

全册精讲+ 班班通教学系统 2021-01-14















 一, 教学目标:

1 能听、说、读、天气类单词sun, sunny, rain, rainy, snow, snowy, wind, windy

2.掌握日常交际用语:What’sthe weather like today? It’s….

What’s the weather like in Beijing/Shanghai…? It’s….

What’s the weather like on Monday/Tuesday…? On Monday, it’s….


  二, 教学内容重难点分析:




Part 1.Free talk and motivation:

T/S: Good morning boys and girls./Miss Jin.

T: What day is it today?

Ss: Today is….

T: Is it hot?

Ss:No,it isn’t.

T:Ok,we can say the weather is not hot,it’s very cold. Follow me,weather(write the word on the blackboard ,repeat the word several times)

Part 2.Presentation:

T:Today,Amy and Sam come to the park,lisen to the radio,find outwhat’s the weather like in this story?(lisen the tape,write the title on theblackboard )

T: So what’s the weather like in this story ?

Ss: It’s sunny. (write the word on the blackboard .Point to thesentence one by one,)

T: Can you draw a picture about sunny? ( let a S to draw a pictureon the blackboard )[

T:Ok,very good! Follow me,sunny.( repeat the word several times)

T:Can you find out another word about weather?

Ss:It’s windy.(Teach other word just as above)


Ss:It’s raining”.

T:Is it really raining? Get the answer and explain why?


T:Read it after me”rain”! (Teach the word just as above)

Part 3.Practice:

Review the words.(升降调,one by one)

T:Open your book,turn to 3,listen and say!(listen the tape)

Choose several pairs to act it out.


T: Look at these tools.(Draw some pictures on theblackboard:umbrella ,gloves , hat)what can you imagine? What will you thinkabout?

For example: An umbrella, when do we need an umbrella? When it israiny, we need an umbrella.

T:Ok!Today,we learned diffierent weather,sunny,rain,windy.Afterclass, make dialogues with your partners or students .

Part5.blackboard design

What’s the weather like today?

It’s sunny. sunny

It’s windy. Windy

It’s raining”. rain




1. What do you like doing in summer? I like swimming

2. weather, like, sunny, windy, rain, come on, here, snow



  使学生通过练习句子:What’s the weather like? It’s hot.

What do you like doing in summer? I like swimming.




Ⅰ.Class Opening

1. Greetings.

2. 1 Go over the story by listening and repeating.

2 Look and say.


What’s the weather like? It’s…

Ⅱ.Main Activities for Teaching and Learning.


1 Feedback of the homework.

  请同学出示上次的调查作业,首先两人一组比较调查结果。教师板书What’s the weather like in______? It’s …然后进行问答练习。

2 Introduce Activity Two.

  今天我们去一个美丽的地方,如果我们想知道这个地方的天气,应该怎么问呢?(擦去板书中的in_____换为 here,What’s theweather like here? Let’s listen to the introduction.


1 Complete Activity One and Two.

① Listen to the dialogue in Activity One.

② “What’s the difference between the two pictures.”

Learn to say “summer” and “winter”

③ Add “in summer” and “in winter ” to the question “What’s theweather like here?”

And get the students answer the questions




Warm up


1. Sing a song. It‘s raining.

2. Greetings.

T Good morning What day is it today What’s the weather like

Ss It‘s...

3. Review the old words that are relative to today’s lesson.(Familymembers and activities.)

TBrother.(Choose one word from one topic. Anyone is OK.)

Ss sister mother....(Say the words that arerelative to the theme as many as they can.)




1. Listen to the sound and guess what is happening.

Record some sounds before class such as the sounds from the radio someone is talking or reading and so on.

T What can youhear You can sayit in Chinese.

Ss 我听到有人在.......

2. Show them the corresponding pictures and describe them.

T Thisis.......

She‘s or He’s doing STH. (Describe the pictures.)

3. Present the task.

T Can you tellus what is happening in your pictures我们共同学习后,一会就来个配解说词大赛!

Now let‘s learnfrom Daming and see how he do as a commentator .

  多种感官参与活动加深了学生对重点语句含义的理解。帮助学生对be + doing 结构与其所表达含义之间建立联系










1. Work in small groups. Describe the pictures or photos to yourgroup members.

Ss Thisis....... She’s / He‘s doing STH.

