

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

近日,霍顿拒绝与孙杨合影 还鼓动季军也不要站上领奖台一事引发网友热议。今日的“霍顿”,热度依旧不减,频频上热搜。在受到国际泳联的警告后,甚至表示不服,将抗议泳联警告。

相比之下,其队友凯尔·查默斯(Kyle Chalmers)在比赛后,主动和孙杨握手,并表示“霍顿的行为是他自己的决定”("It's Mack's decision to do that sort of stuff,")。


New photo adds stunning twist in Mack Horton-Sun Yang controversy

Yahoo Sport Australia

Kyle Chalmers has seemingly gone against the grain in shaking Sun Yang's hand at the world swimming championships.

After Mack Horton caused controversy by refusing to take the podium or shake the hand of Sun on Sunday, compatriot Mitch Larkin said Horton had the full support of the entire Aussie team.

go against the grain

表示“不正常,违反常理;与…格格不入”,英文解释为“If something goes against the grain, you would not usually do it because it would be unusual.”举个🌰:

These days it goes against the grain to show too much respect for authority.



Mitchell James Larkin (born 9 July 1993) is an Australian competitive swimmer who specialises in backstroke events. He competed for Australia at the 2012 Summer Olympics and the 2016 Summer Olympics.


I think 100 per cent of the Aussie athletes certainly back Mack up and I was saying before that while he was standing alone on the podium last night, he's not standing alone in spirit,” Larkin said.

Ninety nine per cent of the athletes here support what he does.”

We are all fighting for a clean sport and you have to trust that the performance that you do and the training that you do is enough to get you across the line.

However it appears as though Chalmers might be in the one per cent.

After competing alongside Sun in the semi-finals of the 200m freestyle on Monday, Chalmers reached over the lane rope and shook the controversial Chinese star's hand.

It's Mack's decision to do that sort of stuff," Chalmers said afterwards, according to Wide World of Sports.”

At the end of the day, Sun is here, Sun is racing and we just have to do what we can to swim our best races.

I'm not worried about my competitors, I'm worried about my own race and learning how to swim the 200m.

Mack has done a few of those things now and he strongly believes in that, and that's totally fine.”

FINA takes action against Horton

Swimming Australia and Horton will receive an official warning letter from FINA, the governing body releasing a statement on Monday night condemning Horton's actions.

"The FINA executive met today in Gwangju to analyse the situation related with the men's 400m free victory ceremony and has decided to send a warning letter to Swimming Australia and to Mack Horton," the statement said.


"While FINA respects the principle of freedom of speech, it has to be conducted in the right context. As in all major sports organisations, our athletes and their entourages are aware of their responsibilities to respect FINA regulations and not use FINA events to make personal statements or gestures."


"The matter over which Mack Horton was allegedly protesting is currently under review by CAS and therefore it is not appropriate for FINA to prejudice this hearing by commenting further."


Horton snubbed Sun, who served a 2014 doping ban, after the triple Olympic champion was allowed to compete ahead of a Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) hearing in September that may end the Chinese star's career.


snub /snʌb/ 表示“冷落,怠慢,对…不予理睬”,英文解释为“to treat someone rudely, especially by ignoring them when you meet”,如:the boys who had snubbed her in high school 在中学里曾经冷落她的那些男孩。


表示“审讯;聆讯;听证会”,英文解释为“a meeting of a court or special committee to find out the facts about a case”,如:a court hearing 庭审。

The 10-time world champion has been accused of smashing vials of his blood with a hammer during a clash last year with testers and faces a lifetime ban if found guilty.

Athletes village ‘erupted’ after Horton protest

Horton's actions polarised the public but American breaststroke champion Lilly King revealed the Australian received a standing ovation at the athletes' village for refusing to acknowledge Sun on Sunday night.


表示“使两级分化;两级分化”,英文解释为“If something polarizes people or if something polarizes, two separate groups are formed with opposite opinions or positions.”举个🌰:

As the car rental industry polarizes, business will go to the bigger companies.



表示“蛙泳”,英文解释为“Breaststroke is a swimming stroke that you do lying on your front, moving your arms and legs horizontally in a circular motion.”


Lilly King (born February 10, 1997) is an American swimmer. At the 2016 Summer Olympics she won the gold medal in the 100 meter breaststroke competition and also won a gold medal in the women's 4 × 100 m medley relay, in which she swam the breaststroke leg. She is the current world record holder in 100-metre and 50-metre breaststroke (long course).


standing ovation

表示“起立鼓掌”,英文解释为“If a speaker or performer gets a standing ovation when they have finished speaking or performing, the audience stands up to clap in order to show its admiration or support.”

Yesterday, Horton's father Andrew told 3AW Breakfast the protest was “respectful” and for the good of the sport.

Mack, like so many in the sport, would just like consistency in the approach to the testing regime,” he told 3AW Breakfast.

I think he was frustrated and disappointed, as so many of the athletes are, that this issue has tagged along into world championships.

Mr Horton said his son's stance had “absolutely” caused consternation in China “but I think it's really important that we’re very much on the record that this is all to do about the process of swimming and ensuring there's a fair process of swimming”.


consternation /ˌkɒnstəˈneɪʃən/表示“惊愕;震惊;惊惶失措”,英文解释为“a feeling of worry, shock, or fear”举个🌰:

His decision caused consternation in the art photography community.


“It's not a commentary about China, we have huge respect for China. This is about ensuring that there are systems and processes in the sport that keep the sport clean.”


表示“评论;批评;议论”,英文解释为“Commentary is discussion or criticism of something.”举个🌰:

The show mixed comedy with social commentary.


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