
「故事·听力」My Adoptive Parents Sacrificed Me To Their Real Daughter

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

My Adoptive Parents Sacrificed Me To Their Real Daughter

Hi, my name is Sophie, I am seventeen years old. I am telling you this story in order to talk to somebody, hoping that this way, I will feel better.

Not very long ago, my life was ruined because of my parents. Huh, I am sure that many of you think you could have said the same thing, but my story is a little bit more complicated. The people that crushed my dreams are not related to me. They are my ADOPTIVE parents.
 Now you might ask yourself a question – why would somebody adopt a stranger into their family and then treat them badly? Honestly – I don't know. I really trusted these people, but they... oh, just listen to how it all began.

It all started on my birthday – the very very first! I started at the parking lot near the back entry to a big city hospital. As the video security camera shot it, it was a tall and slender figure, tightly covered in a hooded cloak who brought me there. After that this woman... it seemed to be a woman, but the camera could not really get a good image of her face, so we cannot say for sure... however, she carefully placed me near the entrance and left. This was the part that my biological parents played in my life, the end. The parcel with the baby – meaning me, was quickly discovered by some of the nurses who later gave me my name.

After that my life as a wanderer began, and it lasted for as long as fourteen years. In fact, there are many kids like me, but, as with every kid who's always missed out on parental love, I thought that I was the most unhappy of them all, or maybe, the biggest loser. It just happened that none of my foster parents wanted to take full guardianship of me. No, as a whole, I do not regret the time that I have spent with different people… except for maybe one couple who had a pretty unhealthy lifestyle. I stayed with them for a very short time and was taken away by social workers, and I think that was a godsend.
So, I think that in fourteen years I changed six foster families. Some of them wanted to just help a kid who had found themselves in a difficult situation, and at least for some time, some of them were really thinking of adopting me, but had to abandon these plans due to some life circumstances. Anyway, I changed so many guardians that I learned to avoid any emotional attachment to them. Even though deep inside my heart I wanted to hope that somebody would finally come and become my real parent.

And then Mr. and Mrs. Simmons appeared in my life. They are a very likeable couple in their 40s, and they were interested in adopting me. The Simmons owned some small legal services agency, they were neither rich nor poor, they lived in a big, spacious and beautiful house, and they also had their own daughter Gin, who was almost my age.
 Don't you agree that all of this sounds like a fairy tale?! I could have a real family, a real house, and even a sister who could have become my best friend... What a pity that reality rarely fulfills our dreams.

The first three years of my life with this family were more or less normal. I had my own room, I did not really need anything, but I did not have any emotional ties with Mr. and Mrs. Simmons. They turned out to be very calm and even indifferent people. They paid a lot of attention to their work and their house, but were not at all interested forming a deeper relationship with me, or understanding my emotions and feelings. But I think that real parents have to be interested in these things. As a result, the Simmons did not even know that I had a Great Dream until it was too late.

You see, I had decided quite a while ago which profession I wanted to choose. I think I was eleven years old at the time when one of my foster parents bought me my first smartphone with a decent camera. From that my passion for photography grew. I will not bore you with the details, I will only say that since that time I have spent all my money in order to get a better camera or to upgrade a lens.
 My love for photography was not limited to selfies or an Instagram profile, for me it was an art. I was dreaming that I would become a professional photographer, that I would take really artsy pictures, and that I would open my own exhibitions in the best centers around the world. But in order for my dreams to come true, I had to not only polish my  professional skills but I also had to study a lot.

And I choose a perfect college for myself. This college is very mod, very prestigious and very... expensive. It was a private college, and there were no quotas for kids like me, so I had to have the best grades to get in there. And believe me, I tried very hard!