2. Competition. Who is the best commentator

Each group takes turns to come to the front and show their works.

3. Choose the best commentator group with Ss together.

4. Sum up What have we learned today

Do you have any questions about today’s lesson









Book 4 Module 2

Unit 1 She’s listening to the radio.

Teaching contents:

He’s/She’s doing.

Teaching aims:


A. Get students to grasp a new dialogue and some new words

B. let students grasp the words: singing reading listening playing  watching


A.Talk about on_going activities

B.Pay attention to the usage of family members


Main points:

Help students grasp the key sentences

He’s/She’s doing.

Difficult points:

Enable students to use the drills fluently and correctly.

Teaching aids:

CD-Rom ,some cards

tape recorder stickers ect.


Teaching steps

Teacher’s Activity

Students’ Activity



1. Sing a song. It’s raining.

2. Greetings.

T: Good morning! What day is it today? What’s the weather like?

3. Review the old words that are relative to today’s  lesson.(Family members and activities.)

1. Listen to the sound, and guess what is happening.

Record some sounds before class, such as the sounds from the  radio, someone is talking or reading and so on.

T: What can you hear?

T: This is…….

She’s or He’s doing STH. (Describe the pictures.)

3. Present the task.

T: Can you tell us what is happening in your pictures?

Now, let’s learn from Daming and see how he do as a commentator

Listen, point and repeat. (Using the CD-ROM and the cassette.)

Copy the actions. S1 does the actions from the sentence cards he  sees. The other Ss guess what he or she is doing.

Ss: She / He is doing STH.

Then encourage the others to take S1’s role.

Let’s watch TV. Look at the pictures on the television.(CAI), and  guess what is showing on TV? What is he/ she doing? Then the teacher show  them the pictures with sentences. 新课  标第一网

Sing together.


It’s ….

Mother father brother sister

And get the students answer the questions.

Show them the corresponding pictures and describe them.

Work in pairs. Then try to act the text out.

Ss read the text after the tape with the books open. (Remind them  to point to the corresponding sentences.)

Practice in different ways and then ask them to find the answer.

Find out sentences about the activity,then practice.

Read the text line by line, explain when necessary.




Module 2 Unit 1 She’s listening to the radio.

He’s/She’s listening reading playing



Book 4 Module 2

Unit 2 I’m drawing a picture.

Teaching contents:

1. What are you doing ?

2.I’m ….

Teaching aims:


A. Get students to grasp a new dialogue and some new words

B. let students grasp the words: writing drawing colouring


A.Talk about “I’m doing sth.”

B.Pay attention to the usage of V+ing


Main points:

Help students grasp the key sentences

I’m V+ing .

Difficult points:

Enable students to use the drills fluently and correctly.

Teaching aids:

CD-Rom ,some cards

tape recorder stickers ect.



Book 4 Module 2

Unit 2 I’m drawing a picture.

Teaching contents:

1. What are you doing ?

2.I’m ….

Teaching aims:


A. Get students to grasp a new dialogue and some new words

B. let students grasp the words: writing drawing colouring


A.Talk about “I’m doing sth.”

B.Pay attention to the usage of V+ing


Main points:

Help students grasp the key sentences

I’m V+ing .

Difficult points:

Enable students to use the drills fluently and correctly.

Teaching aids:

CD-Rom ,some cards

tape recorder stickers ect.



Book 4 Module 2

Unit 2 I’m drawing a picture.

Teaching contents:

1. What are you doing ?

2.I’m …. wwW.x kB  1.c Om

Teaching aims:


A. Get students to grasp a new dialogue and some new words

B. let students grasp the words: writing drawing colouring


A.Talk about “I’m doing sth.”

B.Pay attention to the usage of V+ing


Main points:

Help students grasp the key sentences

I’m V+ing .

Difficult points:

Enable students to use the drills fluently and correctly.

Teaching aids:

CD-Rom ,some cards

tape recorder stickers ect.


Teaching steps

Teacher’s Activity

Students’ Activity



I.Warming up and Revision

1Review the  words of weather.

2Free talk:  What do you do at the weekend?

swim, run, watch TV, sing, dance, read a book, play football/…,  play the flute, listen to music.

① Listen to the dialogue in Activity One.

