
经济学人·2018特辑 | 遇见「OMO」智慧【下】

LearnAndRecord 2020-10-07

引言:“未来世界即将迎来‘OMO’(Online-Merge-Offline线上与线下融合)的时代,而中国的发展速度相当惊人,将有望在全球范围内首先实现OMO。”本文为李开复在《经济学人(The Economist)》杂志的The World in 2018特辑上发表的专栏文章,结合出行、零售、教育等多个领域,描述OMO给生活带来的改变。


In the year ahead[1], more sensors will be added to more tools of daily life, all generating more data. "Facts", such as a person's location, movements and even identity, are beginning to be captured by these sensors and transmitted online. The information will be combined with online data and analysed by AI, transforming the future of many industries.


[1]替换用到生锈的“in the future”。

"Autonomous stores", such as the F5 Future Store (in which my fund also invested) with headquarters in Guangzhou, are developing another blueprint for OMO. F5 sells popular items common in regular convenience stores, including hot meals. Like Amazon Go, F5 is fully autonomous (done by machine), from meal preparation to check-out. But in a step ahead of Amazon Go, F5 is scalable and profitable. In the future, these stores will be equipped with sensors that can discern a customer's identity, movements, behaviour and even intent, as seamlessly as if someone were clicking around an e-commerce website.

F5未来商店也是创新工场投资的一家企业。这是一家自动化商店,总部位于广州。目前,“自动化商店”正在呈现另一片OMO发展蓝图。F5未来商店出售普通便利店中的各种热卖单品,包括热餐。跟亚马逊无人超市Amazon Go的模式类似,F5未来商店从备餐到结账都通过机器实现了全程自动化,但F5抢先一步,首先实现了规模化和盈利。未来这些商店都会装上传感器,识别客户的身份、动向、行为甚至意图,就像用户浏览电子商务网站信息一样,实现无缝跟踪。

A final example is in education. Language learning, which is extremely popular in China, will combine native-speaking teachers lecturing remotely, local assistants keeping the atmosphere fun, autonomous software correcting pronunciation and autonomous hardware grading homework and tests. Our investments in VIPKID, Boxfish and Septnet have already built capabilities into schools and training centres in China.


Once there are more sensors in cars, stores, malls, clinics and schools, those with access to the data will know and track each person's behaviour even better than when that person is online. It will be possible to know what product someone picked up and bought, or put back on a store shelf; whether they are running a fever or just tripped on a stairwell; and where they went and, by inference, what they probably did (eg, a lunch meeting, a hospital visit, returned home).


As a next step, offline and online data can be combined, providing accurate customer recommendations, improving in-store services, automating the supply chain and achieving just-in-time inventory management.



providing accurate customer recommendations


improving in-store services


automating the supply chain and achieving just-in-time inventory management


OMO and AI will take us into a future where any distinction between these worlds disappears. We will reap great financial benefits, and enjoy unprecedented convenience, but we also need to find ways to protect people's privacy and safety in this brave new world.








