

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

昨天,荷兰弟恋爱的消息曝出后,很快便有人扒出了荷兰弟女友的身份,名叫Olivia Bolton,两人小时候的照片甚至都被找了出来。据了解,两人似乎是青梅竹马,从小一起长大玩耍?截至目前,荷兰弟方面没有作出回应。


Who's Tom Holland's Alleged Girlfriend, Olivia Bolton?

Only a few days after denying he's dating his Spiderman co-star, Zendaya, Tom Holland has been spotted cosying up to a mystery blonde woman. The Paparazzi snapped Holland in London holding hands with an unknown woman. The Internet obviously blew up with curiosity about Tom Holland's girlfriend who is not Zendaya. Some sleuths identify the mystery woman as one Olivia Bolton. Who is the Spiderman: Far From Home star's alleged girlfriend? Here's what you need to know.

cosy up (to) sb.

表示“亲近某人;讨好某人;与…交好”,英文解释为“to seek to become intimate or to ingratiate oneself (with someone)”举个🌰:

Opponents say he has a record of cosying up to polluters and accepting their campaign donations.



昨天出现过了,表示“金发女子,浅色头发的女人”,英文解释为“a woman with pale or yellow-coloured hair”,如:a beautiful blonde 金发美女。

补充:brunette /bruːˈnɛt/ a woman with dark brown hair 深褐色头发的女子。


paparazzi /ˌpæpəˈrætsɪ/表示“追逐名人的摄影记者,狗仔队”,英文解释为“photographers who follow famous people in order to take photographs they can sell to newspapers”。


sleuth /sluːθ/ 表示“侦探”,英文解释为“someone who tries to find out information about a crime”,如:an amateur sleuth 业余侦探。


· detective:a person, especially a police officer, whose job is to examine crimes and catch criminals 侦探;警探

Less than a month after breakup TomDaya (That's Tom-Zendaya, ICYMI) shippers' hearts, Holland was seen around London's Hyde Park with a woman identified as Olivia Bolton.


ICYMI是In case you miss it的缩写(written abbreviation)used on social media when posting something that is not new.


本义是指“船运公司,航运商;托运人,发货人”,英文解释为“a company that sends goods to places by ship;a person or company that arranges for goods to be sent from one place to another, especially by ship”

这里的shipper为网络用语,可以理解为我们常说的CP粉,有一种说法是由relationship引申而来的。A slang word derived from 'relationships' that generally means people who support certain relationships in fanfiction. It is a common joke to say that you "sail" on a certain ship. Most commonly identified with the Harry Potter fandom.


The term "shipper" comes from supporting a ship. To ship something means a person wants two characters to get together and/or shows support for two characters already together. The term "ship" came from the X-Files fandom, when fanfics were written about Mulder and Scully. The fans then called themselves shippers. It quickly spread and is now the title a person gives themself if they believe two charcters should or will be together (The characters can be from anything: Books, Movies, Television, Video Games, and even Actors/Actresses).

It is not limited to the couple actually happening, a person can ship something just because they enjoy the possibility of them getting together or even just because they think they would look good together.

They reportedly attended The Black Eyed Peas concert together that weekend. During a break from the concert, they were photographed getting snacks and looked quite close to each other.

Not only was the pair holding hands on occasion, Miss Bolton just went for it and touched Holland's butt.


表示“屁股”,英文解释为“the part of your body that you sit on”,如:a baby's soft little butt 宝宝软软的小屁股。



本义为“赃物;战利品”,英文解释为“valuable things that a group of people, especially an army that has just won a victory, take away from somewhere”,此处有“屁股”的含义。

After these photographs hit the cyberspace, people wondered if they are a couple. The Internet reacted in various ways – some were happy for Tom, some still want him to be with Zendaya. But who exactly is this woman and what's her relationship with Tom Holland.

◉ Who Is Olivia Bolton?

So far, the only thing known about Olivia Bolton, besides her name is that she has a sister, Grace. Grace Bolton is a student at Cardiff University in the UK.

Olivia apparently had two Instagram accounts and Grace has an Instagram too. Both their pages are followed by Tom and his brothers, Sam and Harry.

Since the sudden interest in Olivia and her family, she has become the target of nosy Internet bodies. She has since deleted one of her Instagram pages and switched the other to private.


表示“好管闲事的,爱打听别人事情的”,英文解释为“always wanting to find out things that do not concern you, especially other people’s private affairs”举个🌰:

Don’t be so nosy!


Grace also turned her Instagram private. Both sisters are also blocking accounts who are trying to dig up more information on them.

Additionally, some outlets have incorrectly identified Tom Holland's alleged girlfriend with another Olivia Bolton. This other Olivia is a Marketing and Communications Coordinator based in Wisconsin, already in a long-term relationship and has no connection with Holland.

◉ Bolton and Holland Have Known Each Other Since They Were Kids

Some Internet sleuths have discovered an old photograph of Tom Holland with his brothers and other kids. And Olivia Bolton is one of the kids in the photo.

The photograph indicates that Bolton has known the Holland brothers for years. In fact, a glance at Grace Bolton's Facebook activity indicates that the Boltons and Hollands go way back.

go way back

表示“老交情;很有交情;相识已久,关系好”,英文解释为“to have known each other for a long time”。


go back a long way表示“相识很久,是老相识”(If people go back a long way, they have known each other for a long time.)

Those who have seen this childhood photo of Tom and Olivia wonder if they are childhood friends-turned-sweethearts.


表示“情人,恋人”,英文解释为“Your sweetheart is your boyfriend or your girlfriend.”举个🌰:

I married Jane, my childhood sweetheart.


childhood sweetheart/childhood crush


crush 熟词僻义:可以指“(尤指对年龄比自己大且并不熟识者的)迷恋,痴情”,英文解释为“a strong feeling of romantic love for someone, especially one that a young person has for someone older who they do not know well”,举个🌰:

She had a huge crush on her geography teacher.


crush也可以表示“(不大熟识的)热恋的对象,痴情的对象”,英文解释为“someone who you have a feeling of romantic love for, but who you do not know well”,如:a first date with your crush 和你心仪的人的初次约会。



But a good few think this might possibly be a family photo. There's speculation that Bolton might be a cousin or another relative of the Holland brothers.


表示“猜测,推测”,英文解释为“when you guess about the possible causes or effects of something without knowing all the facts, or the guesses that you make”举个🌰:

The witness's statement was pure speculation (= not based on any facts ).


Whatever the case, Olivia is facing unnecessary harassment online for allegedly dating Tom Holland. That’s why more sensible fans of Holland have urged others to be considerate about Olivia by not infringing on her privacy and wait till Holland himself comments on the matter.

- END -

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