
「故事·听力」My Mom Tried To Steal My Crush

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

My Mom Tried To Steal My Crush

Hi everybody! Just look at this pretty girl with chestnut hair. It’s me! My name is Vanessa and I am sixteen years old. And see this woman close to me? This is Lucinda and she just turned sixty not very long ago. Lucinda is my mother. She asked me from my early childhood to call her by her name. But this is not the strangest thing about my mother. Can you imagine that Lucinda stole my first boyfriend? Yep, this is true! And you know, I think that Lucinda wants to steal my entire life. And I am really scared!

When I was a little girl it was like my mother was a spider and I was living in her cocoon: I did not have any close friends because she wouldn’t let me communicate with my classmates outside of school hours. Lucinda thought that by doing this, her daughter was wasting her time. So instead of going to my classmate’s birthday party I had to attend something that would develop my intellect – like a musical, for example. Together with my Mom. It was SO BORING!

Since I was deprived of a normal social life, I shared my thoughts with my diary. Yes, this was a little old-fashioned, but I had a plain paper diary that I liked to write and draw in. Alas, it did not exist for long. Lucinda did not even try to cover up the fact that she had found it and was reading it on a regular basis. She started to tell me, a little bit matter-of-factly, that I was wrong in my conclusions about life. The ones I had described in the diary.

With a mother like this, of course, I could not help but try to guess where my father was? But I knew NOTHING about my father. Lucinda had banned all questions about him, as well as even mentioning that I had a father. And when I tried to look into our family archives... you know, old paper letters and pictures and other stuff that I had managed to find in some boxes stored upstairs in the loft, Lucinda told me that all these efforts were worthless and that I would never find out anything. But everybody has a father! I'm almost 100% sure that Lucinda was not capable of immaculate conception. But I guess she could've simply used an anonymous donor.

The problem is not that she's OLD! You see, in terms of age, Lucinda is a very progressive and modern woman. She has an active lifestyle, she follows all the new technologies, and she has no problem using them. She also spends a lot of time taking care of herself and she's good at it – at the age of sixty, she wears the same size clothing as I do! I HATE it! Not that we wear the same size clothing, but rather the fact that because of it Lucinda “borrows” my clothes. Well, not that her own clothing suits her age either... Ugh, I swear!

I don’t understand the desire to put on a pair of jeans that belong to your sixteen-year old daughter. As opposed to the desire to stay fit… Before it becomes excessive, as it happens with Lucinda. Yoga, regular visits to the gym, strict and only healthy meals, no sugar, no alcohol, no smoking. Of course it all worked and Lucinda looked as if she has found a fountain of eternal youth in her backyard. And for some reason, I had to live the same way as she did! But I have nothing against a pack of spicy potato chips and I wish I had a little bit less exercise in my life. But Lucinda says that doing these things is "good for me.

As a general rule, Lucinda does a lo-о-о-оt of things that are supposed to be "good for me." For example, for almost my entire life I was not allowed to use any social network. I felt like a real black sheep with my friends – they all had their profiles on the internet, they would hang out… without me. Only last year Lucinda agreed that I could have an Instagram… but only under the condition that we would share it and that she would have the password for my account. I had to accept it. It was either this way or an Instagram free life until I turned eighteen.

But you know, I wish I had never agreed to this. In the beginning, everything was fine. Lucinda and I took turns posting our pictures and sometimes we posted pictures of us together. But soon Lucinda took the full lead and in no time our Instagram page looked as if it were just her, everywhere. Lucinda looked good, but she also knows how to use Photoshop, so… My followers liked her pictures even more than they liked mine! They chatted online with my eccentric mother, they liked and shared her posts... and… they totally forgot that I was there too, that I even existed!

I got super mad, I felt that Lucinda had gotten me to a point where I was trying to keep her at a distance – on the internet! I could not stop thinking that my mother was getting pleasure from everything that was happening on my account!







