

Bryce Lee 首席移民推荐官 2022-10-20



这里是首席移民推荐官 Bryce Lee 关于移民类别第224篇原创文章。



以上不是首席移民推荐官 Bryce Lee 说的,而是从某红书上截取的,作为今天的引题的!
















ARI - Residence permit for investment activity


What is required:

The rules governing the granting of Residence Permit for Investment (ARI / Golden Visa), in force from 8 October 2012, enable third country nationals to obtain a temporary residence permit to conduct business activities with visa waiver to enter national territory. The beneficiaries of ARI / Golden Visa are entitled to: 

• Residence visa waiver for entering Portugal; 

• Living and working in Portugal, on condition that they stay in Portugal for a period of 7 or more days, in the first year, and 14 or more days, in the subsequent years; 

• Visa exemption for travelling within the Schengen Area; 

• Family reunification; 

• Applying for permanent residence (pursuant to the Aliens Act – Act number 23/2007 of 4 July with the current wording). To the citizens holding a residence permit for investment purposes and their family members, complying with the requirements provided in article 80 of the Aliens Act and wish to be granted with a permanent residence permit, a permanent residence permit for investment purposes shall be issued, exempt of the provided in article 85, n.ºs 2, 3 and 4, subparagraph b) of the same diploma (cancellation of the right due to absences from the national territory, see article 65-k of the Regulatory Decree 84/07 of 5/11, as amended). The Permanent Residence Permit for investment purposes may be subject to specific fees of analysis and issuance, to be regulated by amendments to Ordinance 1334-E/2010, of December 31;

• Applying for Portuguese citizenship, by naturalization, provided all other requirements set out by the Nationality Act are fulfilled  (Act number 37/81 of 3 October, with the current wording);

Eligibility – Who may apply? 

All third country citizens who conduct an investment activity, as an inpidual businessperson or through a company set up in Portugal or in another EU Member State and who, in addition, are stably settled in Portugal, provided these citizens fulfil the quantitative requirements and the time requirements set out by the relevant legislation, may apply for a Residence Permit for Investment, by one of the following routes:

All third country citizens who conduct an investment activity, as an individual businessperson or through a company set up in Portugal or in another EU Member State and who, in addition, are stably settled in Portugal, provided these citizens fulfil the quantitative requirements and the time requirements set out by the relevant legislation, may apply for a Residence Permit for Investment, by one of the following routes:

i. Capital transfer with a value equal to or above 1.5 million Euros;

ii. The creation of, at least, 10 job positions;

iii. The purchase of real estate property with a value equal to or above 500 thousand Euros;

iv. The purchase of real estate property, with construction dating back more than 30 years or located in urban regeneration areas, for refurbishing, for a total value equal to or above 350 thousand Euros;

v. Capital transfer with a value equal to or above 500 thousand Euros for investing  in research activities conducted by public or private scientific research institutions involved in the national scientific or technologic system;

vi. Capital transfer with a value equal to or above 250 thousand Euros for investing  in artistic output or supporting the arts, for reconstruction or refurbishment of the national heritage, through the local and central authorities, public institutions, public corporate sector, public foundations, private foundations of public interest,  networked local authorities, local corporate sector organizations, local associations and public cultural associations, pursuing activities of artistic output, and reconstruction or maintenance of the national heritage;

vii. Capital transfer of the amount of 500 thousand Euros, or higher, for the acquisition of units of investment funds or venture capital fund of funds dedicated to the capitalisation of companies, capital injected under the Portuguese legislation, whose maturity, at the moment of the investment, is, at least, of five years and, at least, 60% of the investments is realized in commercial companies with head office in national territory; 

viii. Capital transfer of the amount of 500 thousand  Euros, or higher, for constitution of a commercial society with head office in the national territory, combined with the creation of five permanent working jobs, or for the reinforcement of the share capital of a commercial society with head office in national territory, already existing, with the creation or keeping of working jobs, with a minimum of five permanent jobs, and for a minimum period of three years.

Portuguese, EU and EEE nationals are not eligible for the ARI / Golden Visa scheme.



















首席移民推荐官Bryce Lee 真诚+实事求是+定制化移民服务方案!


主营小国护照(圣基茨,土耳其,瓦努阿图等)& 欧洲欧盟投资移民/居留卡(爱尔兰,葡萄牙,西班牙,马耳他,希腊,斯洛文尼亚,德国,奥地利等)

法 案 护 照,一 个 万 能 的 存 在 !

Passport,An omnipotent Existence ! 


护照,是基础身份/基层身份,居留卡/绿卡/永居才是上层架构护照+居留卡/绿卡/永居,标配!我们从来不创造移民的需求,也创造不了,这个需求是投资人内心真实的反馈,我们仅仅是挖掘并提供满足投资人需求的合适方案,且仅此而已!PS: 投资人的需求(包括但不限于)——子女教育(出国留学,华侨生联考,国际生),税务筹划,全球通行,资产全球化配置等。

根据市场接受度,护照含金量,投资额度,获取护照时间,处理案子效率等综合因素,首席移民推荐官Bryce Lee 更推荐以下国家的投资入籍计划:


圣基茨和尼维斯投资入籍计划—捐赠 15 W USD


安提瓜和巴布达投资入籍计划—捐赠 10 W USD起

格林纳达投资入籍计划—捐赠 15 W USD起

多米尼克投资入籍计划—捐赠 10 W USD起

圣卢西亚投资入籍计划—捐赠 10 W USD起


瓦努阿图投资入籍计划—捐赠 8 W USD起



土耳其投资入籍计划—购房40W USD