Read the words: listening, reading, writing, playing, talking,  doing.

T: What are you doing?

T: Writing a letter? Please come here and let me have a look.

Now, what are you doing?

Show the letter.

T: Look, what’s this in English?

Show the picture.

T: Is it a letter? No, it isn’t. It’s a picture.

T: I like drawing pictures. Now, what am I doing

T: I’m drawing.

T: I like colour red. I want to colour the girl’s shirt. Now, I’m  (colouring).


Drawing, drawing. I’m drawing.

Colouring, colouring. I’m colouring.

Writing, writing. I’m writing.


1.Point to Becky’s picture. T: Who’s she? What’s she doing?

What’s the girl’s name?

How old is she?

What’s she doing?

Who’s her friend?

Where is Fangfang?

Hot sunny raining cold windy snowing

And get the students answer the questions.

Practice in different ways and then ask them to find the answer.

One student is writing.

S: I’m writing a letter.

S: I’m drawing a picture and I’m colouring the picture.

(It’s a letter.)

Read the word picture.

Learn to do and say drawing—drawing a bird/ tree/ book—I’m drawing  a picture.

Learn to do and say colouring—colouring the face/ shirt/  picture—I’m colouring.

Learn to say the chant and do the actions.

Listen to the tape.

Read after the tape.

Answer the questions.




Module 2 Unit 2 I’m drawing a picture.

I’m writing. I’m colouring. I’m drawing.

Teaching notes

  本课继续学习巩固现在进行时,对比What's she  doing ? what are you doing?及回答.学习歌曲I'm  listening to music.效果很好.


Teaching steps

Teacher’s Activity

Students’ Activity



I.Warming up and Revision

1Review the  words of weather.

2Free talk:  What do you do at the weekend?

swim, run, watch TV, sing, dance, read a book, play football/…,  play the flute, listen to music.

① Listen to the dialogue in Activity One.

Read the words: listening, reading, writing, playing, talking,  doing.

T: What are you doing?

T: Writing a letter? Please come here and let me have a look.

Now, what are you doing?

Show the letter.

T: Look, what’s this in English?

Show the picture.

T: Is it a letter? No, it isn’t. It’s a picture.

T: I like drawing pictures. Now, what am I doing

T: I’m drawing.

T: I like colour red. I want to colour the girl’s shirt. Now, I’m  (colouring).


Drawing, drawing. I’m drawing.

Colouring, colouring. I’m colouring.

Writing, writing. I’m writing.


1.Point to Becky’s picture. T: Who’s she? What’s she doing?

What’s the girl’s name?

How old is she?

What’s she doing?

Who’s her friend?

Where is Fangfang?

Hot sunny raining cold windy snowing

And get the students answer the questions.

Practice in different ways and then ask them to find the answer.

One student is writing.

S: I’m writing a letter.

S: I’m drawing a picture and I’m colouring the picture.

(It’s a letter.)

Read the word picture.

Learn to do and say drawing—drawing a bird/ tree/ book—I’m drawing  a picture.

Learn to do and say colouring—colouring the face/ shirt/  picture—I’m colouring.

Learn to say the chant and do the actions.

Listen to the tape.

Read after the tape.

Answer the questions.




Module 2 Unit 2 I’m drawing a picture.

I’m writing. I’m colouring. I’m drawing.

Teaching notes

  本课继续学习巩固现在进行时,对比What's she  doing ? what are you doing?及回答.学习歌曲I'm  listening to music.效果很好.

Teaching steps

Teacher’s Activity

Students’ Activity



I.Warming up and Revision

1Review the  words of weather.

2Free talk:  What do you do at the weekend?

swim, run, watch TV, sing, dance, read a book, play football/…,  play the flute, listen to music.

① Listen to the dialogue in Activity One.

Read the words: listening, reading, writing, playing, talking,  doing.

T: What are you doing?

T: Writing a letter? Please come here and let me have a look.

Now, what are you doing?

Show the letter.

T: Look, what’s this in English?

Show the picture.

T: Is it a letter? No, it isn’t. It’s a picture.

T: I like drawing pictures. Now, what am I doing

T: I’m drawing.

T: I like colour red. I want to colour the girl’s shirt. Now, I’m  (colouring).


