

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26



Chinese vlogger who used filter to look younger caught in live-stream glitch


Fans of a popular Chinese video blogger who called herself "Your Highness Qiao Biluo" have been left stunned after a technical glitch during one of her live-streams revealed her to be a middle-aged woman and not the young glamorous girl they thought her to be.

Her/His/Your Highness

表示“(对皇室成员的称呼)殿下,阁下”,英文解释为“used when you are speaking to or about a royal person”举个🌰:

Will that be all, Your Highness?


BBC把「乔碧萝殿下」译为:Your Highness Qiao Biluo.


表示“(因惊讶、震惊而)说不出话来”,英文解释为“too surprised or shocked to speak”举个🌰:

He looked completely stunned.



表示“(机器或设备上的)小故障,小毛病”,英文解释为“a small fault in a machine or piece of equipment, that stops it working”,如:a software glitch 软件小故障。


表示“有魅力的,令人向往的,奢华的”,英文解释为“attractive, exciting, and related to wealth and success”举个🌰:

She led an exciting and glamorous life.


The revelation has led to discussions about standards of beauty across the country's social media platforms.

The blogger, who initially boasted a follower count of more than 100,000 on Douyu, is believed to have used a filter on her face during her appearances, and had been renowned for her "sweet and healing voice".


表示“有名的;闻名的;受尊敬的”,英文解释为“famous and respected”举个🌰:

She is renowned for her patience.


China's Global Times said she had been "worshipped" as a "cute goddess" by some members of her loyal audience with some fans even giving her more than 100,000 yuan ($14,533, £11,950).

However, live-streaming platform Lychee News says the incident happened on 25 July, during a joint live-stream with another user, Qingzi on the Douyu platform.

The Global Times reports that all was as normal and that her fans urged her to show her face and remove her filter but she refused, instead apparently saying: "I can't show my face until I receive gifts worth 100,000 yuan ($11,950). After all, I'm a good-looking host."


Followers began to send her donations with the largest reported to be 40,000 yuan ($5,813, £4,780) during the session.

However, at some point, it seems the filter being used by the vlogger stopped working and her real face became visible to her viewers.

She is reported to have noticed only when people who had signed up to her VIP access room started exiting en masse.

en masse

法语,表示“一起,全体”,英文解释为“If a group of people do something en masse, they do it together and at the same time.”举个🌰:

The shop's 12 workers have resigned en masse.


Many of her original followers - especially men - are said to have stopped following her and withdrawn their transactions after seeing her true identity.

Most commentators said her followers were gullible, superficial and deserved to be "tricked" into parting with their cash gifts without first verifying her identity.


gullible /ˈɡʌləbəl/ 表示“轻信的;易受骗的;易上当的”,英文解释为“too willing to believe or accept what other people tell you and therefore easily tricked”;


表示“缺乏经验的;幼稚的;无知的;轻信的”,英文解释为“lacking experience of life, knowledge or good judgement and willing to believe that people always tell you the truth”,举个🌰:

I can't believe you were so naive as to trust him!


part with sth

表示“舍弃;放弃,交出(尤指不舍得的东西)(不情愿的)”,英文解释为“to give sth to sb else, especially sth that you would prefer to keep”举个🌰:

Make sure you read the contract before parting with any money.


Users on both Bilibili and YouTube have captured the footage.

Qiao Biluo has since suspended her platform according to Weibo users, who are debating the impact of what happened.

Some users are saying it's good riddance to her for conning people out of their money. But others question the IQ of the men throwing money at her.

good riddance (to sb)

表示“终于走掉了,总算摆脱了(某人)(表示庆幸某人离开的粗鲁说法)”,英文解释为“a rude way of saying you are glad someone has left”举个🌰:

She was awful. Good riddance to her, I say!



表示“骗(钱);诈骗”,英文解释为“to get money from someone by deceiving them”举个🌰:

He conned me out of ¥123.



表示“诈骗,欺诈,骗取(钱财)”,英文解释为“to get money from someone by deceiving them”,如:a businessman who swindled investors out of millions of pounds 一个诈骗了投资者数百万英镑的商人。

Some users are more sympathetic, asking people not to judge her by her appearance, noting that her popularity came from her voice, and that she might have to seek therapy after the backlash.

And some are praising the other live-streamer, Qingzi, who showed no reaction to Qiao Biluo's face being revealed.

The story has been incredibly popular across Chinese social networks with more than 600 million people reading posts that use a hashtag which translates to "female vlogger experiences bug showing her old lady face" and more than 50,000 using the hashtag itself.

China has more than 425 million live-streamers and the use of face filters is something that is common across the myriad of social platforms. Many live-streamers simply sing karaoke in their bedrooms, or eat snacks for hours on end.

a myriad of sth/myriads of sth

myriad /ˈmɪrɪəd/ 表示“无数,极大数量;各种各样的”,英文解释为“a very large number of things”举个🌰:

They face a myriad of problems bringing up children.


And the highly lucrative industry is saturated by young female users, who will go to extreme lengths to stand out.

go to great/any lengths

表示“竭尽全力,全力以赴”,英文解释为“to try very hard to achieve something”举个🌰:He'll go to any lengths to get what he wants.


In another twist, the attention the story has attracted means that although Qiao Biluo stopped live-streaming after the incident, her Douyu profile page now has more than 900,000 followers.

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