
[E401]Uptown Trump

2016-04-24 LearnAndRecord

本文音频及原文摘自杂志The Economist 2016年第17期,United States版块。


It is a myth that he owes his support to disaffected blue-collar workers

Apr 23rd 2016

MOST analysis of Donald Trump’s support has focused on his appeal to poorer working-class whites, who are assumed to have lost the most from globalisation. His victory in New York was a reminder that his appeal is wider than that. He won the Empire State[1] by such a big margin[2] that he could not help picking up the votes of plenty of richer Republican primary voters. But exit polling[3] from those other state primaries where it is available show that better-paid and better-educated[4] voters have always formed as big a part of Mr Trump’s base as those at the lower end of the scale for income and education.



[1]the Empire State 帝国之州(纽约的昵称)

[2]by a big margin 大幅度

[3]exit poll 票站调查,又称“出口民调”,是指在选举进行期间,设于票站出口,访问刚投票的人的投票意向的民意调查。

[4]better-paid 薪水优厚的 better-educated 受教育水平高的

与下文的“at the lower end of the scale for income and education”对比


On average, people earning under $50,000 have made up 29% of the Republican electorate[1] in primary states with exit polls, and 32% of Mr Trump’s voting base. However, those earning over $100,000 have accounted for 37% of the electorate and 34% of his base. In Illinois[2], for example, he took 46% of those earning under $50,000, but they made up only a quarter of the electorate: he won 39% of those earning over $100,000, who were two-fifths of that primary’s voters. Voters with a high-school education or less have made up 16% of the Republican electorate and a fifth of Mr Trump’s base. College graduates and postgraduates account for 43% of his support.



[1]electorate:all the people who are allowed to vote 全体选民

[2]Illinois 伊利诺斯州


Mr Trump does not have a majority among wealthy Republicans. But the idea that it is mostly poorer, less-educated voters who are attracted to Mr Trump is a myth[1]. Only 13% of the votes in New York’s Republican primary came from New York City; the vast majority were cast[2] upstate[3]. Statewide data show that he won 52% of those earning under $50,000 and 64% of those earning over $100,000. Mr Trump may seem to be a champion of disaffected[4] blue-collar whites. But there are not enough of them among Republican primary voters to account for his success.



[1]myth 谣言

[2]cast:to vote 投票

All the votes in the election have now been cast and the counting has begun.


[3]upstate:towards or of the northern parts of a state in the US, especially those which are far from cities where a lot of people live (尤指美国边远地区)向(或在)州的北部(的)

upstate New York


[4]disaffected:describes young people who are no longer satisfied with society's values (青年人)叛逆的,对社会不满的

The teacher said that he found it difficult to cope with a class of disaffected teenagers.


disaffected youth




原文摘自The economist,仅外语学习之用。

其中生词解释来源于Cambridge Dictionaries







