
马云:其实双11我们没有什么赚钱 希望给消费者带来快乐

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26





China shopping festival smashes record with $25 billion haul


Online shoppers with Alibaba set a new Singles' Day record of 25.3 billion US dollars this year, the Chinese e-commerce giant reported.

Saturday's sales extravaganza[1] registered 168.2 billion yuan, 39 percent up on the company's own record of 120.7 billion yuan last year, cementing[2] Singles' Day as the world's biggest shopping event.

[1]extravaganza [ɪk.strævə'ɡænzə]

a large, exciting, and expensive event or entertainment 铺张华丽的娱乐表演

a musical/dance extravaganza


[2]cement:to make something such as an agreement or friendship stronger 加强,巩固(协议或友谊)

The university's exchange scheme has cemented its links with many other academic institutions.


Once a celebration for China's lonely hearts[3], Singles' Day, also known Double 11 (Nov. 11) Day, has has become an annual 24-hour buying frenzy that exceeds the combined sales for Black Friday and Cyber Monday in the United States, and acts as a barometer for China's consumers.

[3]lonely hearts:a place or part of a magazine, etc. for people who would like to make new friends or meet a sexual partner

The country's clout[4] in mobile payments and intelligent logistics has bolstered the stellar growth, said Matthew Crabbe, Asia Pacific research director at consultancy Mintel.

[4]clout:power and influence over other people or events 权势;影响力

The Queen may have privilege but she has no real political clout.


For instance, popular mobile wallet Alipay processed deals at a peak rate of 256,000 transactions per second in some 200 countries and regions, according to Alibaba, while robots and algorithms accelerated parcel distribution even in the most complex road networks at home and abroad.

The event began soon after a star-studded[5] event in Shanghai late on Friday. As midnight hit, a deluge of[6] pre-orders helped drive a billion dollars of sales on Alibaba's platforms in the first two minutes and 10 billion US dollars in just over an hour.

[5]star-studded:If a group of people, a film, or a show is star-studded, there are a lot of famous people in it. (人群、电影或表演)明星荟萃的

[6]a deluge of sth:a lot of something 大量的…

The newspaper received a deluge of complaints/letters/phone calls about the article.


"In terms of scale it just dwarfs any other event out there," said Ben Cavender, Shanghai-based principal at China Market Research Group.

At just past the halfway mark, the headline gross merchandise volume swept past last year's dollar total just shy of[7] 18 billion US dollars. Shortly afterwards, sales surpassed the 2016 total in the local currency.

[7]just shy of:(slightly under) You can say something is just shy of an amount if it's just short of that amount. 略低于,微微低于


"This is a big event for China, for the Chinese economy," Joseph Tsai, Alibaba's co-founder and vice chairman, said. "On Singles' Day, shopping is a sport, it's entertainment."

Tsai said rising disposable incomes of China's "over 300 million middle-class consumers" was helping drive the company's online sales - and would continue. "This powerful group is propelling the consumption of China," he said.

The final total – more than the GDP of Iceland or Cameroon[喀麦隆] – leaves other shopping days in the shade. Cyber Monday in the United States saw 3.45 billion dollars in online sales last year.

Investors closely watch the headline number, though some analysts say the way it is calculated is too opaque[8].

[8]opaque [əʊ'peɪk]:difficult to understand; not clear 难懂;模糊;隐晦;不清楚

Last year, the sales number rose by nearly a third at the eighth iteration of the event - though that was slower than the 60 percent increase logged in 2015.










