
宝马继承人诉苦生活不易 网友:咱们换换吧

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

近日,宝马汽车集团继承人苏珊娜·克拉腾(Susanne Klatten)与斯特芬·科万特(Stefan Quandt)姐弟在接受采访时表示,虽然他们继承了巨额财富,但是生活并不容易,还要遭受嫉妒......

BMW Billionaire Heirs Say Their Lives Are Harder Than You Think


Dealing with the responsibility and jealousy from inheriting wealth is a misunderstood burden, according to Susanne Klatten and Stefan Quandt, the billionaire siblings who together own almost half of BMW AG.


表示“妒忌,嫉妒”,英文解释为“a feeling of being jealous”,如:feelings of professional jealousy 职业上的嫉妒感。


表示“兄弟姐妹”,英文解释为“Your siblings are your brothers and sisters.”举个🌰:

His siblings are in their twenties. 



巴伐利亚发动机制造厂股份有限公司(德语:Bayerische Motoren Werke AG,英语:Bavarian Motor Works,在英语系国家经常被昵称为Bimmer,在国内通常称为宝马或者BMW)是德国一家跨国豪华汽车、摩托车和发动机制造商,总部位于德国巴伐利亚州的慕尼黑。

“Many believe that we are permanently sitting around on a yacht in the Mediterranean,” Klatten told Manager Magazin in a rare interview with her younger brother published Thursday. “The role as a guardian of wealth also has personal sides that aren’t so nice.”

sit around

表示“闲坐,无所事事地坐着”,英文解释为“to spend a lot of time sitting and doing nothing very useful”举个🌰:

We sat around for a bit, chatting.



表示“(用于游玩或运动,尤指可以住宿的)大游艇,大型帆船”,英文解释为“a large boat with a sail, used for pleasure or sport, especially one that has a place where you can sleep”。

Klatten -- whose father Herbert Quandt helped rescue BMW in the late 1950s -- is Germany’s second-richest person with a fortune valued at $18.6 billion, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index. She has also built up holdings in chemicals company Altana AG and carbon producer SGL Carbon SE.

Bloomberg Billionaires Index


表示“财产(尤指地产或公司的股份)”,英文解释为“something which a person owns, especially land or shares in a company”举个🌰:

The government has decided to sell its 21% holding in the firm.



你有没有发现宝马公司的名字BMW AG,这一段提到的Altana AG,德国著名化学及制药公司,也有一个AG,AG是什么意思呢?AG是德语Aktiengesellschaft的缩写,表示“股份公司”,类似于英文中常见的Co., Ltd.

AG is an abbreviation of Aktiengesellschaft, which is a German term for a public limited company. This type of company shares are offered to the general public and traded on a public stock exchange. Shareholders' liability is limited to their investment. The shareholders are not responsible for the company's debts, and their assets are protected in case the company becomes insolvent.

后面还有个SGL Carbon SE(西格里集团)末尾的SE又是什么意思呢?

欧洲股份公司(Societas Europaea, 原意为“欧洲公司”, 缩写为SE)是2004年底欧盟建立的一种在各成员国内统一适用的公司形式。A societas Europaea is a public company registered in accordance with the corporate law of the European Union (EU), introduced in 2004 with the Council Regulation on the Statute for a European Company.

Quandt, who owns stakes in logistics company Logwin and homeopathic medicine company Heel, has a net worth of $15.5 billion. Both he and his sister have seats on BMW’s supervisory board.


表示“股份,股本”,英文解释为“if you have a stake in a business, you have invested money in it”举个🌰:

He holds a 20% stake in the firm.



表示“顺势疗法的”,英文解释为“Homeopathic means relating to or used in homeopathy.”如:homeopathic remedies 顺势疗法的治疗。

补充:Homeopathy is a way of treating an illness in which the patient is given very small amounts of a drug that produces signs of the illness in healthy people. 顺势疗法

“For both of us, it’s certainly not the money that drives us,” said Quandt. “Above all, it is the responsibility of securing jobs in Germany.”

The two heirs say they’re comfortable with their roles, but initially struggled with taking on high-level positions at young ages. Quandt, who was 30 when he was given his first board seat, said he might have wanted to work a few years as a “simple” product manager somewhere or study architecture.

“My starting point was never: So, now I come and show everyone how it’s done,” said Quandt, who questions the rationale of inheritance tax. “Instead, it was a constant questioning, associated with self-doubt.”

inheritance tax

表示“遗产税”,英文解释为“An inheritance tax is a tax paid on the money and property of someone who has died.”

Klatten, who gained notoriety in 1978 when police foiled a plot to kidnap her and her mother Johanna, said that wealth redistribution doesn’t work and that a fair society allows people to pursue opportunities according to their abilities.


表示“臭名昭著,声名狼藉”,英文解释为“the state of being famous or well-known for something that is bad or that people do not approve of ”举个🌰:

· of notoriety

He is already a writer of some notoriety.


· gain/win/achieve notoriety (for sth)

The local church has gained notoriety for being different.



表示“挫败”,英文解释为“If you foil someone's plan or attempt to do something, for example, to commit a crime, you succeed in stopping them from doing what they want.”举个🌰:

A brave police chief foiled an armed robbery by grabbing the raider's shotgun. 


“Our potential stems from the role of being an heir and developing that,” she said. “We work hard on that every day.”

BMW:The Dark Story of a German Dynasty

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