
[E499]Poll: Hillary Clinton wins first presidential debate

2016-09-27 LearnAndRecord

Poll: Hillary Clinton wins first presidential debate

Republican nominee Donald Trump and Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton took the stage on Monday night for the first presidential debate, and viewers were quick to weigh in with[1] their thoughts on which candidate was winning.

According to a poll conducted on AOL.com during the debate, Clinton was the winner. Of respondents who voted during the debate, 55.4 percent said Clinton won, while 44.6 named Trump.

Clinton, Trump face off[2] in first presidential debate

But perhaps the most telling figures came from the breakdown of votes over the roughly 90 minutes of debate.

The two White House hopefuls[有希望成功的人,有希望被选上的人] were in a dead heat[3] for the first 30 minutes of the debate, with a near even split of votes going to each candidate. The close votes were captured during the early portion of the debate, which kicked off with comments on the economy. Clinton spoke at length[长时间地演说;说得充分] about her plans to generate middle-class jobs, ensure equal pay and raise the minimum wage.

Trump countered by saying America needed to bring jobs back from overseas and railed against[抱怨;责骂] the woes[困难;灾难;悲哀;悲伤] of NAFTA[(=North American Free Trade Agreement)北美自由贸易协定] and TPP[(=Trans-Pacifc Partnership)跨太平洋伙伴协议]. The debate caused NAFTA to surge as a search term, according to Google.

The voting shifted, however, during the final 60 minutes.

As the discussion turned to Trump's tax returns[报税;纳税申报单], stop-and-frisk[拦阻搜身(政策)] and other contentious[有争议的] issues -- voters began to favor Clinton.

The votes cast in the final hour leaned heavily toward Clinton. An hour after the debate ended, voters chose Clinton as the victor by a 25-point margin.



[1]weigh in:to become involved in an argument or discussion in a forceful way 积极参与(辩论或讨论)

Several leading architects weighed in with criticisms regarding the design of the new museum.


[2]face off:if people or groups face off, they compete or fight with each other (在一场力量,耐力等的考验中与对手)对抗

[3]dead heat:a competition in which two or more competitors finish at exactly the same time or with exactly the same result (竞赛结果)平局,不分胜负

The race ended in a dead heat.


The opinion polls show the three election candidates in a dead heat (with each other).










