

2017-08-02 LearnAndRecord




The Facts and China's Position Concerning the Indian Border Troops' Crossing of the China-India Boundary in the Sikkim Sector into the Chinese Territory


1. The Dong Lang area (Doklam) is located in Yadong county of the Tibet Autonomous Region of China. It borders India's Sikkim state on the west and the Kingdom of Bhutan on the south. In 1890, China and the UK signed the Convention Between Great Britain and China Relating to Sikkim and Tibet which delimited* the boundary between the Tibet region of China and Sikkim. According to the Convention, the Dong Lang area, which is located on the Chinese side of the boundary, is indisputably Chinese territory. For long, China's border troops have been patrolling the area and Chinese herdsmen grazing* livestock there. At present, the boundary between the Dong Lang area and Sikkim is a part of the China-India boundary in the Sikkim Sector.

*delimit:to mark or describe the limits of something 标出…的界限,给…划界

Police powers are delimited by law.


*graze:to (cause animals to) eat grass 放牛;放羊;放牧;吃草

The cows were grazing.



2. On 16 June 2017, the Chinese side was building a road in the Dong Lang area. On 18 June, over 270 Indian border troops, carrying weapons and driving two bulldozers*, crossed the boundary in the Sikkim Sector at the Duo Ka La (Doka La) pass* and advanced more than 100 meters into the Chinese territory to obstruct the road building of the Chinese side, causing tension in the area. In addition to the two bulldozers, the trespassing* Indian border troops, reaching as many as over 400 people at one point, have put up three tents and advanced over 180 meters into the Chinese territory. As of the end of July, there were still over 40 Indian border troops and one bulldozer illegally staying in the Chinese territory.

*bulldozer:a heavy vehicle with a large blade in front, used for pushing earth and stones away and for making areas of ground flat at the same time 推土机

*pass(熟词僻义):a path or road between or over mountains 山道,山口;要隘

a mountain pass


*trespass (v.):to go onto someone's land or enter their building without permission 擅自进入,侵入(他人土地或建筑物)

I hope this is a public footpath and we're not trespassing on someone's land.



3. After the outbreak of the incident, Chinese border troops took contingency response* measures on the spot. On 19 June, the Chinese side made prompt and serious representations* with the Indian side through diplomatic channels to strongly protest and condemn the illegal trespass by the Indian side and demand the immediate withdrawal of the trespassing Indian border troops back to the Indian side of the boundary.

*contingency repsonse 应急响应

*提出严正交涉:made serious representations with

*强烈抗议和谴责:strongly protest and condemn

*make representations/a representation to sb/sth:to complain officially to a person or organization (正式)向…投诉,向…抗议

We made representations to the boss about the long working hours.



China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of National Defense and the Chinese Embassy in India made serious representations with India for multiple times in Beijing and New Delhi, strongly urging India to respect China's territorial sovereignty and immediately pull back its trespassing border troops. The spokespersons of the Chinese foreign and defense ministries spoke in public on various occasions, laid out the facts and truth, stated China's position and released a map and on-the-scene photos showing Indian troops' trespass (see Appendix I).

*立即撤回 immediately pull back/the immediate withdrawal of


Appendix I


1. Sketch Map of the Site of the Indian Troops' Trespass


2. On-the-Scene Photo I Showing the Indian Troops' Trespass


3. On-the-Scene Photo II Showing the Indian Troops' Trespass



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