
「故事·听力」I Ruined The Career Of My Teacher

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

I Ruined The Career Of My Teacher

This girl’s name is Lily. She has a shameful story for you, so please, don’t be harsh on her.

She fell in love with her English teacher and behaved in a very stupid way. She was only 14 then, and this is her story.

It was Lily’s first day as a sophomore. Their first lesson was English, and all the girls were excited when they heard the news that they would have a new teacher, Mr. Scott, a young man. Lily wasn’t impressed by this information – who cares after all? But as soon as she saw him, she changed her mind. He was handsome, smart and friendly! To make a long story short, after a couple of weeks she was head over heels in love.

She was not the only one. There was a whole fan club devoted to their English teacher. Her best friend Eve was a member of it as well. But Lily wanted to go further than the other girls. She found Mr. Scott on a social network and decided to write him a message. She thought that maybe they could chat sometimes and it would make her closer to him, and maybe he would like her.

She wrote a message to him. He didn’t respond. Then she wrote another one: “Hello, it’s Lily! I just wanted to ask you if you think I should improve my English grammar?” He was online, but clearly ignoring her. Well, she understood that maybe she was too young for him to talk to. But suddenly, she heard that message sound! “Hi Lily. No, everything is fine. Take care.” She was dancing and singing with joy!

She decided that after such a promising beginning, she would surely be able to establish a special relationship with Mr. Scott. She tried to be around him as often as possible. From time to time, she wrote him a message or two about her studies or just with some nice words, and sometimes he even responded. His messages were neither long nor affectionate, but that was only a beginning, she thought.

However, things didn’t develop in any way, and she started getting desperate. She was stupid enough to complain to Eve, her best friend who was also in love with him. She didn’t say that his communication with her was monosyllabic, but she did tell her that Mr. Scott didn’t enjoy talking to her as much as she would like him to. Eve seemed shocked that Lily was chatting with her teacher, but didn’t comment much.

Within a few days, they got some heartbreaking news. Mr. Scott was leaving them right in the middle of the term. During the break, she was called in to see the principal, where they enquired about her personal relationship with Mr. Scott. She denied absolutely that anything wrong had happened, and showed them the chat to prove that he had always been cool and professional towards her. It turned out that after their conversation Eve had gone straight to the principal to report a strange relationship between the teacher and his student.

Lily started crying and tried to convince the principal that Mr. Scott was not to blame – it was all her fault. The principal was convinced and said that Mr. Scott was above suspicion, which was good news. The bad news was that Mr. Scott left the school anyway without even saying goodbye. She wrote apologetic messages to him but he never responded.

Her parents found out about the story and didn’t hesitate to inform her that her behavior had been terrible and that they were ashamed of her, as if she hadn’t already been blaming herself enough. She had lost her best friend. She had also lost her favorite teacher, who was clearly ignoring her apologies. Then one day she received the ultimate blow. Imagine – Mr. Scott casually walked into her house to have dinner with her family! God, she was ready to die of embarrassment. It turns out that her parents had invited him so that they could apologize for their daughter’s behavior, and deliberately hadn’t warned her beforehand to punish her even more.

Lily thought it would be an epic fail, but she actually felt better after that dinner. The first thing Mr. Scott did was to assure her that he was not angry or offended. He explained that the school board knew he was innocent and said that he could stay on. His mistake had been in answering her, because a teacher must never chat with a student. He was still young, and this hadn’t occurred to him. But first, he didn’t want there to be any gossip, and second, he had received a better job offer at a high school nearby and was glad to accept it. So for him, things after this story got even better. He finally accepted her apologies. He said that being a teenager is about doing stupid things like this. After all this, she’s learned two important things from this sad experience – first, before you do something, think how it might affect other people. And second, KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT.






