



GaoJié People's Publishing House



From editing the book The Romance of the Three Kingdoms, to making podcast series False Art History, to developing digital program Art Parameter, artist GAO Jié’s works seemed to be produced from a publishing house with the consciousness of contemporary business management. What’s bizarre about this publishing house is that the person in charge for planning, editing, proofreading and marketing is the same one, even the author that contributes the articles. By using this way of an almost parodical “internal publication”, the artist keeps externalizing the self into the public sphere, and becomes a people’s publishing house of only one person. In the title of “GAO Jié People’s Publishing House”, “GAO Jié” refers to a person as well as some existence, which is always implicated with the most inner part that cannot be represented, and the minority that cannot be enframed (Gestell). Based on so and so, the work and its demonstration can be used to interpret each process of self-discovering, self-writing, self-editing, self-censoring, self-amending and self-publishing of each individual. This series of underlying traces of production is interfering, again and again, the hermeneutical meaning of the contemporary subject of the territory of the technologies of the self.

 Curator:FEN Lei





Unit 26,Blackstone Apartments,No.1331 Middle Fuxing Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai




1 每一件作品,都各自提出一个全然不同的“框架”(具有完全不同的知识根系);

2 每个“框架”是一个全新架构出的,独立,组织严谨的知识模型;

3 每一个“框架”,各自拷问一个最为基本的艺术问题;



高洁的代表作品 - 《伪艺术史》音频作品,各大音频平台已连载两年,包含数十万字的介绍,作品直接将用于理解当代艺术的知识工具用于创作;《艺术参数》系鉴赏艺术作品的网络程序,系列持续实施已有十年,目前已是第六版,探讨对艺术作品的理解及沟通语言;《Art4A.I. 1.0》手机游戏:创作给人工智能欣赏的艺术;《Art4A.I. 2.0》人工智能:可以欣赏艺术作品的人工智能;《世界》已有十年,包含《定义一个观念》系列;《三国演义》探讨语言结构问题。主要个展包括« Art4A.I. » , Bannister Gallery,罗德岛大学,美国,(2017)。« 世界 » , 唐人当代艺术中心,北京,中国,(2014)。 « 把你种在自己的花园里 », A2Z art 艺廊, 巴黎, 法国,(2013)。« 你在我脑中 », A2Z art 艺廊, 巴黎, 法国,(2012)。


GAO Jié was born in Gulangyu Island, Xiamen in 1979. After graduation from university, he went to France for 12 years. He now works and lives in Shanghai. Gao Jié’s artistic creation engages multidisciplinary subjects while keeps challenging the structure of knowledge. Each of his works attempts to build up a “framework” that brings the audience into a state of “nomadism”:


1.    Each work is corresponding to a totally different ‘framework’ (With completely different knowledge roots);

2.    Each ‘framework’ is a brand-new, independent and precisely-organized knowledge model;

3.    Each ‘framework’ tortured one of the most basic artistic issues;

4.    Each ‘framework’ is the progress of a test, through which he can get an unknown result(The result can be known by finishing art tests).


GAO Jié’s representative works - False Art History podcast series is released on all leading audio platforms and has been a continuous project for over two yeas, including images and texts that amounts to hundred thousand words, and directly makes the knowledge tool for understanding contemporary art into artistic creation; Art Parameter, an internet application that reviews artworks, an ongoing project for over ten years and now in it’s sixth version, discusses the understanding of artworks and the language that we use for communication; Art4A.I. 1.0 the mobile game: it is art that is made for A.I. to appreciate; The World is over ten yeas, including the series of Define A Concept; The Romance of the Three Kingdoms explores the questions of linguistic structure. Main solo exhibitions including Art4A.I., Bannister Gallery, University of Rhode Island, US (2017). The World, Tang Contemporary Art, Beijing, China (2014). Put Your Seed In Your Own Garden, A2Z art gallery, Paris, France (2013). You Are Inside My Head, A2Z art gallery, Paris, France (2012).


芬雷是泼先生发起人之一,记述电影联合发起人,图书出版品牌“拜德雅”合伙人。曾策划记述电影周(杭州,2014)、 “居伊·德波电影周”(杭州,2015)和“纪念罗兰·巴特诞辰100周年研讨会”(上海,2015);曾联合策划“写一切:重识社会文本与艺术实践”(2016.6-2016.8)、第11届上海双年展城市项目“谷神变”(2016.10)、“方志小说:驻村写作联展”(安徽碧山,2018)等。


FEN Lei,One of the founders of Pulsasir, co-founder of Récit Film and partner of the book publishing brand “Paideia”. Curated “Récit Film Week” (Hangzhou, 2014), “Guy Debord Film Week” (Hangzhou, 2015), “Symposium in Memory of Roland Barthes’ 100th Anniversary” (Shanghai, 2015); and co-curated “Write Everything: Re-recognize social texts and artistic practices” (2016.6 - 2016.8), the city project of the 11th Shanghai Biennial “Grain God Narrative” (2016.10), and the “Gazetteer-Novel: A Joint Writing Exhibition of the Village Residency” (Beshan, Anhui Province, 2018) and etc..



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