
[E477]郎平圆梦里约 女排重返巅峰

2016-08-21 LearnAndRecord

Lang's Olympic legacy

08-21-2016 15:50 BJT


One of the most important members of the Chinese team is undoubtedly Lang Ping who after a successful playing career, has been equally successful as a coach.

In 1995, Lang took over the national team and guided the squad to the silver medal at the 1996 Atlanta Olympics.

[注]squad [skwɒd]

a team in sports from which the players for a match are chosen 运动队

Eight of their 24-man squad are injured.


In 2005, she became coach of the USA's women's team, after spending time leading a league team in Italy

In the 2008 Beijing Games, Lang led the Americans to victory over China in the group stage[小组赛], but came up short in the final as the US lost to Brazil, giving the Iron Hammer[铁榔头(郎导绰号)] her second silver medal as coach.

In 2013, Lang became coach of China once again, resulting in a much deserved gold medal in Rio to highlight her incredible career. Here is a closer look at China's journey to the top of the podium.



PRC women recapture gold after last winning Olympics in 2004

08-21-2016 15:42 BJT



To begin  in Brazil with Day 15 of the Rio Olympics, and the Chinese women's volleyball team facing Serbia[塞尔维亚] in the final. The ladies coached by Lang Ping came into this match looking to add Olympic glory to the World Cup they claimed last year.

China reaching the women's volleyball final for the first time since winning it all, at the 2004 Games, but unable to handle the strong smashes[强力扣杀] of the Serbians in the opening set[首盘/局], losing it 25-18.

The PRC would bounce back[很快挽回(颓势,败局)] in the second by playing more aggressively. A Serbian spiker[主攻手;扣手] touches the net[触网] on the final point of the set, as China claim it 25-17 to level the match at 1-ALL[把比赛拉成1:1平].

And China would pull ahead[领先;超到前面去] midway through the third set as Zhu Ting catches the line with a strong spike to make it 18-11.

On set point[局点], Serbia would fail to handle the serve[发球], as China win 25-22 and grab a 2-1 lead.

The fourth set[第四局] would be another tight affair, as the PRC look to close it out with more powerful blasts.

On match point[赛点], Serbia would over-pass their return, and captain[队长] Hui Ruoqi provides the finishing spike to complete a thrilling[令人兴奋的;扣人心弦的] 3-1 victory, as China claim their third Olympic gold in women's volleyball. 

"I think all the difficulties are part of the competition. We had a tough schedule with games starting anywhere from 9 AM to 10 PM. But everyone handled it, and hung on to the last minute. She who laughs last, laughs best," said Lang Ping.