Drawing, drawing. I’m drawing.

Colouring, colouring. I’m colouring.

Writing, writing. I’m writing.


1.Point to Becky’s picture. T: Who’s she? What’s she doing?

What’s the girl’s name?

How old is she?

What’s she doing?

Who’s her friend?

Where is Fangfang?

Hot sunny raining cold windy snowing

And get the students answer the questions.

Practice in different ways and then ask them to find the answer.

One student is writing.

S: I’m writing a letter.

S: I’m drawing a picture and I’m colouring the picture.

(It’s a letter.)

Read the word picture.

Learn to do and say drawing—drawing a bird/ tree/ book—I’m drawing  a picture.

Learn to do and say colouring—colouring the face/ shirt/  picture—I’m colouring.

Learn to say the chant and do the actions.

Listen to the tape.

Read after the tape.

Answer the questions.




Module 2 Unit 2 I’m drawing a picture.

I’m writing. I’m colouring. I’m drawing.

Teaching notes

  本课继续学习巩固现在进行时,对比What's she  doing ? what are you doing?及回答.学习歌曲I'm  listening to music.效果很好.



Teaching Aims:

1.Grasp the phrases: tidying the room; doing the homework; birthdaycard.

2.Grasp the sentences:

(1)Sam isn’t tidying his homework.

(2)Is he doing his homework?

Yes, he is/No, he isn’t.

The Prepositive Homework:

1.Underline the words you can say.

2.Circle the words you can’t say.

3.Underline the important sentences.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1: Greeting and Warming up

1. Sing the song “I’m listening to music”

2. Read the article “I Am Nobody”.

3. Play a game

Step2: Presentation

1.Discuss the Prepositive homework in groups and read the words andsentences they can say.(学生对自己的前置性作业积极进行讨论,小组合作交流效果较好)

2.Discuss the words or sentences they can’t say.(学生能大胆的提出自己的问题,做到知之为知之,不知为不知,这也是低年级孩子的心理特点,对开展教学具有启迪作用)

3.Teach the words, and have the students read one by one.

4.Listen to the tape of the dialogue and repeat.(大部分学生指读到位,个别学生跟不上录音的节奏,状态不佳)

5.Listen and repeat again.

6.Practise the dialogue in groups.(各小组积极进行角色分配,并对对话内容进行动作设计,热情较高)

7.Have a show.(因时间关系只进行了两个小组的展示,但各小组成员都积极进行配合)

Step 3Practice

Practice the sentences: Is he \she _______?

Yes, he\she is.

No, he\she isn’t.

1. Practice in groups.

2. Have a show.

Step 4Homework

1.Listen to the dialogue for 2 times.

2.Make a card for your mother.



  认知目标:1. 学习如何询问和回答有关正在进行的动作和正在发生的事情。

2. 正确理解,掌握对话内容。

  能力目标 1. 能对正在进行的动作和正在发生的事情进行询问、回答。

2. 能流利地朗读,并初步表演对话。


Sam isn’t tidying your room. Is he doing his homeworkAre you tidying your room now? Yes,I am.




Ⅰ.Class Opening.

1. Greetings.

2. 歌曲:Are yousleeping. 新课  标第一网


3. 游戏:Listen andsay.

  通过挂图,教师提问:What is he/ she (are they) doing? 引导并帮助学生用 He/ She is (They are) doing…来回答。Sam is doing his homework.

Ⅱ.Main Activities for Teaching and Learning.


1 在学生回答Is Samdoing his homework?.之后出示图片,确认学生的答案。然后出示图片,并用What is Sam doing?提问,帮助学生用Sam isn’t tidying your room.回答。

2 引出课题:Sam isn’ttidying your room. Is he doing his homework? What is he doing? What is secret?(板书课题)

3 设问:让我们看看到底是什么秘密?


1 Look and listen to the story.

2 Answer the following questions.

What is Sam doing?

Is he doing his homework?

What does Sam give to his mom?

  在回答问题过程中教师需要吧Sam isn’t tidying your room. Is he doing his homeworkAre you tidying your room now? Yes,I am.等几个句子写在黑板上,进行解释帮助学生理解。

3 Listen and repeat. Then read by themselves. 听音跟读,注意纠正学生的语音、语调和发音错误。

4 Complete Activity One in AB. 首先请学生自己选词填空,然后把自己的答案读给同伴,最后有教师播放录音,全体学生检查、核对答案。


1 两人小组活动。发给每组一张纸。上面出示多项活动的图片,小组内的每个人,选择其中几项提问:Is he/she v-ing…? 并回答

Ⅲ.Class Closing.


