

LR君 LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

Chinese parents were in an uproar on Monday after reports that hundreds of thousands of children might have been injected with faulty vaccines, the latest scandal to hit the nation's troubled drug industry.


○ uproar /'ʌp-rɔː,ˋʌp͵rɔr/ a lot of noise or angry protest about something 喧嚣;吵闹;骚动,通常的用法都是“be in (an) uproar”意思就是“一片哗然,骚动,满城风雨,吵得沸沸扬扬,引发轩然大波...

举个🌰,The book caused an uproar in France. 该书在法国引起了轩然大波。

In China, Vaccine Scandal Infuriates Parents and Tests Government Image

纽约时报(The New York Times)标题中的infuriate作为动词,意思是“激怒,使(某人)大怒”If something or someone infuriates you, they make you extremely angry.

举个🌰,His manner infuriated him. 他的举止激怒了他。

China vaccine scandal causes outrage

而路透社(Reuters)、CNN、TIME等媒体都用了outrage这个词来表示愤怒(的事),震怒,例如,路透社用的是cause outrage 引发愤怒,(在下文的另一篇报道中则用 ignite public anger 燃起公众的怒火);或者说outrage这个词也可以解释为:令人震惊而愤慨的事件;〔尤指〕暴行(an event that produces great anger and shock, especially because it is cruel or violent)

举两个🌰:bomb outrages in London 令人震惊的伦敦炸弹事件

🌰:This is an outrage! 这简直是暴行!

CNN和TIME的标题非常类似,都是Outrage in China over ... 一个是 对于成千上万的问题疫苗的震怒 over thousands of faulty vaccines for children;一个是对疫苗安全丑闻事件的震怒 over latest vaccine safety scandal

faulty vaccines 问题疫苗

vaccine scandal 疫苗丑闻(事件)

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The outcry came after a government investigation and news reports showed that a major drug producer in northeast China, Changchun Changsheng, had violated standards in making at least 250,000 doses of vaccine for diphtheria, tetanus and whooping cough.


diphtheria  /dɪf'θɪəriə, dɪp-,dɪfˋθɪrɪə/ 白喉

tetanus  /'tet ə nəs, ˋtɛtənəs/ 破伤风

○ whooping cough /'huːpɪŋ,ˋhupɪŋ/ 百日咳

outcry 意思是“呐喊;大声疾呼;强烈抗议”a strong expression of anger and disapproval about something, made by a group of people or by the public

China's Food and Drug Administration (CFDA) has launched an investigation into vaccine manufacturer Changchun Changsheng Biotechnology, revoking its license for human rabies vaccines and beginning a recall of all unused vaccines produced by the company.

China's Food and Drug Administration 国家食品药品监督管理总局

vaccine manufacturer / vaccine maker 疫苗制造商

○ rabies 狂犬病

revoke: to officially state that a law, decision, or agreement is no longer effective 废除,取消〔法律、决定或协议〕

举个🌰,Their work permits have been revoked. 他们的工作许可证被吊销了。

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China's top graft buster said on Tuesday that it had begun an investigation into possible corruption at vaccine maker Changsheng Biotechnology Co, which is at the center of safety scandal that has ignited public anger.

top graft buster:其中的graft是“贪污,受贿;以权谋私”的意思,the practice of obtaining money or advantage by the dishonest use of influence or power.

举个🌰,He promised to end graft in public life. 他承诺要清除公务生活中的腐败行为。

而这里的buster可以理解为“破坏者,打击者”used with nouns to mean someone or something that ends a situation or stops an activity

🌰:crime-buster/budget-buster/sanctions-buster etc 打击犯罪/耗尽预算/打破制裁的人[事物]等

那么(top) graft buster 就是(最高的)贪污受贿的破坏者,会是谁呢?纪检委

发现,不少媒体报道直接用 China's Top Graft-Buster 来指代 Wang Qishan,此前的中纪委书记!而经济学人在去年的一篇中国版块的文章中则用chief graft-buster来表达

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top graft buster 你记住了吗?

当然,对可能存在的腐败调查可以说 begin an investigation into possible corruption at ..., 也可以像标题中 launch graft probe into ... 更简洁直接,其中的probe就是“详细调查,盘问;追问;探究”的意思。

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「TED视频」How do vaccines work?

「视频」How risky are vaccines?

「China Daily」Vaccine maker involved in new probe

「CGTN」China’s second-largest rabies vaccine maker to stop ...








