

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26




Laughter Ups Pain Tolerance, Study Says


We all know how good it feels to have a hearty laugh, and now a new study suggests that a guffaw can also reduce the feeling of pain.

University of Oxford researchers found that a good laugh is linked with feeling less pain, and it's likely because laughing spurs the body to release feel-good chemicals called endorphins, which can also act as painkillers.


guffaw /ɡə'fɔː ;gəˋfɔ / 可以作动词也可以作名词,表示“大笑”,英文解释为“A guffaw is a very loud laugh.”举个🌰:

He bursts into a loud guffaw.



表示“促进,刺激”,英文解释为“to make an improvement or change happen faster”举个🌰:

Lower taxes would spur investment and help economic growth. 降低税率将刺激投资,有助于经济增长。


endorphin /ɛnˈdɔːfɪn/ 表示“内啡肽(一种体内生成的化学物质,能止痛并让人产生快感)”,英文解释为“a chemical produced by your body that reduces pain and can make you feel happier ”。


表示“止痛药,袪痛药”,英文解释为“a medicine which reduces or removes pain”。

"The causal sequence is laughter triggers endorphin activation," study researcher Dr. Robin Dunbar, of Oxford, told The New York Times.

Scientists conducted several experiments to come to their conclusion, with the number of study participants ranging from 16 to 62.

For one of the experiments, researchers first tested the amount of pain the volunteers could withstand with a blood pressure cuff or frozen wine sleeve, and then split them up into two groups.

blood pressure cuff

表示“血压袖带”,英文解释为“A blood pressure cuff is a medical device consisting of a piece of rubber or similar material that is wrapped around a patient's arm and then inflated in order to measure their blood pressure.”


表示“袖子”,英文解释为“The sleeves of a coat, shirt, or other item of clothing are the parts that cover your arms.”举个🌰:

His sleeves were rolled up to his elbows.


那么,wine sleeve是什么东西?

One group watched 15 minutes of comedy videos, and the other group watched 15 minutes of boring videos (researchers used golfing videos, for example), BBC News reported.

After watching the videos, the researchers found that the people who belly laughed at the videos were able to stand 10 percent more pain than before they watched the videos, BBC News reported.

And the people who watched the "boring" videos were less able to withstand pain than the people who watched the funny videos.

belly laugh

常用作名词短语,此处laugh用作动词,含义相同。表示“捧腹大笑”,英文解释为“a loud, uncontrolled laugh”举个🌰:

I've never heard Tom laugh like that - it was a real belly laugh.


The new research was published in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B. This isn't the first study to show that comedy can help people tolerate pain.

In a 2007 study in the journal Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, University of California, Los Angeles researchers also showed that funny videos helped kids tolerate pain for longer.

Laughter's also been shown in past research to boost heart health by lowering blood pressure just as well as cutting salt. One study even showed that laughter could cause the linings of people's blood vessels to expand as much as aerobic exercise or using statins.


表示“(胃等器官内部的)保护层”,英文解释为“The lining of your stomach or other organ is a layer of tissue on the inside of it.”如:a bacterium that attacks the lining of the stomach 一种侵袭胃粘膜的细菌。


表示“抑制素(可降低血液中的胆固醇含量)”,英文解释为“a drug that reduces the level of cholesterol (= a substance containing fat in your blood that can cause heart disease) ”

blood vessel 血管

aerobic exercise 有氧运动

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