Unit 2 Are you doing your homework?

Sam isn’t tidying your room.

Is he doing his homework

Are you tidying your room now? Yes, I am.


U 教学目标:


Aim 1.能够听、说、读、写动词短语的ing形式:drawing pictures, doing thedishes, cooking dinner, reading a book, answering the phone

Aim 2.能运用句型 “Whatare you doing? I’m doing the dishes/….”询问别人正在做什么并作答。

Aim 3.通过说唱Let’schant部分的歌谣巩固复习Let’slearn部分的动词短语和句子。


  教学重点:本课时需要掌握五个动词短语的ing形式,能够理解下一课时的主要句型“What are you doing?”并能用“I am doing the dishes/…”作答。



1 教师准备本课时Let’s chant, Let’s learn的录音带。





1 Greetings

2Sing a song:I Can Help.(师生做动作共同演唱)Thenask the students:What phrase can you hear in this song ?




do the dishes cook the meals read a book

set the table do homework clean the room


2Free talk

I can do housework.

What can you do?

Can you cook the meals?

Can you clean your bedroom



1、教学doing thedishes,并呈现现在进行时的问答形式:Whatare you doing I am …

  (1 教师拿出一个盘子: I can do the dishes

Can you do the dishes?

  请学生拼词,教师同时在黑板上写下do the dishes,教师边做洗碗的动作,边对学生说: I amdoing the dishes . 然后在黑板上的短语后面加上ing变成doing thedishes ,强调ing的发音. 教师引导学生做洗碗的动作,并跟说: I amdoing the dishes. 用其他的词组进行替换,通过适当的动作引导学生理解现在进行时表达的含义.并适时帮助学生总结:在人称后面加上系动词,在把动词加上ing 就可以表示现在正在进行的动作。

  (2)出示几个动词短语,请学生将动作短语转换成ing 的形,并试着读一读.

  (3)导入What areyou doing?句型

TNow I’m doingthe dishes

  学生做洗盘子的动作,师问:What are you doing



  教师请学生猜What are you doing?的意思,并板书领读。

  (4Play thegame“GoStop”to drillthe sentences.

Ask the students pass a plate one by one.(师生一起边拍手边问:What are you doing?当师说Stop时,拿到盘子的同学要边洗盘子边说:I’m doing thedishes)

  (设计思路:通过传盘子游戏集体练习、重点突破主句型What are you doing


  (1)出示词组。 TYou can do the dishes. Can you cookdinner?

  教师板书,领读。并说:It means: cook the meals.

T:(师那锅做饭并问)Nowwho can ask me with the sentence?

T: I’m cooking dinner



T:Now,please cook something and practice in pairs.You can cookeggs,noodles,tomatoes…

T:(师生示范)Mm…Yummy.What are you doing

S1: I’m…

  (设计思路:由问You can do the dishes. Can you cook dinner?自然引出cooking dinner的教学。并用两人合作的形式,边做动作边练习,让学生全员参与,拓展了思维。

3.学习reading abook

T:(师读书并问)Whatam I doing

  请生试答并板书在黑板上:I’m reading a book

TI’m readingan English bookPlease readbooks and say: I’mreading____ book



T:(当学生说到读picturebook时)You arereading a picture book.Let’s see.教师边看边说:Pictures, beautiful pictures.Can you draw pictures?

  教师边板书边说:I am drawing pictures。领读并引导学生拼写。

TNow I amdrawing a tree. What are you doing

T:(引导学生边画边说):Iam drawing …

5.学习 answeringthe phone

  (1)出示词组。Nowlet’s listen and look.

T:(出示打电话的课件)What’she doing ?

  教师板书:answer the phone请生加ing并试读,教师强调连读,请学生单个读。


A .做高低声游戏。If theteacher says quietly, the students say loudly. If the teacher says loudly, thestudents say quietly.

