

LR君 LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

近日,哥伦比亚大学商学院研究人员通过对人的性格和经济状况进行分析,发现具有宜人性(Agreeableness)人格的人,往往比较穷...没啥存款(lower savings),负债较重(higher debt),甚至破产几率也比较高(higher bankruptcy rates)。

A study correlating personality traits with financial data found that agreeable people had lower savings, higher debt and higher bankruptcy rates. Christopher Intagliata reports.



· 宜人性是「大五人格理论」中的其中一种人格理论,具有信任、利他、直率、依从、谦虚、移情等特质。


· 开放性(openness):具有想象、审美、情感丰富、求异、创造、智能等特质。

· 责任心(conscientiousness):显示胜任、公正、条理、尽职、成就、自律、谨慎、克制等特点。

· 外倾性(extraversion):表现出热情、社交、果断、活跃、冒险、乐观等特质。

· 神经质或情绪稳定性(neuroticism):具有平衡焦虑、敌对、压抑、自我意识、冲动、脆弱等情绪的特质,即具有保持情绪稳定的能力。(百度百科)



agreeable这个单词,表示“讨人喜欢的,令人愉悦的,惬意的,宜人的”,英文解释为“pleasant or pleasing; If someone is agreeable, they are pleasant and try to please people. ”,举个🌰:

an agreeable young man



Nice People Have Emptier Wallets

Are you an agreeable person—you know, a nice guy? If so, a logical follow-up might be: how are your finances? And here's why: "Agreeable people have lower savings, they have higher debt, and they're also more likely to go bankrupt or default on their loans." 


default在计算机上非常常见的一个词,表示“默认,默认值”,英文解释为“In computing, the default is a particular set of instructions which the computer always uses unless the person using the computer gives other instructions.”,比如:默认设置 default settings;

此处,它的含义是完全不搭嘎的一个意思,可以作动词和名词表示“债务违约,拖欠”,英文解释为“failure to pay money that you owe at the right time”,举个🌰:

the risk of default by borrowers


He defaulted on his child support payments.


还也可以表示“不履行义务,违约”,英文解释为:to not do something that you are supposed to do, especially that you are legally supposed to do.

Sandra Matz is a computational social scientist at the Columbia Business School in New York City. Using a combination of questionnaires and bank data, she and her colleague Joe Gladstone found that people who score as more agreeable on personality tests have a better chance of ending up in dire financial straits—especially if they are low-income to begin with.


be in dire straits

表示“陷入困境,处于岌岌可危的境地”,英文解释为“to be in an extremely difficult or serious situation”,举个🌰:

Everyone agrees the sport is in dire straits.


dire作形容词,表示“极其严重的,极可怕的”,英文解释为“extremely serious or terrible”,举个🌰:

warnings of dire consequences



The researchers also combined personality data on millions of people in the U.S. and the U.K. with regional data on how many people were unable to pay their debts. And they found, again, that the nicer a county or local area's people on average, the worse their finances.


Matz thinks a factor could be that agreeable people just don't care much about money. Maybe they pick up the tab more often, or loan money when they can't afford to. They're generous to a fault.


pick up the tab/bill

表示“(尤指在餐馆)付账;替人付账,买单”,英文解释为“to pay for what has been bought, especially a meal in a restaurant”,举个🌰:

Let me pick up the tab this time.


其实“付账,买单”pay the bill也可以说foot the bill;

foot作名词所有人都知道,但作动词可能很少接触过,同样表示“付账”,尤指不情愿地为昂贵的东西付钱,英文解释为“to pay for something, especially something expensive that you do not want to pay for”,举个🌰:

He ordered drinks and then left me to foot the bill!


口语上,我买单我请客,通常也说My treat. / It's my treat! / It's on me!等等;然而,不请客,想AA怎么说?share the bill / split the bill / go Dutch 等等(欢迎补充)。

此外,pick up一词此前在滴滴:道歉整改?再道歉再整改?一文中就整理过,意义繁多,列举常见的几种:

· 捡起,拾起,如pick his cap up, 捡起帽子

·(跌倒或被击倒后)慢慢站起身,如pick himself/herself up, 慢慢站起来

·(开车)接,取,如pick up some clean clothes, 接几件干净衣服

·(不费力地)学会;习得,如pick up french, 偶然学会了法语

· 染上(疾病),如pick up a nasty infection, 染上严重的传染病

· 接起(某观点、话题),如pick up his point, 接着谈一谈他的观点

·(贸易、经济)改善,如Industrial production is beginning to pick up, 工业生产正在开始好转

be kind, generous, etc. to a fault

表示“ 极为仁慈/慷慨(等等)”,英文解释为“to be extremely kind, generous, etc.”,举个🌰:

She's a really sweet person and she's generous to a fault.



So how do you get them to wise up

wise up

表示“想通;看透;醒悟;知道,了解”,英文解释为“to start to understand a situation or fact and believe what you hear about it, even if it is difficult or unpleasant”,举个🌰:

Those who think this is a harmless recreational drug should wise up.


"One way we could reframe this is saying, don't care about money just for yourself, but care about it for your family, care about it for the people you love. Because if you mismanage your money it's not just going to affect you, but it's also going to affect all the people you care about, and that you love deeply." 

没钱影响的不仅仅是你自己,还有你关心的,你爱的人。所以,为家人着想,为自己爱的人着想,care more about money! ...

Which might translate agreeable people's superpower—caring about other people—into better financial sense. The results are in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. [Sandra C. Matz and Joe J. Gladstone, Nice Guys Finish Last: When and Why Agreeableness Is Associated With Economic Hardship]

If Matz does succeed in teaching nice people to be more stingy, who then will pick up the tab? "Then it's a matter of negotiating, then it should be more equally distributed. So if the agreeable person says I can't pay all the time, I only want to do that once in a while, but I also want you to give something back, because that's what makes a relationship a relationship, and not a one way street." 


同义词mean,表示“吝啬的,小气的”,英文解释为“not generous, especially with money”,举个🌰:

She's too stingy to give money to charity.



one-way street 单行道,单向道、单行线

one-way除了表示“〔道路〕单向的,单行的,〔车票等〕单程的”,也可以表示“〔过程、关系等〕单方面的,一厢情愿的”,英文解释为“a one-way process, relationship etc is one in which only one person makes any effort or provides anything”,举个🌰:

A one-way relationship is not fair because only one person or group of the two makes any effort.

Which might mean agreeable people need to get a little more comfortable having disagreeable conversations.

- END -

如果你迫不及待想知道自己是属于什么样的性格特质,试试这个麻省理工学院的心理学教授提出的大五类人格测试(The Big Five)吧







