
杭州失联女童 被带走的这些天发生了什么?

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26


Missing girl's citizen card found as police still search

A notice issued by police in Hangzhou on Wednesday said Zhang had been taken by a 43-year-old man, surnamed Liang, and a 46-year-old woman, surnamed Xie.

“The girl is about 1.3 metres (4ft 2in) tall, a bit rounded, has long hair in a ponytail and red-framed glasses,” the notice said. “According to a surveillance camera, Zhang was last seen with Liang and Xie on July 7 in front of the Golden Coast Hotel in Xiangshan township, Ningbo. She was wearing a white top and green skirt, grey sandals and has not been seen since.”


表示“马尾辫”,英文解释为“hair tied together at the back of your head and falling like a horse’s tail”。


表示“上衣,上装”,英文解释为“a piece of clothing that you wear on the upper part of your body”举个🌰:

She was wearing a stripy knitted top.



表示“凉鞋”,英文解释为“Sandals are light shoes that you wear in warm weather, which have straps instead of a solid part over the top of your foot.”如:a pair of old sandals.

The citizen card of a missing girl taken away by two tenants in her home at Hangzhou was found along the Xiangshan coastline in Ningbo by search and rescue staff on Wednesday night, Qianjiang Evening News reported.


tenant /ˈtɛnənt/ 表示“房客,租户”,英文解释为“someone who lives in a house, room etc and pays rent to the person who owns it”举个🌰:

The desk was left by the previous tenant.


· 相关词汇 landlord:a person or company from whom you rent a room, a house, an office, etc. 业主;地主;房东。

Hundreds of people including Xiangshan police and civilian rescue teams have taken part in the search on the sea and nearby mountains. The search scope has been narrowed to 2 kilometers along the coastline.


作动词,表示“ (使)范围、差距等缩小”,英文解释为“if a range, difference etc narrows, or if something narrows it, it becomes less”举个🌰:

The choice of goods available is narrowing.


· 反义词 widen:to become larger in degree or range, or to make something do this (使)程度增加;范围扩大。

The 9-year-old girl, Zhang Zixin, had lived with her grandparents in Qingxi village in Chun'an county of East China's Zhejiang province. The two tenants, surnamed Liang and Xie, took the girl away on the morning of July 4, saying they would attend a wedding ceremony in Shanghai. On July 7, they didn't return home as promised and lost contact with the family. On July 8, the couple committed suicide in Ningbo, a city in Zhejiang. The girl was nowhere to be found.

As more details of the case were dug out by domestic media, people found it hard to understand the motive of the tenants.

They arrived in Qingxi village from South China's Guangdong province in the middle of June and stayed in a 7 Days Inn for half a month.

7 Days Inn

7 Days Inn  7天连锁酒店

inn这个词常用于某些酒馆、酒店的名称中(a word used in the names of some pubs and hotels),可以指“小旅馆,小酒馆”,英文解释为“a small hotel or pub, especially an old one in the countryside”举个🌰:

We’re staying at the Holiday Inn.


Starting from June 29, they rented a room at the girl's grandparents' house. They acted politely and nicely, usually inviting the whole family to have dinner together and bought snacks and toys for the girl.

Later, they said they would go to Shanghai to attend their friend's wedding and wanted to invite the girl to be the flower girl and tour the city with them.


tour本身可以作动词,表示“旅游,游历,观光”,英文解释为“to visit several parts of a country or area”举个🌰:

We’re touring the West Lake this summer.


The girl's father, who works in North China's Tianjin, didn't agree when the grandparents asked for his opinion. The girl and the two tenants persuaded the grandmother and got the nod.

give sb the nod/get the nod from sb

表示“同意某人/得到某人的许可”,英文解释为“to give or be given permission to do something”举个🌰:

We’re waiting for the boss to give us the nod on this one.


They left on July 4 and promised to return on July 5. On July 5, they told the grandfather they couldn't get train tickets back. On July 6, they told the grandmother that they still couldn't get train tickets. On July 7, the grandfather warned that they would contact the police if they didn't come back. Their mobile phone was powered off and the grandparents lost contact with them on July 7.

The girl's father contacted Liang on July 4 upon learning that the grandparents had let the girl go. Liang sent him photos and videos of the girl. He also saw the girl's photos on Liang's WeChat Moments. He got suspicious when he found Liang deleting his WeChat Moments. When he asked Liang where they were, Liang first said Xiamen, then Ningbo, then Wenzhou.

The girl told his father that they were in Xiangshan at noon on July 7 when they talked by mobile phone. The father said her emotional state was stable.

At 6 pm on July 7, Liang said his charger was broken and the mobile phone was going to power off. The father proposed that he would pick the girl up by car but was rejected. He asked Liang to take a taxi back and he would pay for it. Liang accepted and then his mobile phone powered off and they lost contact.


表示“充电器,充电机”,英文解释为“a device that is used to recharge a battery (= fill it with electricity), for example in a mobile phone”。

The girl's father said they didn't ask him for money when he urged them to bring the girl back.

On July 8, the family reported the case to the police.

Surveillance video shows that the girl appeared at a hotel door in a scenic spot in Xiangshan county in Ningbo at 5:25 pm on July 7. The two tenants and the girl appeared on a road in Xiangshan county at 7:18 pm. At 10:20 pm, the two tenants appeared on surveillance video without the girl. At 11:01 pm, they took a taxi and left.

In the early morning of July 8, the corpses of the two tenants were found at Dongqian Lake in Ningbo. The two were tied together by clothes, according to Metropolitan Express.


表示“(人的)尸体”,英文解释为“the dead body of a person”举个🌰:

The corpse was found by children playing in the woods.


The Beijing News contacted the taxi driver. The driver said they got off at a crossroad near Dongqian Lake scenic spot. During the one-hour ride, they didn't speak to each other.

Liang, a Guangdong native, had left his hometown for 15 or 16 years. His relatives didn't know what he had been doing for these years. He had a boy and a girl with his ex-wife. The children hadn't seen their father for 10 years.

Xie, a Guangdong native, had borrowed a lot of money from her siblings previously and lost contact with them since then, according to Beijing Youth Daily.

来源:China Daily & SCMP

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