

2016-06-04 LearnAndRecord

China’s Foreign Minister Castigates Canadian Reporter for Rights Question


By CHRIS BUCKLEY June 3, 2016
储百亮 2016年6月3日

BEIJING — Canadians, apart perhaps from hockey[曲棍球;冰球] players, seem to pride themselves on being affable[和蔼可亲的;友善的;容易交谈的] people averse to[反对;不乐意;厌恶] confrontation[对抗,冲突]. China’s foreign minister, Wang Yi, clearly doesn’t always share this trait[(个人)特征,特性,品质]. Especially when it comes to questions on his country’s human rights record.


A Canadian journalist learned that on Wednesday when she asked about the Chinese government’s detention[拘留;延迟;挽留] of human rights advocates and a Canadian couple accused of espionage[间谍;间谍活动;刺探]. The question was directed at[针对;指向] the Canadian foreign minister, Stéphane Dion, during a joint news conference[联合记者会;联合新闻发布会] in Ottawa[渥太华]. But Mr. Wang then stepped in[介入] with a withering[(目光、话语等)令人难堪的,尖刻的] lecture, delivered with operatic[歌剧的;歌剧风格的] dudgeon[愤怒;生气,不高兴], in which he called the journalist arrogant and prejudiced[傲慢与偏见].

一位加拿大记者周三对此有所领教,她问了有关中国政府拘留人权倡导者,以及被指控从事间谍活动的一对加拿大夫妇的问题。问题是在渥太华的联合新闻发布会上提给加拿大外交部长斯特凡纳·迪翁(Stéphane Dion)的。但王毅却取而代之,用歌剧般的愤然对记者作了一番尖刻的训斥,其中包括称记者傲慢、有偏见。

Chinese officials often bristle at[对…发怒;生…的气] questions about human rights and other contentious[有异议的,引起争论的] subjects. But their reactions vary. Sometimes they stick, coolly but adamantly[固执的;坚决的,坚定不移的], to the government’s stock response[套板反应;套版反应;惯性反应] that China respects the rule of law[尊重法治] and that the country’s stability and economic growth have been a boon[恩惠;福利;利益] to citizens’ rights. But sometimes, like Mr. Wang this time, they strike back[回击,反击] with their own accusations[控告,指控;谴责].


Below is a transcript of the question and Mr. Wang’s answer. I’ve translated Mr. Wang’s original Chinese response. The English-language translation given by the interpreter at the news conference was a little less blunt[嘴直的;直言的;生硬的;直截了当的]. The question partly concerned a Canadian couple, Kevin Garratt and Julia Dawn Garratt, who were detained in China in 2014. Mrs. Garratt was later released on bail[保释出狱], but last January, Mr. Garratt was charged with espionage[间谍;间谍活动;刺探] and stealing state secrets[窃取国家机密] while he lived near the border with North Korea — accusations that his family has rejected. The question also raised the issue of Hong Kong book publishers detained in mainland China.

下面是提问及王毅回答的文字记录。回答用的是王毅的原话,新闻发布会上翻译给出的英语译文不像原话那样直截了当。问题的一部分涉及一对加拿大夫妇:凯文(Kevin)和朱莉亚·唐·加勒特(Julia Dawn Garratt),他们于2014年被中国拘留。朱莉亚·加勒特后来获保释,但在去年1月,凯文·加勒特被起诉,罪名是他住在中国与朝鲜边境附近期间从事间谍和窃取国家秘密的活动,他的家人拒绝接受这一指控。问题还涉及香港书商被大陆关押一事。

Question: “There are no shortage of concerns about China’s treatment of human rights advocates, such as the Hong Kong booksellers and its detention of the Garratts, not to mention the destabilizing effects[失稳效应;不稳定效应/影响] of its territorial ambitions[领土野心] in the South China Sea. Given these concerns, why is Canada pursuing closer ties with China, how do you plan to use that relationship to improve human rights and security in the region, and did you specifically raise the case of the Garratts during your discussions with the foreign minister today?


Answer: “I want to make a response to the questions that the journalist has just raised concerning China. Your question was full of prejudice[偏见] against China and an arrogance[自大;傲慢态度] that comes from I don’t know where. This is totally unacceptable to me. Do you understand China? Have you been to China? Do you know that China has come from a poor and backward state[贫穷落后的状态] and lifted more than 600 million people from poverty? Do you know that China is now the world’s second biggest economy with $8,000 per capita? If we weren’t able to properly protect human rights, would China have achieved such great development? Do you know that China has incorporated protecting human rights into its Constitution[宪法]? I want to tell you that it’s the Chinese people who most understand China’s human rights record — not you, but the Chinese people themselves. You have no right to speak on this. The Chinese people have the right to speak. So please don’t raise such irresponsible questions again. China welcomes all well-meaning[善意的;好心的] suggestions, but we reject all groundless[无理由的;无根据的] accusations.


The Canadian Press news agency reported that the offending question, which was asked by a reporter for iPolitics, a news website, was devised[制定出,想出(计划),设想,策划] through an agreement by several different news outlets[报道新闻的机构], including itself.


Since becoming Canada’s prime minister last October, Justin Trudeau has made soothing[安慰的,使人平静的] relations with China a priority. That has brought criticism from human rights advocates and some members of Canada’s large population of Chinese immigrants. But others in the country have favorably[顺利地;亲切地;好意地] compared the approach to the decision made by Pierre Trudeau, his father and a former Liberal prime minister, to formally recognize China and reestablish diplomatic relations in 1970.

自从去年10月出任加拿大总理以来,贾斯廷·特鲁多(Justin Trudeau)已经把改善与中国的关系放在首位。这引起了人权倡导者以及加拿大大批中国移民中一些成员的批评。但也有一些加拿大人对贾斯廷·特鲁多的做法给予好评,将其与皮埃尔·特鲁多(Pierre Trudeau)在1970年正式承认中国、与中国重新建立外交关系相比,皮埃尔·特鲁多是贾斯廷·特鲁多的父亲,曾担任自由党政府的总理。

In a series of Twitter posts, Tony Clement, the opposition Conservative Party’s spokesman for foreign affairs, criticized both the stern[严厉的;坚定的] remarks by Mr. Wang and what Mr. Clement viewed as a weak response from Mr. Dion.

在一系列Twitter帖子中,反对派的保守党外交事务发言人托尼·克莱门特(Tony Clement)批评了王毅的严厉言论,也批评了迪翁对此事的回应,在克莱门特看来他的回应很微弱。

“Absolutely outrageous[粗暴的;可恶的;令人吃惊的] that Chinese Foreign Minister berates[严责;申斥] a Canadian journalist,” Mr. Clement wrote. “His behavior is rude and unacceptable!”


In another post he added, “Mr. Dion should demand an apology!”


Mr. Wang’s possible response to a demand for an apology can only be imagined.


本文摘自The New York Times纽约时报