  (设计思路:answering the phone 这个词组的发音是难点,所以用这个游戏让学生集中注意力多次重复,加深记忆。)


  师生示范打电话用语:THello,____.This is Miss Yu.

What are you doing

S: I am… What are you doing

T: I am…



  四、Consolidationand extension (扩展活动)

1Make a chant

(1)The teacher asks, thestudents answer.

(2) 把全班学生分为男、女生两大组,一组问,一组答,并配合动作。


2 教师播放Let’s learn 部分的录音,学生边听边指边读,力争做到眼到、手到、口到、心到

3、快速反应www.X kb1.coM

  教师带领学生做快速反应的游戏。教师说本部分的动词短语,如:do the dishes, 让学生说出它的ing 形式:doing thedishes

  (设计思路:用 游戏的方式,强化和区分动词ing 形式的词组,教师注意适时纠正学生的发音,巩固动词短语的同时纠正发音。)


  教师先出示课件的一部分,让学生猜:What is she\he doing?学生猜对了,再整体呈现课件,并请他们拼写词组,最后齐读句子。如,先出示盘子,师问:What is she\he doing? 生猜。再呈现整个张鹏洗盘子的画面和句子,请他们拼写doing the dishes,并齐读句子He is doing the dishes.

  (设计思路:学生在猜的过程中就发展了发散思维,而且还让学生读出来,还要背出来,因为这五个词组中四个已经在上册就背下来了,培养了学生听说读写的能力,并拓展了第三人称的现在进行时,让学生练说He/She is ……,为后面的内容做铺垫。)



T: Today we learned so many actions.now please make a

dialogue with them.You can do housework,have a picnic,do sports,study and so on.




TWhat have youlearned in this lesson? 请生回答。



After school, please give your friend a call in English and talkabout what you are doing.


Unit 4 What Are You Doing?A Let’s learn.

What are you doing?

doing the dishes.

I am cooking dinner.

reading a book.

drawing pictures

answering the phone


Aims Ⅰ:To be able tounderstand, say and recognize: photo\smile\camera

Ⅱ:To master some phrases: listening to the radio\reading a newspaper\playing with his train

Ⅲ:Talking about activities place now.

Focus Ⅰ:To grasp main words and phrases.

Ⅱ: Talking about activities place now.

Aids pictures, cards, tape--recorder


Process Teaching's Activity Students' Activity Re-


Ⅰ: Warming up\Revision

1. Greeting..

2. The chant: Is this weather true?

Ⅱ: Leading-in

Game: Listen and do.

Say a command.

Ⅲ: Listening & reading Activities

1. Show picture and ask questions.

2. Play the cassette.

3. Play the cassette again.

4. Play the cassette.

1. Greeting..

2.Say it.

The students listen and do.

1.Look and answer.


3.Listen and point.

4.Repeat each utterance.



Teaching's Activity Students Activity Re-


5. Write the phrases and teach.

6. Teach sentences.

7. Turn on the tape.

Ⅳ: Further Development

1. SB: Listen and say.

2. SB: Practise.

3. Have a race.

Ⅴ: Homework

1. Own family who describe the affair does tonight.

2. AB (U2) 5.Learn carefully.

6.Learn and drill.

7.Listen and repeat.

1.Do it.

2. Work in pairs.

3.Do it.

Listen carefully.



Teaching Plan

Title NSE Book 4 Module 2 Unit 2

Aims i. To master: drawing writing playing reading listening.

ii. Talking about the on-going activities of somebody. Focus Tounderstand and use main knowledge correctly.

Aids cards . tape


Process Teacher's Activity

I.Warming up and Revision




1.Review :play/sing/watch/listen…

Lead the class to say v-ing.

2. Say something about the text.

III.Listening & Reading Activities

1.Show the picture and play the tape.

2.Questions for children.

3.Write "I'm___ing."on the board.

4.Play the ape again.

5.A few minutes for children.

IV.Further Development

1.Lead the class in a discussion about A2.

2.Teach this song.

3. AB U2 E1&2.


Talking about the on-going activities of family members.

Students' Activity


2.Say and do the actions.

1.To review them.



2.Discuss and answer.

3.Look and repeat.

4.Listen again.

5. practise in pairs and act.

1.Work in pairs.

2.Learn to sing.

