ground to look for old buildings or objects that have been buried for a long time”。

No search has taken place, but authorities are still considering an attempt to recover the remains.

Zhang's family and boyfriend were present at the press conference Wednesday. Her mother, Beckett said, just learned the information of what happened to the remains of Zhang that morning.

Her father, Ronggao Zhang, through an interpreter, said they are allowing the authorities to handle the recovery, if it is feasible.

As the father of Yingying Zhang, my primary goal has always been to find my daughter and bring her home,” Ronggao Zhang said.

His sentiments echoed those he held after Christensen was sentenced July 18.


1)表示“重复,模仿...话”,英文解释为“to repeat what someone else has just said”举个🌰:

‘You bet,’ she said, echoing his words.


2)表示“重复,附和(想法或看法)”,英文解释为“to repeat an idea or opinion because you agree with it”举个🌰:

The article simply echoed the NRA’s arguments against gun control.


If what (Christensen) said is true, it further confirms that he is a heartless and evil person. We condemn his brutal and malicious actions and we hope that he suffers for the rest of his life as (Yingying) suffered in the final moments of her life,” Ronggao Zhang said.

There's nothing in the world that we want more to find our daughter and bring her home. We now understand that finding her may be impossible.

Zhang's father said they will work with officials to create a site to memorialize Yingying.

“We have decided to follow Chinese custom and create a grieve site here in America in Yingying's memory. We're working with University of Illinois officials to do so. We hope it will be a solemn place of reflection to all who visit; a place of joy to remember the joy Yingying brought to her family and everyone she met during her life.”


· attorney/ public defender/ defendant/ defense attorney/ jury

· prosecutor/ prosecution/ informant/ victim/ witness

· courtroom/ trial/ plead guilty/ plead not guilty

· testify/ the death penalty

· testimony/ immunity agreement

- END -


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