
「故事·听力」I Met A Witch Who Turned My Life Into A Horror Movie

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

I Met A Witch Who Turned My Life Into A Horror Movie

Hey, guys! My name is Brenda and I am thirteen years old. Today I have finally found the courage to share the most mysterious and enigmatic story of my life. Have you ever had any really weird things happen to you? Like things you could not quite explain? 

So, it all started when my family moved to a small town in Tennessee. I was very excited about going to this much praised school and to start all over in a new place. It seemed like nothing could go wrong. But it actually did.

My classmates were very nice. They showed me around and I became acquainted with everyone...except  Aidan. He was horrifying. He was silent and distant, and he just gave me a quick look, but it made me feel really uncomfortable. I asked my new friends about him and they told me he was just a weirdo. Nobody got along with him and that wasn't unusual. They also said that he collected strange things and never let anyone touch the bag where he kept all his stuff. To tell the truth, I used to be really into any kind of mysticism at that time, so I got really intrigued. And then my classmates had a reckless idea -  they wanted to steal Aidan's bag and look to see what was in there. 

That was the plan. They were supposed to distract him, and I had to grab his bag. And that's what we did, but it didn't work out properly. Aidan noticed me taking the bag and became furious. He screamed, yelled, and even cursed me! I got so scared that I ran away as fast as I could. I was running without looking back, but heard him cry out something like: "You are going to regret this!" And soon afterward, everybody was looking at the contents of the bag with an unnatural interest and horror. There were things like rocks, feathers, dry branches, and even dead birds and the remains of dead cats. But I was mortified and kept my distance. I was sure that Aidan would not stand for this. But nothing bad happened the next day or the day after, so I thought the story was over, but no such luck.

One day, there was a knock at our door. It was some strange woman. She said she was our neighbor and came to just say ''Hi' to the new tenants. She even brought a cake! So my mom went to the kitchen to grab plates and I stayed with this woman all alone. She was frightening and attractive at the same time. She was staring at me and then suddenly asked me if I could get her a glass of water. But when I came back with the glass, the room was empty! The woman was gone! My mom came back with tea and cake and asked me what had happened. But I didn't not know what to say! We were both were very surprised. What urgent business could've made our guest leave without saying goodbye? Then I looked at the chair where she was sitting and saw a book. I opened it and couldn't believe my own eyes! It was a spell book or something. There were a lot strange pictures and symbols in it. I took it and snuck it into my room. It was absolutely fantastic! I spent hours looking through that book! And then I found a folded note in between the pages. It said – "If you want to know more, just let me know." I was dying of curiosity! The woman told us where she lived, but I didn't have the courage to just go to her house.

Then the next Sunday morning, when I was leaving the supermarket, I saw the woman standing on the corner. I guess I didn't realize what I was actually doing, but I went up to her with my legs shaking and breathed out: ""I want to know more!"" She smiled at me and told me to meet her at a small shed in the nearby woods. Of course, I didn't say anything to my mom about what I was doing. She never appreciated my interests in the mystic. But all this was far too intriguing to resist.

I went to the shed at the appointed time and the woman was waiting for me. It seemed I had entered into a witch's house. The shed was full of cauldrons, jars with some weird stuff, dream catchers, and other curious items. This woman started to tell me stories and explain the meanings of the pictures and symbols in the book she had left for me. I just couldn't stop listening to her. It was as if I had been hypnotized. She told me that I had a gift and that I was the chosen one. She also warned that I had to value all of this knowledge and to keep it a secret.

And I went back there again and again. I even started skipping school, because I was much more interested in my magic lessons. Once, my mysterious teacher told me we were going to learn to make special amulets. She told me that if I did everything right, they would protect my family. That was so exciting! After we made the amulets, I had to bring them home and hide them in the furthest corners of our house. So I did. And the results came quickly.







