
德云社演员众筹百万引质疑 善意很贵求别浪费

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26


Crowdfunding site Shuidichou criticized for celebrity's donation campaign

明星众筹事件 水滴筹饱受大众批评

A crowdfunding company that focuses on donations for low-income patients seeking medical treatment is facing scrutiny from netizens after hosting a crowdfunding campaign for Wu Shuai, a popular crosstalk performer more commonly known by his stage name, Wu Hechen.


A crowdfunding company


a popular crosstalk performer


Zhang Hongyi, Wu's wife, launched a crowdfunding campaign on Shuidichou on May 1 after Wu suffered a brain hemorrhage in April. The fundraising goal was RMB 1 million ($148,000) to fund his medical treatments and recovery.

hemorrhage /'hemərɪdʒ/


1)表示“严重内出血”,英文解释为“A haemorrhage is serious bleeding inside a person's body.”举个🌰:

Shortly after his admission into the hospital he had a massive brain haemorrhage and died.


2)表示“(资金、人的)大量流失”,英文解释为“when a company or country loses a lot of money or people very quickly”,如:a haemorrhage of jobs from the region 这个地区工作岗位的大量流失。

Wu is a performer with Deyun She, a well-known school and performance group for Chinese crosstalk performance, known as xiangsheng, which are generally comedic acts involving monologue or a dialogue between two performers.


“德云社”——Deyun She, a well-known school and performance group for Chinese crosstalk performance

“相声”——Chinese crosstalk performance, which are generally comedic acts involving monologue or a dialogue between two performers.


除了表示“独白;独角戏”,该词还可以表示“长篇大论”,英文解释为“If you refer to a long speech by one person during a conversation as a monologue, you mean it prevents other people from talking or expressing their opinions. ”举个🌰:

He ignored the question and continued his monologue. 


While some netizens sympathized with Wu, more expressed doubt about how the crosstalk celebrity, who is likely to have substantial assets of his own, could qualify for charitable donations on Shuidichou.

sympathize with

1)表示“同情”,英文解释为“If you sympathize with someone who is in a bad situation, you show that you are sorry for them.”举个🌰:

I must tell you how much I sympathize with you for your loss, Professor. 


2)表示“理解”,英文解释为“If you sympathize with someone's feelings, you understand them and are not critical of them.”举个🌰:

Some Europeans sympathize with the Americans over the issue. 


3)表示“支持”,英文解释为“If you sympathize with a proposal or action, you approve of it and are willing to support it.”举个🌰:

He has never really sympathized with the aims of Animal Rights activists.


It was discovered that Wu is covered by medical insurance and is in possession of two properties and one car. Zhang responded to local media that the two properties are public-assistance apartments that Wu's grandparents and parents are renting.


此处表示“房地产,房产”,英文解释为“A property is a building and the land belonging to it.”举个🌰:

He inherited a family property near Hangzhou. 


In addition, they can't cash in on the car, valued at RMB 130,000, because it's critical for the transportation between the hospital and their home during Wu's recovery.

cash in on

表示“从…中牟利”,英文解释为“If you say that someone cashes in on a situation, you are criticizing them for using it to gain an advantage, often in an unfair or dishonest way.”举个🌰:

Residents said local gang leaders had cashed in on the violence to seize valuable land. 



Following the public outcry, the platform suspended the campaign on May 3. A total of RMB 147,959 was raised from 5,269 donors.
Verifying a family's finances and assets such as cars and real estate is difficult, Shuidichou said in a public letter.

“We ask the candidates to reveal their health condition, spending, and economic standing (mainly property and cars), medical insurance and commercial insurance to the fullest extent,” said the company, adding that Wu's family hadn't yet claimed the funds.



economic standing


medical insurance


commercial insurance



作名词,表示“地位;身份;声望”,英文解释为“someone’s rank or position in a system, organization, society etc, based on what other people think of them”,如:a lawyer of high standing 名望很高的律师。


表示“索取”,英文解释为“If you claim something, you try to get it because you think you have a right to it.”举个🌰:

Now they are returning to claim what was theirs. 



“Why didn't you mention the apartment that is worth RMB 6 million?” one netizen posted on the crowdfunding site, which only identifies users by a portion of their mobile numbers.
State-owned media weighed in on the issue. “The event sounds the alarm for the charity crowdfunding platforms. It's critical to protect public goodwill from misuse. Generosity to strangers is valuable and we should take good care of it,” an editorial published in People's Daily said.


weigh in

表示“积极参与(辩论或讨论)”,英文解释为“to become involved in an argument or discussion in a forceful way”举个🌰:

Several leading architects weighed in with criticisms regarding the design of the new museum.


weigh on

表示“加重…的心理负担;使(某人)忧虑(烦恼)”,英文解释为“to make someone feel worried and upset”举个🌰:

I'm sure there's something weighing on his mind.


The burden of responsibility weighed heavily on his shoulders. 责任的担子重重地压在他肩上。

Founded in 2016 by Shen Peng, co-founder of Meituan Waimai, Shuidi runs Shuidichou and a medical insurance platform, Shuidibao. The company received $74 million in a Series B from Tencent in March.

Series B

Venture capital financing rounds typically have names relating to the class of stock being sold:

· Seed round where company insiders provide start-up capital

· Angel round where early outside investors buy common stock

· Series A, Series B, Series C, etc. Generally, the progression and price of stock at these rounds is an indication that a company is progressing as expected. Investors may become concerned when a company has raised too much money in too many rounds, considering it a sign of delayed progress.

The online charity has been gaining momentum in China in various forms in the form of online charity stores and donation platforms, among others.
Crowdfunding platforms, like Shuidi, Qingsongchou, and Kangai Gongshe have been founded to bridge the payment gap. However, the sector is facing roadblocks as more cases of abuse surface.


1)表示“(警方设置的)路障”,英文解释为“a place where the police are stopping traffic”举个🌰:

The police have set up roadblocks to try and catch the two men.


2)表示“障碍”,英文解释为“something that stops the progress of a plan”如:mental roadblocks that get in the way of success 妨碍成功的心理障碍。


表示“显现”,英文解释为“When something such as a piece of news, a feeling, or a problem surfaces, it becomes known or becomes obvious.”举个🌰:

The paper says the evidence, when it surfaces, is certain to cause uproar. 


In one widely publicized case, Luo Er, the father of a six-year-old girl who was diagnosed with leukemia, raised more than RMB 2.6 million on WeChat in 2016.

leukemia /lu'kimɪə/

表示“白血病”,英文解释为“a type of cancer of the blood, that causes weakness and sometimes death”。

It was later revealed that the family was quite well-off, was responsible for only a small portion of medical costs, and Luo’s friend was accused of taking advantage of public sympathy to promote his company.

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