

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

Chinese Court Says Apple Infringed on Qualcomm Patents DON CLARK


A Chinese court saidApple infringed on two Qualcomm patents and must stop selling seven of its most popular smartphones in the country, Qualcomm said on Monday, the latest turn in a broad legal battle between the two big tech companies.


The court decision bars Apple from selling the iPhone 6S, iPhone 6S Plus, iPhone 7, iPhone 7 Plus, iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus and iPhone X in the country, Qualcomm said.

高通表示,法院裁决禁止苹果在中国销售iPhone 6S、iPhone 6S Plus、iPhone 7、iPhone 7 Plus、iPhone 8、iPhone 8 Plus和iPhone X。

The ruling does not affect sales of Apple’s three newest iPhones, the iPhone XS, iPhone XS Max and iPhone XR. As of late Monday in China, Apple was still selling the iPhone 7 and iPhone 8 on its Chinese website as well. Apple said all models remain available for customers in China, as the ruling only involves models running older software it has now changed.

这一裁决并不影响苹果最新三款iPhone的销售,即iPhone XS、iPhone XS Max和iPhone XR。截至周一晚间,苹果的中国网站上仍在销售iPhone 7和iPhone 8。苹果表示,中国用户仍然可以购买所有机型,因为该裁决只涉及苹果使用旧软件的型号,这些软件现已更换。

Qualcomm, which has long sold key communications chips to Apple but has been excluded from its latest models, has filed a series of patent suits against the smartphone giant in multiple countries. Those lawsuits came after Apple filed suit in early 2017 challenging Qualcomm’s practices in licensing its patents.


The ruling in China involved two Qualcomm patents. One enables consumers to adjust and reformat the size and appearance of photographs. The other patent manages applications using a touch screen when viewing, navigating and dismissing applications on their phones, Qualcomm said.


Apple’s stock was down about 1.8 percent in early trading on Monday. Qualcomm’s stock was up about 2.5 percent.


Steve Mollenkopf, Qualcomm’s chief executive, has said he expected victories in its patent cases would help persuade Apple to agree to settle the legal disputes.

高通首席执行官史蒂夫·莫伦科夫(Steve Mollenkopf)表示,他预计高通在专利案件中的胜利,将有助于说服苹果同意解决这些法律纠纷。

“Apple continues to benefit from our intellectual property while refusing to compensate us,” Don Rosenberg, Qualcomm’s executive vice president and general counsel, said in a statement. The injunction is “further confirmation of the strength of Qualcomm’s vast patent portfolio.”

“苹果继续受益于我们的知识产权,但却拒绝向我们支付报酬,”高通执行副总裁兼总法律顾问唐·罗森伯格(Don Rosenberg)在一份声明中表示。这项禁令“进一步证实了高通庞大专利组合的实力”。

An Apple spokesman, in a statement, said: “Qualcomm’s effort to ban our products is another desperate move by a company whose illegal practices are under investigation by regulators around the world.”


The spokesman said Qualcomm asserted three patents it had never raised before, including one that has already been invalidated.


The company can ask the Chinese court, the Fuzhou Intermediate People’s Court, to review its ruling. But there is no provision to seek a stay in the injunction during that process.


The ruling comes amid signs of a slowdown in Apple smartphone sales that have battered its share price. It also adds to a series of developments that have worsened trade tensions between the United States and China, including the recent arrest of the chief financial officer of Chinese electronics giant Huawei.


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