

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

风景优美一定程度上能提升人的幸福感,这显然很直观。近日,研究者对此进行了深入的探究,发现                     。该研究发表在国际期刊Scientific Reports上。


Tracking the location and mood of 15,000 people, researchers found that scenic beauty was linked to happiness—including near urban sights like bridges and buildings. Christopher Intagliata reports.

Scenic City Sights Linked to Higher Happiness

One of the ugliest sights in Great Britain is a small power station outside Plymouth, England, its electrical lines and towers surrounded by a drab-colored fence.
I know this not because I've been there—but because a photo of it has scored a measly 1 out of 10 on an online game called Scenic or Not. The game has photos that are rated by viewers from all over the U.K. on their scenic beauty.


表示“(色彩)暗淡的,暗沉的”,英文解释为“not bright in colour, especially in a way that stops you from feeling cheerful”举个🌰:

The walls were painted a drab blue.



表示“(数目、数量或大小)微不足道的;少的可怜的”,英文解释为“If you describe an amount, quantity, or size as measly, you are critical of it because it is very small or inadequate.”

Scenic or Not


What is this site? It’s a game — pit your aesthetic judgements against other users, and discover the lovely and not so lovely corners of Great Britain.

其中pit ... against ...表示“使与…竞争,使相斗”,英文解释为“to test someone’s strength, ability, power etc in a competition or fight against someone or something else”举个🌰:

We’ll be pitting our team against the champions.


After a million and a half ratings of more than 200,000 photos, the site has classified more than 93 percent of Great Britain as scenic, or not, or somewhere in between.
And now, a study in the journal Scientific Reports has used that data to show that our happiness increases in line with the scenic beauty around us, which might sound kind of obvious.
"But what was I think surprising is we find that connection when they're in more built-up areas as well. So it's not just a natural area that might have an impact on happiness, but we might also feel happier in more beautiful areas in our cities."


表示“布满建筑物的,建筑物密集的,高楼林立的”,英文解释为“a built-up area has a lot of buildings and not many open spaces”。

Chanuki Seresinhe is a data scientist at the Warwick Business School and the Alan Turing Institute. Seresinhe and her team used data from the "Mappiness" iPhone app—which polled some 15,000 participants about their wellbeing a few times a day, over a three-year period.


表示“对…进行民意测验/调查”,英文解释为“to ask a lot of people the same questions in order to find out what they think about a subject”举个🌰:

20% of the women [we polled] said their husbands had a drinking problem.


The app also pulled GPS data, which allowed Seresinhe and her team to correlate happiness ratings with the Scenic-or-Not rating of where a participant happened to be.

pull & push

计算机相关用语。pull指的是“通过询问和搜索在互联网上找到信息,获取信息”,英文解释为“to get information from the internet, after asking or searching for it”举个🌰:


Companies should encourage customers to pull information from their website, thus putting the customer in control.

push表示“(互联网上)发送(信息)”,即推送,英文解释为“to send information over the internet without receiving a request for it first”。

The team found that as scenic beauty goes up, so does self-reported wellbeing. And that held true for areas featuring picturesque human-built structures, such as bridges and interesting architecture. 

hold true/hold good

表示“保持有效,仍是真的”,英文解释为“to continue to be true”举个🌰:

Their arguments were valid a hundred years ago and they still hold true today.



表示“(尤指某地)美丽的,古色古香的”,英文解释为“(especially of a place) attractive in appearance, especially in an old-fashioned way”如:the picturesque narrow streets of the old city 古城里如画的狭窄街道。

And though it's just a correlation for now, "I think what's interesting about this research is it shows that just a small injection of beauty into an area of a city can create happiness for possibly thousands of people that are being exposed to that."
Which could come in handy. Because the global population is forecast to grow to 11 billion by the end of the century—living mostly in cities. Which should be built to be as appealing as possible.

come in handy/useful

表示“有用,派上用场”,英文解释为“to be useful for a particular purpose”举个🌰:

Keep it, it might come in useful. 留着它,也许会有用。

The money will come in handy when I want to travel.


来源:Science American

[The above text is a transcript of this podcast.]

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