

2017-06-23 LearnAndRecord

6月22日,苹果App Store中已有超4万个中国应用被下架,占应用总数的2%。记者在移动推广数据分析平台ASO 100看到,自本月13日-22日20时,中国区下架应用共计45362个,其中游戏应用为15578个,占34.34%。据统计,当时在线应用总数约197万。6月15日当天,App Store在中国区下架应用22233个,手游占比达50.2%。

A total of 45,362 Chinese apps were booted[1] from Apple's App Store from June 13 to June 22, according to data analysis platform ASO 100[2], Beijing Business Today reported.

[1]boot: Slang. to dismiss; discharge

They booted him out of school for not studying.

[2]ASO是“应用商店优化”的简称。ASO(App Store Optimization)就是提升你APP在各类APP苹果电子市场排行榜和搜索结果排名的过程。 类似普通网站针对搜索引擎的优化,即SEO(Search Engine Optimization)优化。ASO优化就是利用App Store的搜索规则和排名规则让APP更容易被用户搜索或看到。通常我们说的ASO就是App Store中的关键词优化排名。重点在于关键词搜索排名优化。

More than 15,500, or 34.34 percent, of them were gaming applications, it said.

The report said the cleanup probably target apps using hot patching[3], a solution that can enable developers to bypass the time consuming vetting process[4]to deploy patches to users' devices immediately.

[3]Hot patching, also known as live patching or dynamic software updating, is the application of patches without shutting down and restarting the system or the program concerned. This addresses problems related to unavailability of service provided by the system or the program. A patch that can be applied in this way is called a hot patch.


To ensure all apps in the App Store meet Apple's standards for security and integrity and maintain a healthy and clean app ecosystem, Apple has developed a thorough vetting process that scrutinizes all submitted applications.

However, those able to skip Apple Store's vetting process once the original app got approved, hot patching may be used by hackers to embed malicious code into users' smartphone.

Early this month, Apple had warned iOS developers by emails that any code, frameworks, or Software Development Kits that can change the app's behavior or functionality after App Store Review approval had to be removed.

Chinese apps were not the direct targets. More than 27,000 apps in the United States were also pulled from App Store in June, the report said.

In addition, Apple does not ban all hot patching technologies. According to section 3.3.2 of the Apple Developer Program License Agreement, only hot patching with capability to change app's native code, such as OC, rollout.io and JSPatch, are prohibited.

Many gaming applications in China are using Java Script, which is not banned by Apple, the report said.

Besides apps using banned hot patching, copycat[5] apps, apps that have not been downloaded for years or host pirated music, and apps unable to support App Store's IPv6-only networks are also facing cleanup, according to a report by tech.sina.com.cn

Apple announced in June that its App Store had paid out $70 billion to developers since 2008, of which 30 percent was made last year, according to Xinhua.


(n) If you call someone a copycat, you are accusing them of copying your behaviour, dress, or ideas.可数名词模仿者;好跟人学的人

The Beatles have copycats all over the world.


(adj) 形容词模仿犯罪的 A copycat crime is committed by someone who is copying someone else. 

...a series of copycat attacks by hooligan gangs.







