
The First Legal Forum of SCO member states was held successfully

Lex Magister 法律先生 2022-10-30

An international legal forum with special significance, namely the First Central Asian Legal Service Cooperation And Exchange Forum of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), was held in the special online way at 13:30 Beijing time, on October 26, 2022.

Representatives of governments, enterprises, and lawyers from SCO member states and observer states, including China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Belarus, Iran, Mongolia etc., participated in this forum through videoconferencing, where insights were shared and important topics were discussed; the forum was broadcast live online by Lex Magister and a total of 13,000 lawyers watched this forum through the internet.

Around the theme of the forum "Central Asian Legal Service Cooperation in A Changing Situation", the participants had insightful sharing and in-depth discussions, which enhanced the mutual understanding of the participating states; many cooperation projects were also introduced in the forum. In this forum, representatives from China Railway Group Limited and China National Chemical Corporation Ltd. were present, and the Chengdu Investment Promotion Bureau and the Government of Sichuan Tianfu New District also introduced their latest information on the development.

Screentshot from Online Forum (part of guests)

The forum was hosted by Mr. Zhou Lisi, Deputy Director of P. C. Woo & Zhonglun W.D. LLP; the following guests participated in the forum and had themed sharing (in no particular order):

Peng Shuai, CEO of Lex Magister; Lin Wei, Founding Partner of Zhonglun W&D Law Firm; Mr. Xie Rong, Vice Minister of Legal Department of China National Chemical Engineering Corporation; Mr. Yang Xiaopeng, China Railway Co., Ltd. Regulatory Department; Pavel Gerasimov, Partner, and CEO of Padva & Epshtein Law Firm in Russia; Shi Si, Vice Minister of Foreign Investment Promotion Office in Chengdu Investment Promotion Bureau; Otabek Suleymanov, Partner of Centil Law Firm in Uzbekistan; Gu Tao, Deputy Director of Legal Affairs Division, Economic Bureau of Sichuan Tianfu New Area Headquarters; Madiyar Bekturganov, Kazakhstan legislative expert; Nurbek Sabirov, Partner and Registered Patent Attorney of Kalikova & Associates in Kyrgyzstan, and Jyldyz Tagaeva, Junior partner of Kalikova & Associates in  Kyrgyzstan; Anubhav Kumar, lawyer of the Supreme Court of India; Anna Soltanovich, Associate of SBH Law Offices in Belarus; Jawad A.Sarwana, Practicing Advocate of the Supreme Court of Pakistan; Arash Izadi, partner of Tehran ,Izadi Law firm in Iran; Zoljargal Dashnyam, Managing Partner of DB & GTS LLP in Mongolia; Dr. Liu Fengxin, China National Institute for SCO International Exchange and Judicial Cooperation; Liu Hanlu, European Partner of China-Europe Legal Foundation; Yang Qian, Beijing Zhonglun W&D Law Firm (Chengdu).

From left to right:
XIE Rong, Vice Minister of Legal Department of China National Chemical Engineering Corporation;
LIN Wei, Vice Chair/Senior Partner of Zhonglun W&D Law Firm;
YANG Xiaopeng, China Railway Co.,Ltd. RegulatoryDepartment;
ZHOU Lisi, Deputy Director of P.C.Woo&Zhonglun W.D. LLP

From left to right:
PENG Shuai, Lex Magister CEO;
GU Tao, Deputy Director of Legal Affairs Division, Economic Bureau of Sichuan Tianfu New Area Headquarters;
Pavel Gerasimov, Partner&CEO of Padva & Epshtein Law Firm
Otabek Suleymanov, Partner of Centil Law Firm

From left to right:
Anna Soltanovich, Associate SBH Law Offices;
SHI Si,Vice Minister of Foreign Investment Promotion Office, Chengdu Investment Promotion Bureau ;
Anubhav Kumar, Associate, Trinaya Legal Advocate, Supreme Court of India;
Jyldyz Tagaeva,Junior partner of Kalikova & Associates

From left to right:
Jawad A.Sarwana, Practicing Advocate of the Supreme Court of Pakistan; Arbitrator and arbitration counsel;
Dr.Arash Izadi, Partner, Izadi Law Firm, Tehran;
Zoljargal Dashnyam, DB & GTS LLP Managing Partner;
Dr.LIU Fengxin, China National Institute for SCO International Exchange and Judicial CooperationShanghai University of Political Science and Law

From left to right:
YANG Xi, Beijing Zhonglun W.D.Law Firm(Chengdu)
Nurbek Sabirov,Partner and registered patent attorney ofKalikova & Associates
Rohullah Rezai,Senior Advisor - Afghanistan Affairs of P.C.Woo & Zhonglun W.D. LLP 
Madiyar Bekturganov,Legal experts in the field of legislation,competition protection, regulated procurement
LIU Hanlu, European Partner of the China-Europe Legal Foundation

Initiated by Lex Magister and China-Europe Legal Foundation (CELF), and co-hosted by Beijing Zhonglun W&D Law Firm, this forum has received support from China Railway Group Limited, China National Chemical Corporation Ltd., Chengdu Investment Promotion Bureau, and Sichuan Tianfu New District.

This forum is the pioneer in the global legal industry and the first large-scale international forum for legal professionals from member states and observer states of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization; the total area involved in SCO has reached three-fifths of the Eurasian continent, with the total population accounting for 45% of the world's population, and GDP accounting for more than 20% of the world's total. If effective cooperation between legal persons in these regions, 45% of the world's population will have access to better legal services; this forum will generate unimaginable value if it promotes economic and cultural exchanges and cooperation between those countries. Therefore, this forum is of great historical value.

Screentshot of Madiyar Bekturganov's slide

Screentshot from Lin Wei's slide

The discussions of this forum not only enabled the participants to better understand each other, but also sorted out the basic legal systems, investment environments, and compliance requirements of SCO member states and observer states, which has laid a solid foundation for cooperation and set a good start off to future economic and cultural exchanges among the participating states.

The organizer, Lex magister, is committed to the construction of a platform of exchange, learning and cooperation for global legal professionals. Since its establishment in 2015, Lex magister has been devoted to talent training, international exchange and cooperation in the legal industry, and has more than 300,000 lawyer users worldwide. has hosted dozens of large-scale international legal forums overseas in places such as the United Nations Headquarters, the International Court of Justice in The Hague, etc., contributing to the exchange, learning and cooperation of nearly 10,000 lawyers worldwide.

