
「故事·听力」I Fell In Love With Twins

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

I Fell In Love With Twins

Hey everyone! My name’s Janise. You know, I’ve recently had a chance to start my life over again, and it has become the weirdest period of my life so far, but I regret nothing. Well, almost nothing.

My family had to move to another town because of my dad’s new job and I, accordingly, switched to another totally unfamiliar school. I was pretty sure that I’d have some trouble blending in and it made me really nervous. On my first day there I was so distracted and lost that didn’t even see a guy standing right in front of me. So I kinda ran smack into him and fell to the ground. This made everybody around start laughing and giggling, and I felt, like, totally embarrassed. He helped me to stand up and made a joke that this was the weirdest way a girl has ever tried to find out what his name was. I cracked a half smile and got out of there as fast as I could, feeling how my face was already starting to turn bright red. But I heard him shouting his name – it was J.J. – and I found myself realizing just how handsome he was.

Later that day when I was already in the school cafeteria I saw him again. But this time he wasn’t surrounded by a bunch of other people. It was the opposite actually, he was sitting alone at a lunch table reading something. I decided to go up to him and get acquainted, since, so far, he was the only person at this new place that I'd talked to. But when I actually got up closer to him and asked whether the seat next to him was taken or not, he looked at me as if we’d never met before. I felt offended inside, I mean, I know that I was new to that school but was I really that invisible!? I said that I was sorry for not telling him my name earlier, but it was Janise, by the way. And he said, “Good for you,” still keeping his eyes glued to the book. His manners in that moment had me really confused. I couldn’t figure out what else I should say or whether I should've said anything at all. So I just grabbed my tray and walked away, feeling sort of mad and a little humiliated. Who was he to talk to me like that? Strangely enough, I couldn’t stop thinking about him for the rest of the day. 

The next couple of days at school were pretty intense and I hadn’t seen J.J. at all. But I had started to chat with some other girls from my class and it was starting to look almost like the beginning of a friendship, I thought. Then, on Thursday when these girls and I were having lunch, I saw him again. He was probably saying something funny, because everybody around us was in tears laughing. Maybe he was really strange, I thought, acting like a clown and then like a distant mysterious guy at the same time. Was it a bipolar disorder or something? Anyway, he still looked very attractive to me.

Later that day when I had already packed up to go home, I heard a car horn and somebody shouting. I turned around and saw J.J. He drove up to me and said he insisted on driving me home. I hesitated for a couple of seconds, but when I saw his smile I just gave up. He talked the entire way, telling me some school related stories about the other students and teachers and staff. I decided not to say anything about his strange behavior in the cafeteria a few days earlier. You know, everything already seemed to be perfect and I felt like I was falling for him.

The next day it was Friday and I was really looking forward to seeing J.J. at school again, but unfortunately it was another busy day so I just couldn’t pause long enough to make it happen. But a big rugby game was scheduled for that evening after classes, and the girls and I decided to go and see it. Actually, the whole school was going because our team was playing against their biggest rival, as they told me. So I thought he’d also definitely be there. When everything had already started, I finally saw him a few rows higher, but when I was about to wave at him I saw a girl next to him. And suddenly she hugged him. I was devastated. I mean, why would he drive me home the day before if he already had a girlfriend? If he was a womanizer, for sure I was not OK with that. 






