

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-27


拼多多 CEO 黄峥,杭州人,80后,2002年本科毕业于浙江大学计算机专业,2004年获得美国威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校(University of Wisconsin–Madison)计算机硕士学位后加入谷歌(Google)工作。




Ex-Googler Becomes China's 12th Richest Person

· Chinese e-commerce company closes[1] 41 percent above offer price[2]

· Tencent-backed PDD combines discount shopping, social network

[1]close: [熟词僻义] to be worth a particular amount of money at the end of a day’s trading (= the buying and selling of shares ) on the stock exchange 以…价格收盘

[2]offer price:The offer price for a particular stock or share is the price that the person selling it says that they want for it. (股票等的) 卖方要价

The company stunned the technology world by increasing its offer price to $26.


Pinduoduo Inc. founder Colin Huang became China's 12th richest person with the soaring U.S. trading debut[3] of his e-commerce company.

[3]debut: the first public appearance of an entertainer, sports player etc or of something new and important 〔演员、运动员等的〕首次登台,初次亮相;〔新事物的〕问世

sb’s debut

He made his Major League debut as shortstop.


The former Google engineer's $13.8 billion fortune after the IPO places him among the world’s 100 richest people, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index. Huang, who started PDD, as the company is known, retains a 46.8 percent stake after the IPO, before any exercise of an over-allotment[4] option.

[4]over-allotment: allotment表示“份额”,柯林斯上的英文解释为“An allotment of something is a share or amount of it that is given to someone. ”over-allotment表示“超额配售”。

His meagre allotment of petrol had to be saved for emergencies. 


PDD rose as much as 44 percent on its first day of trading in New York after raising $1.63 billion in the fourth-largest U.S. initial public offering this year. Its shares closed up 41 percent Thursday to $26.70, giving the company a market value of almost $30 billion. PDD had priced 85.6 million shares Wednesday at the top of the $16-to-$19 marketed range.

Huang, who started his career at Google's headquarters in 2004 as a software engineer, returned to China in 2006 to help establish Google China. He started his first company in 2007, an e-commerce site called Ouku.com that he sold three years later. At PDD, his Shanghai-based firm won the backing[5] of Sequoia Capital and social networking giant Tencent Holdings Ltd.

[5]backing: N-UNCOUNT If someone has the backing of an organization or an important person, they receive support or money from that organization or person in order to do something. 支持; 资助

He said the president had the full backing of his government to negotiate a deal. 


PDD's listing[上市] was exceeded in the U.S. this year only by Axa SA’s U.S. unit at $3.2 billion, Pagseguro Digital Ltd. at $2.6 billion and iQiyi Inc. at $2.4 billion, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. ADT Inc., the fifth largest at $1.47 billion, is the only one of the top five with a U.S.-based parent.

Globally, Chinese companies accounted for 28 percent of the $114 billion raised by 951 companies in IPOs this year. They made up 17 percent of new share sales on U.S. exchanges.

PDD's offering was led by Credit Suisse Group AG, Goldman Sachs Group Inc. and China International Capital Corp.

Friends Discount

Investors are watching PDD in light of[6] volatility among recent Chinese tech debutantes[原意是初进社交场合的年轻富豪少女]. The company carved out[7] a slice of the country’s massive e-commerce market by popularizing a format where people spot deals on products such as fruit, clothing and tissues, and then recruit friends to buy at a discount.

[6]in light of: If something is possible in the light of particular information, it is only possible because you have this information. 根据

In the light of this information it is now possible to identify a number of key issues. 



PHRASE To shed light on, throw light on, or cast light on something means to make it easier to understand, because more information is known about it. 阐明某事

A new approach offers an answer, and may shed light on an even bigger question. 


[7]carve out: If you carve out a niche or a career, you succeed in getting the position or the career that you want by your own efforts. 凭自身努力获得

Vick carved out his niche as the fastest quarterback in American football. 


Besides a reputation for low prices, PDD has benefited from a large base of users in China’s poorer cities and rural areas. The three-year-old company acts as an online bazaar[集市] for independent merchants, handling 4.3 billion orders last year and $41.8 billion of transactions for the year ended June 30, it said in regulatory filings.

After switching from a direct-sales business model, PDD said it now generates revenue primarily from online marketplace services, taking in $278 million in 2017. In the first quarter of this year, its revenue rose 37-fold to $220.7 million. But its losses widened to almost $80 million last year, reflecting its increasing outlay[8] on marketing.

[8]outlay: the amount of money that you have to spend in order to start a new business, activity etc 〔用于开设新商号、进行某活动等的〕花费,开支

small/modest/considerable/large etc outlay

For a relatively small outlay, you can start a home hairdressing business.


[+ on ]

House buyers usually have a large initial outlay on carpets and furniture.


Consumption Potential

“To drive eventual and long term profitability PDD must use the IPO capital to grow user numbers with the same rapid pace and sustain growth,” Eleanor Creagh, a market strategist with Saxo Bank, wrote in a note before trading began. “As lower-tier cities become larger and wealthier, they will inject further consumption potential into the economy.

In April, PDD issued more than 250 million shares worth at least $1 billion, based on the IPO pricing, to a company controlled by Huang, according to a filing.

Huang, who grew up in Hangzhou and studied at Zhejiang University, got a master’s degree in computer science from the University of Wisconsin. He plans to donate some of his PDD shares to two charitable foundations that he intends to establish.



跑男团 | 马云1 | 马云2 | 库克2 | 特鲁多

王俊凯 | 王源  |  成龙  |  胡歌1 | 胡歌2 |  姚明  |  王小川

王力宏  |  韩雪  |  张国荣  |  姚明  |  易烊千玺  |  关晓彤

江疏影 | 徐小平 |  科比  |  库克1  |  麦迪  |  扎克伯格

丹·史蒂文斯  |  艾玛·沃特森  |  艾玛·斯通  |  桑托斯

维奥拉·戴维斯  |  伊万卡  |  蒂凡妮  |  梅拉尼娅 | 毕业季








