

LR君 LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

3月23日,苹果公司CEO蒂姆·库克(Tim Cook)出席2019年中国发展高层论坛(China Development Forum)并发表讲话。库克表示,非常感谢中国打开了大门,让我们成为其中的一份子。我们未来密不可分。

Apple's Tim Cook urges China to continue to open up its economy

Apple chief executive Tim Cook on Saturday urged China to keep opening up its economy as local rivals bit into the profits of the US tech giant.

bite into sth

表示“使…贬值,降低”,英文解释为“to reduce something valuable; to reduce the number or amount of something”举个🌰:

People are worried about inflation biting into their savings and investments.


"We have seen China continue to change and evolve, and we are grateful that you have opened your doors to us and allowed us to be a part of the community here. We encourage China to continue to open up," he said during a speech at the annual China Development Forum in Beijing on Saturday.



China Development Forum (CDF) is the first annual high-level international conference held in China right after the National People's Congress (NPC) and the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) each year.


Under the mandate,“Engaging with the world for the common prosperity”, it serves as an important platform for Chinese government to carry out candid exchanges and discussions with leaders of global businesses and international organizations as well as foreign and Chinese scholars.

"We see that as essential not only for China to reach its full potential, but also for the global economy to thrive."


表示“极其重要的;必不可少的”,英文解释为“extremely important and necessary”举个🌰:

Most authorities agree that play is an essential part of a child's development.


Apple in January revealed that it took a hit in the "Greater China" region, where revenue plunged almost 27 percent in the most recent quarter.

2019年1月份,苹果公司公布了2019财年第一财季业绩,大中华区(the "Greater China" region)营收为131.69亿美元,比去年同期的179.56亿美元下滑27%。


表示“骤降”,英文解释为“If an amount or rate plunges, it decreases quickly and suddenly.”举个🌰:

Her weight began to plunge.



· plummet表示“(价值或数量)骤然下降,暴跌”(to suddenly and quickly decrease in value or amount)举个🌰:

House prices have plummeted down.


The dip had been expected following the company's revenue warning in December, where Apple admitted that iPhone sales and overall earnings would be below most forecasts.


此处作名词,表示“(某物数量上略微的)减少,下降”,英文解释为“a slight decrease in the amount of something”,如:an unexpected dip in profits 出乎意料的利润下降。

作动词时,也可以表示“降低,减少”,英文解释为“if an amount or level dips, it becomes less, usually for just a short time”,举个🌰:

Profits dipped slightly last year.



· fall表示“(水平、数量、价格等,尤指较大幅度地)下跌,下降,降低”(to go down to a lower level, amount, price etc, especially a much lower one)

· slide表示“(价格等)下滑,下跌”(if prices, amounts, rates etc slide, they become lower)

· diminish表示“(使)减少,(使)减小”(to become or make something become smaller or less)

· dwindle表示“逐渐减少,缩小,变小”(to gradually become less and less or smaller and smaller)

· drop/ decrease/ reduce/ decline ...

Lower priced local rivals such as Huawei, Xiaomi and Oppo have also been nibbling at the California tech giant's market share in China.

nibble (away) at sth

表示“逐渐消耗,蚕食”,英文解释为“to slowly reduce something”举个🌰:

Inflation nibbles away at people's savings, reducing their value considerably over several years.


Most of Apple's flagship products are assembled in China, leaving the California tech giant acutely vulnerable to Trump's tariffs.


表示“组装,装配”,英文解释为“to put all the parts of something together”举个🌰:

The aircraft will continue to be assembled in France.


During his speech on Saturday, Cook called for partnerships based on "openness and trust" where world players can work together to solve some of the biggest problems facing the planet including poverty, inequality and climate change.

“我们强调伙伴关系的力量。相信开放和互信(openness and trust)是关键,这样才能产生思想和解决方案。”

He quoted a line that Chinese President Xi said in Seattle years ago: “The fire burns higher when everyone brings wood to it," and expressed his understanding. "Working together, we can make tremendous progress, working together, there is no limit to what we are gonna achieve," Cook said in the end.


库克在演讲的最后还引用了马丁·路德·金(Martin Luther King Jr.)说过的一句话:

“We are (caught in an inescapable network of mutuality,) tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly.”



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