

2017-05-11 LearnAndRecord

What's hot in China's sharing economy


The bike-sharing industry has brought many lifestyle changes in China. But also importantly, the business has inspired entrepreneurs in other industries. From basketball to umbrella, let's take a look at what's hot in the booming sharing sector.


While bike-sharing is no rarity[1] in other parts of the world, the Chinese version has given a whole new meaning to the concept, with customers able to pick a bike anywhere in the city (thanks to the GPS-enabled app) and leave it anywhere at the end of their journey.

[1]rarity: something that is very unusual, or the quality of being very unusual 罕见的东西(或人);稀有,罕见 

Men who do the cooking are something of a rarity


Diamonds are valuable because of their rarity


The concept is all the rage[2] among students and young professionals across the nation for being convenient, green and cheap. An average 30-minute ride costs 0.5 yuan ($7 cents) to one yuan.

[2]be all the rage: [old-fashioned] to be very popular at a particular time 风靡一时;非常时兴;十分流行 

Long hair for men was all the rage in the 70s.


Shared bikes have become the newest battlefield for global capital, with large amounts of investment flowing into the billing-on-time[3] bike-rental mobile applications.



Molisan, a Shanghai-based start-up, has launched umbrella-sharing services in the metro in Guangzhou, South China's Guangdong province, and Fuzhou, East China's Fujian province.

Customers can rent umbrellas by paying a refundable deposit and scanning a QR code.

The scheme charges a 20 yuan ($2.90) deposit payable via WeChat. The rental period is 15 days, which renters can renew for three additional days after which they will be charged a late penalty of 0.5 yuan per day.


Xiaodian, a phone charger start-up, recently announced a $50 million Series B financial round led by Sequoia China Capital and Banyan Capital[4] , with Tencent as a participating investor.

[4]Sequoia China Capital: 红杉资本中国基金

2005年9月,德丰杰全球基金原董事张帆和携程网原总裁兼CFO沈南鹏与Sequoia Capital (红杉资本)一起始创了红杉资本中国基金(Sequoia Capital China)。

红杉资本于1972年在美国硅谷成立。在成立之后的30多年之中,红杉作为第一家机构投资人投资了如Apple, Google, Cisco, Oracle, Yahoo, Linkedin等众多创新型的领导潮流的公司。在中国,红杉资本中国团队目前管理约20亿美元的海外基金和近40亿人民币的国内基金,用于投资中国的高成长企业。

Banyan Capital:高榕资本


People can find the company's nearby charging stations through its app, as well as WeChat and Alipay accounts.

After scanning a QR code, users can start charging their phones. Payment is processed through WeChat Pay or Alipay.


A company in Jiaxing, East China's Zhejiang province, recently launched a basketball-sharing service.

The company has introduced several pilot lockers with basketballs at the city's public and campus courts. Users can borrow and return a basketball through the company's WeChat account after paying a 29-yuan ($4.2) deposit. One basketball costs 1.5 yuan for half an hour.

The lockers are equipped with a camera to ensure the process runs smoothly. According to the company, the lockers can also be used to store personal items.






