

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26


Another Kindergarten Abuse Case Exposed: Beijing's RYB Education Branch Suspected of Drugging and Molesting Children

Published on November 23, 2017

By What's on Weibo Team

After the Ctrip kindergarten scandal, another major kindergarten abuse case is the talk of the day on Chinese social media. Employees of the Beijing RYB Education[红环蓝教育] are suspected of drugging and molesting[1] young children.

[1]molest: to attack or harm someone, especially a child, by touching them in a sexual way or by trying to have sex with them 〔尤指〕对〔儿童〕性骚扰,猥亵;调戏

The man had previously been arrested several times for molesting young boys. 


Another kindergarten child abuse case has sparked indignation[2] on social media in China this week. After the Shanghai wasabi[芥末酱] case, it now concerns the Honghuanglan (红黄蓝) kindergarten in Beijing' Chaoyang district (Xintiandi branch).

[2]indignation: feelings of anger and surprise because you feel insulted or unfairly treated〔因感觉受辱或受到不公平待遇而产生的〕愤慨,义愤,愤怒

He stormed into her office, full of righteous indignation. 


with/in indignation

Lou's voice quivered with indignation. 


[+ at/about/over]

Her indignation at such rough treatment was understandable. 


The kindergarten, also known as the 'Red Yellow Blue (RYB) Education' is a large chain of preschools with hundreds of branches across mainland China. According to China Daily, it operates 80 kindergartens directly and has 175 franchises in 130 cities and towns.

On November 22, the story became trending on Weibo and WeChat when netizens exposed how more than a dozen parents filed a report at the Chaoyang police station against their children's kindergarten.

The parents claim their children were fed unclear white pills and had been injected, providing many photos showing needle punctures in their children's skin in areas on their legs, arms, and buttocks[臀部]. They suspect that their children have been drugged and molested.


Several videos recorded by the parents involved made their ways to Weibo and WeChat groups. One video shows two parents asking their toddler[学步的儿童,刚学走路的小孩] son about a white pill they discovered on him. The little boy then answers "the teacher gave it to me to make me sleep." He also says: "We have to take these pills every day."

The accusations against the kindergarten made headlines[成为头条新闻]in China on Wednesday and Thursday, but many news reports were pulled offline shortly afterward. Discussions on social media are also censored. The hashtag "Beijing's RYB Centre Suspected of Child Abuse" (#北京红黄蓝涉嫌虐童#) became of the top ten topics on Weibo on Thursday afternoon, but was soon taken offline.

A Beijing Youth Daily journalist reported that on Thursday, November 23, a group of parents gathered at the gate of the kindergarten where a meeting would supposedly be held at the time of writing.

Police in Chaoyang district are currently investigating the parents' claims that their children were drugged and abused.