3.Do them. Re-preparation



Teaching Plan

Title NSE Book 4 Module4 unit 1

Aims i.To master main knowledge--What are you doing ?\What's he/shedoing?

ii.To use main knowledge freely.

Focus i.Ask and answer the present action.

i.The pronunciation of the V+ing

Aids Cards, Tape-recorder


Process Teacher's Activity

I.Warming up and Revision


2A song.

3Let childrenuse--Are you V+ing ? and --Yes./No. to ask and answer.


Review --V+ing .eg."swimming,

jumping ,walking ".Etc.

III. Listening and reading Activities

1Turn on thetape.

2 Turn on thetape again.

3Teach newsentences :

4Activity2-Listenand say.

IV. .Further Development

1Show thepictures of part 3

2Have a race.

V. Homework

Declare homework:

1Listen andread the text.

2AB(P14,15).Students' Activity


2Clap and sing

3Do it inpairs.

Read these words.

1listen andpoint

2 Listen andunderline new knowledge.

3Learn anddrill them.

4Work inpairs.

1Practise andshow it.

2Do it.

Listen carefully. Re-preparation

Feed back

Title Module4 Unit2 What's she doing?

Aims 1.Learn the new words and sentences, then say.

2.Let students can talk about occupations.

Focus 1.Words: noicedrinktalktheregame .

2.Sentences: What's she doing?

She's playing a game with Amy and Sam.

Aids RadiocardsVCDtapeschalks

Teaching Process

Teacher's Activity

I Warming up and Revision

i. Greetings

ii Sing the song

II Leading-in

Show the picture.

T: What's are they doing? Students'Activity

S: Say "hello" to teacher.

S:Sing and do.

S: They are talking. Re-preparation

Teaching Plan



T: What's she doing?

T: Now we will learn Moudle 4 Unit 2

III Listening and Activities.

Turn on the tape.

IV Further Development

Invite three students to the front of the class. Tell them to mimean action.

Stop them and ask them this.

S: she's playing.

Listen and learn.

Do the action.


Teaching Process

Game: Say and guess.

ShT: What's she doing?

Say and sing the chant.

V Homework

Read the dialogue and the sentence .

Preview Module 5 Unit1.

She's playing basketball.

Sing the chant

     ow a picture and ask the students




1.知识目标:playtime,sad, skip(ping), hide-and-seek, clap(ping) games, She is…They are…

2.技能目标:听说:playtime,sad, skip(ping), hide-and-seek, clap(ping) games:能听懂发生在校园课间中的故事;大声跟读课文。

3.情感目标:快乐游戏,参与今日英语游戏:clapping games.


Important and difficult points:

1. 感受现在进行时态与一般现在时态动词的形态变化V-ing,同时能区别is, are在人数变化时的运用;

2. 积极听、说、跟读课文

Teaching methods:

1. TPR教学法

Teaching preparations:



  将课文中的clapping games较好地在学生中间推广。

Teaching Procedures:

Step1. Warm up

T: Let’s sing a song. ”I’m listening to music.”

T: Let’s say a chant. “What are you doing?”

T: Hello boys and girls! Ss: Hello teacher.

T: Glad to meet you! Ss: Glad to meet you, too!

T: How are you, today? Ss: I’m fine. Thank you. And you?

T: I’m fine too. Thank you. Sit down, please!

T: Who knows? What day is it today? S1: It’s Wednesday.

Yes, clever. Sit down.

T: What’s the weather like? S2: It’s sunny.

Very good. Sit down.


T: Please review words

T: Everyone, stand up. Please listen and do the actions. OK, nowlisten to me. (draw a picture, jump, play football)

T: What are you doing? Ss: I’m ……

T: Please hurry up! Sit down your chair. Please sit well and listento me.

Step3. Free talk

T: 英才学校为了让小朋友们更健康地学习,开设了一个playtime,在我们学校也有一个playtime What’s playtime? Guess please! Do you like this playtime?


T: 在我们学校可以叫做大课间。It’sour time to play games and do exercise.

T: In the playtime. Amy finds Fangfang is sad, why? Let’s see it,together? Please open your books at page 18. x k  b 1 .c o m

T: First, listen and find new words. Show CD.

