

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

一向上不了头条的汪峰,近日和妻子章子怡一同登上了外媒BBC的「头条」。BBC在以题为“Crouching Tiger star's parents couldn't say partner's name”(《卧虎藏龙》影星的父母不愿提她丈夫的名字)的报道中,介绍了二人克服了父母反对等种种困难的爱情佳话。

Crouching Tiger star's parents couldn't say partner's name

A Chinese film star's revelation that her parents did not initially approve of her marriage to a divorced man with children, has created a stir on social media.


表示“被揭露/披露的(惊人)真相/事实/秘密”,英文解释为“a surprising fact about someone or something that was previously secret and is now made known”举个🌰:

He resigned after revelations about his affair.



作名词表示“轰动,激动(情绪);愤怒(情绪)”,英文解释为“a feeling of excitement or annoyance”,如:create/cause a stir,举个🌰:

His movie has caused a stir.


Zhang Ziyi, who had roles in box office hits Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, and Memoirs of a Geisha, was speaking on the women's discussion programme, Viva La Romance, about her strained relationship with her parents because of her partner, Wang Feng.

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon 《卧虎藏龙》

Memoirs of a Geisha 《艺伎回忆录》

Viva La Romance 《妻子的浪漫旅行》


表示“蹲伏”,英文解释为“If you are crouching, your legs are bent under you so that you are close to the ground and leaning forward slightly.”举个🌰:

We were crouching in the bushes.


"They weren't even able to mention his name," she told the panel.

Wang Feng, a huge domestic celebrity in the 1990s, who has appeared as a judge in a number of music reality shows, has been divorced twice and has two children from his previous relationships.


Ms Zhang's comments opened up a discussion on the blogging website Sina Weibo, with more than 7,000 users sharing the hashtag #ZhangZiyisParentsOpposedWangFengRelationship, and asking whether women could accept a partner if he was divorced, or had children.

“章子怡的话在新浪微博引起网友热议,超过7000用户参与分享话题 #章子怡爸妈曾翻对她和汪峰结婚#,并讨论女生是否能接收离婚或有孩子的男人。”

Some users consider Ms Zhang's parents' behaviour normal, saying most parents simply want their children to be happy. As one woman highlights: "Their opposition is based on decades of seeing people's experiences. Parents' opinions are so important when considering marriage".


One parent agrees they would want their own child to have a better partner, and would possibly create barriers, but ultimately would still respect their choice.

As Ms Zhang points out, her parents did eventually warm to her now husband. In 2015, he proposed at her birthday party, flying in a white drone carrying a diamond ring.

warm to

此处warm作动词,warm to sb.表示“(对某人)产生好感;(对某事)开始感兴趣”,英文解释为“If you warm to a person or an idea, you become fonder of the person or more interested in the idea.”举个🌰:

Tom didn't warm to him as he had to Jane.


Wang Feng's age and family status "place him at a disadvantage" according to another user, but they add that it is "important to have communication and understanding."


Others talk about how divorce and children are not a problem, as long as the partner is "a good man".


Since there are millions more men than women in China, there is some pressure on men to be flawless. Divorce rates in China have been steadily growing. But as some Weibo users say, love overcomes any obstacles, even divorce.




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