

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26



Expert: Burning oil tanker may cause adverse impact on environment


Carrying 136,000 tons of light crude oil[轻质原油] from Iran, the oil tanker Sanchi[桑吉] has been burning for one week after its collision with a Chinese vessel CF Crystal[长峰水晶] in the East China Sea. 

The oil tanker has been ablaze[1] since it collided with the Hong Kong-registered bulk freighter, about 160 nautical miles[海里,NM] east of the Yangtze River estuary[2] in Shanghai on January 6. 


1)burning strongly with a lot of flames  熊熊燃烧的

Within minutes the whole house was ablaze. 


2)very bright or colourful  明亮的,灯火辉煌的;色彩缤纷的  [+ with]

Her yard was ablaze with summer flowers. 


3)feeling or showing strong emotion, especially anger  情绪激动的;怒气冲冲的  [+ with]

His eyes were ablaze with fury. 


[2]estuary: An estuary is the wide part of a river where it joins the sea. 河口

Sturgeon fishing has been pretty good in the estuary. 

As of Saturday, three bodies out of the 32 missing crew members as well as the tanker's data recorder have been recovered from the ship. 

Ma Jun, director of the Institute of Public & Environmental Affairs[3], gave more details about the oil leakage in a Skype interview with CGTN.

[3]公众环境研究中心(IPE)是一家在北京注册的公益环境研究机构。自2006年6月成立以来,IPE 致力于收集、整理和分析政府和企业公开的环境信息,搭建环境信息数据库和污染地图网站、蔚蓝地图APP两个应用平台,整合环境数据服务于绿色 采购、绿色金融和政府环境决策,通过企业、政府、公益组织、研究机构等多方合力,撬动大批企业实现环保转型,促进环境信息公开和环境治理机制的完善。

Asked about the chemical features of the leaked oil and its hazard on human body and the environment, Ma said that the condensate oil was "highly volatile[挥发性极高] and flammable[易燃的]" which could release harmful toxins. 

"When it is on fire, it will release toxin and has a bad impact on human beings. The oil leakage will also contaminate water and be toxic to aquatic organisms[水生生物]," Ma added. 

Given the current stage, containing its harmful effects was also discussed. Ma said due to the condensate oil's high volatility and flammability[凝析油高度的挥发性和易燃性], protecting the firefighter's health is a must, but obviously "impedes a smooth fire control." 


In the current search and rescue, one priority was to "bring the fire under control." Another one was to "prevent the tanker from exploding and sinking with a large volume of the condensate oil as it is hard to retrieve[5]."

[5]retrieve: If you retrieve something, you get it back from the place where you left it. 找回; 取回

The men were trying to retrieve weapons left when the army abandoned the island. 

"Retrieving leaked condensate oil is tougher than that of the crude oil," he noted. 

Lastly, Ma said the highly toxic oil "may cause long-term adverse impact in the ocean environment."

"More importantly, the collision site is rather far away from the coast site, which could help limit its impact," Ma said. 

In the long run, Ma said that a monitoring mechanism should be installed to "keep an eye on[密切关注] how this contamination will be transferred to the ocean flow" especially its possible impact on Zhoushan fishing ground, the largest fishing area in China. 








