
硬核导师!博士生被困ISIS占领区 导师派雇佣兵将其救出以继续科研!

LR君 LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26


这两天,瑞典隆德大学(Lund University)的一位导师火了。


2014年的某天,这位名叫Charlotta Turner的教授收到自己的一位伊拉克籍博士生Firas Jumaah的“道别”短信。原来这位学生回到家乡准备把家人接到瑞典来,没想到自己和家人却被困于ISIS占领区。

Firas Jumaah告诉导师,如果他一星期内无法回瑞典的话,他可能就不能继续完成博士论文研究工作了。”

Firas Jumaah and his former PHD supervisor Charlotta Turner.





Professor hired mercenaries to rescue student from ISIS in Iraq after he said he wouldn't finish his thesis

Few students can name a professor willing to go the extra mile to ensure their students finish their studies. Fewer still can say their teacher hired an elite team of mercenaries to save you so you can finish your Ph.D.

But a chemistry professor from Sweden did exactly that to rescue a student and his family from ISIS in Iraq.

go the extra mile

表示“加倍努力;多付出代价;多努力一点;做额外的工作;付出比别人期望中还要大的努力”,英文解释为“to make more effort than is expected of you”,举个🌰:

He's a nice guy, always ready to go the extra mile for his friends.



表示“雇佣兵”,英文解释为“a soldier who fights for any country or group that will pay him”,如:an army of foreign mercenaries 外国雇佣军团,a mercenary soldier 一名雇佣兵

此外,mercenary还可以作为形容词,表示“惟利是图的”,英文解释为:If you describe someone as mercenary, you are criticizing them because you think that they are only interested in the money that they can get from a particular person or situation. 举个🌰:

"I hate to sound mercenary," He said, "but am I getting paid to be in this play of yours?"


Charlotta Turner, a professor at Lund University, in the city of the same name, took the unprecedented action after she received a text message in 2014 from her student Firas Jumaah, saying it was unlikely he would be able to finish his research due to threats from the terror group.



表示揭露,暴露,此处expose sb. to sth.意思是“使暴露(于险境),使置身(于危险)当中”,英文解释为“to put someone in a situation where they are not protected from something dangerous or unpleasant”,举个🌰:

The report revealed that workers had been exposed to high levels of radiation.


Jumaah told the professor to assume he would not be able to finish his thesis if he did not return within a week, because he was stuck in an Iraqi town being surrounded and shelled by Islamic State militants.


表示“论文,毕业论文,学位论文”,英文解释为“a long piece of writing about a particular subject that you do as part of an advanced university degree such as an MA or a PhD”。


此处作动词,表示“炮轰,炮击”,英文解释为“to fire shells at something”,举个🌰:

They were under orders to shell the hospital and the town hall.


作为名词,表示“(尤指坚果、蛋、某些动物的)壳”(the hard outer covering of something, especially nuts, eggs, and some animals


· eggshell:the hard outside covering of an egg 蛋壳

· seashell:the empty shell of a small sea creature, often one found lying on the beach 海贝壳

· nutshell:the hard outer part of a nut 坚果的外壳

· in a nutshell:used when you are stating the main facts about something in a short clear way 一言以蔽之,简括地说,用一句话概括,举个🌰:

Okay, that's our proposal in a nutshell. Any questions?


“I had no hope then at all,” Jumaah said. “I was desperate. I just wanted to tell my supervisor what was happening. I had no idea that a professor would be able to do anything for us.”


Jumaah and his family were particularly in danger because they are part of the Yazidi ethnoreligious group that was subject to brutal treatment by ISIS, who often tortured or murdered the men and sold women into sex slavery.

背景 · 雅兹迪教

The Yazidis, Yezidis (/jəˈziːdiːz/) or sometimes Ezidis (), are a mostly Kurmanji-speaking religious minority, indigenous to a region of northern Mesopotamia (northern Iraq, northern Syria and southeastern Turkey) who are strictly endogamous. (Wikipedia)

雅兹迪教是中东一种古老而独特的宗教,雅兹迪教徒可以说是一种族教群体(Ethnoreligious group)。目前雅兹迪人正遭到恐怖主义极端分子的武装团体伊斯兰国以宗教名义进行大批量的屠杀与迫害,处在灭族的危殆中。雅兹迪人的婚配仅限于其族群内部,禁止信徒改宗或与外人通婚。(维基百科)

He voluntarily entered the war zone after his wife in the area told him that ISIS had taken over a nearby village, massacring the men and enslaving women, according to The Local.



此处作为动词massacre /'mæsəkɚ/:If people are massacred, a large number of them are attacked and killed in a violent and cruel way 大屠杀;

作为名词massacre还可以表示“(在比赛或竞争中的)惨败”,英文解释为:a very bad defeat in a game or competition,,举个🌰:

United lost in a 5-0 massacre.



carnage“(尤指战争中的)大屠杀,残杀”,英文解释为“when a lot of people are killed and injured, especially in a war”,如:a scene of terrible carnag 可怕的大屠杀场面。

The threat of danger prompted the professor to take matters into her own hands and contact the university's then-security chief Per Gustafson.

take matters into your own hands

表示“亲自处理问题”,英文解释为“to deal with a problem yourself because the people who should have dealt with it have failed to do so”,举个🌰:

When the police failed to catch her son's murderer, she decided to take matters into her own hands.


“It was almost as if he'd been waiting for this kind of mission,” Turner told the university magazine. “Per Gustafson said that we had a transport and security deal which stretched over the whole world.”

Following a few days of preparations, Gustafson hired a private security company, which then moved into the war zone in two Landcruisers with four heavily-armed mercenaries and one goal: rescue Jumaah and his family.



The Toyota Land Cruiser is a series of four-wheel drive vehicles produced by the Japanese car maker Toyota. It is Toyota's longest running series. As of 2018, it has sold more than 6.5 million worldwide. (Wikipedia)

陆地巡洋舰(Land Cruiser)是由日本丰田汽车公司生产的一款四轮驱动汽车。其研发工作始于1951年,于1954年投产,有硬顶、软顶甚至多功能卡车等衍生车款。陆地巡洋舰因其全尺寸、非承载式车身、四轮驱动等技术特点以及高可靠性和耐用性受到广泛欢迎。(维基百科)


“I have never felt so privileged, so VIP,’ Jumaah told LUM. “But at the same time I felt like a coward as I left my mother and sisters behind me.”



Luckily, according to the magazine, the rest of Jumaah's family survived the occupation of ISIS, which has since been decimated in the region thanks to pushback by the Kurdish forces aided by Western countries.


表示“大量毁灭,大批杀死”,英文解释为“to destroy a large part of something”,举个🌰:

The population has been decimated by disease.


He successfully completed his Ph.D. and works at a pharmaceutical company in Malmö. The family also almost paid off the university for the mercenaries they hired.



表示“制药的”,英文解释为“Pharmaceutical means connected with the industrial production of medicines.”,如:a Swiss pharmaceutical company 一家瑞士制药公司。

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