T: Who can say new words? (sad, hide-and-seek, seek, hide, skip,clap). 教读单词。复习现在分词的构成。

T: Please look these questions.下面我们要带着问题进入课文学习。T: Listen and repeat. (边跟读边讲解)

T: Fangfang刚才有些不高兴,那你们现在知道为什么了吧?

Ss: No one is playing with Fangfang.

T: 那现在她高兴了吗?Ss:Yes, she is happy.

T: Listen and repeat again.

T: Please read the story.


T: Everyone read the story. (It’s playtime.)

T: Boys is Amy. Girls is Fangfang.

T: Second, who can answer the questions. Show questions

(listen, sing, watch, dance, talk, read, write, eat, drink, jump,play, run)


1.Show problem sentencesfor “they” write activity 3 games.


2. Look at some photos and learn to say the games.

Practice “What are they doing? They’re……”


Ss practice activity 3. What are they doing? They’re……

Step5.Play games.


1. T: This is playtime, you can play games.

T: What are you doing? S1: We’re…

T: What are they doing? S2:They are ……

2. 出示课件图片练习句型。

T: 我们以前也学习过第三人称询问什么的句子,那我们来看看。


  今天我们学习了5个新单词,(sad,hide-and-seek, seek, hide, skip, clap).


(What are they doing? They are ……)


T: Look at our homework.

(1) Repeat Module 5 Unit 1 three times;

(2) In playtime, try to Introduction student’s games.


Module 5 Unit 1

Lingling is skipping.

sad seek-seeking

hide-and-seek hide-hiding What arethey doing?

skip-skipping They’re……



 一. 教学意图:

  本节课的学习内容为外研社出版的新标准英语一年级起点第四册第五模块第二单元What are you playing?一课,这是本模块的第三课时。本节课主要复习句式(1)What are they playing? They’re… Can I help with you? Yes, youcan. (2)What am I playing? Are you…skipping/clapping /hide and seek等活动的单词。通过网络,学生自主听读Chant, 并拓展句式Where are they? They are in the playground. What are they playing?Some are…Some are… 同时拓展听读与课文知识相关的对话,拓展句式 Do you like…? What do you like? Let’s…拓展听读英语小故事,提高学生的听力,增强学生的语感。最后学生在教师指导下合作进行看图说话,初步培养学生的语言迁移能力及发散性思维。从中也更进一步发展了学生自主听、说及协作学习语言知识的能力.

  二. 教学目标分析:

1. 语言知识目标:

  单词: skipping, playing hide-and-seekplaying clapping games playground

  句型: What are they playing? They’re…

Can I help with you? Yes, you can.

What am I playing? Are you…

  扩展句型:Where are they? They are in the playground.

What are they playing? Some are…Some are…

Do you like…? What do you like? Let’s…

2. 语言技能目标:

l 能听、会说词汇skipping,playing hide-and-seekplaying clapping games playground

l 听、说并能理解、运用本课句子Whatare they playing? Where are they? They’re… Some are…描述他人正在做的事情.

l 通过引导学生根据与课标内容相关的PPT图片及关键词句进行看图说话,初步培养学生在key points辅助下口语表达及语言迁移运用能力。

l 通过让学生借助网络资源自主听、说与课文知识相关的英语故事,不断增强英语语感及提高听力,同时也进一步提高了运用网络资源辅助学习的意识及能力。



4. 教学重点及难点:



  三. 教学对象分析:

  本节课的教学对象为二年级学生。学生在电脑操作方面已有一定的基础,能按老师要求搜索到所要学习的资源。且此课之前学生也已掌握了部分游戏活动的词汇: skipping, playing hide-and-seekplaying clapping gamesfive stones.及描述他人活动的句式 She’s…He’s…They are…具有较好的英语听、说能力,迁移运用英语的能力及发散性思维。




1. Get students to grasp a new dialogue and some new words

2.Talking with“usually” and “...ing”


1.Key words “usually Sunday help it thing ill him “.

2. Help students grasp the key sentences

I usually help my father. But I‘m not helping him today.


Radio cards picture CAI

Teaching Process

Teacher’s Activity

Students‘ Activity


ⅠWarming up and Revision

1.Say hello to students.

2.Sing a song


I usually listen to music but I‘m not listening to music today. Daming usually do manythings. But he’s not doing them today. Why Let‘s listen and find.

ⅢTeaching and Learning

1.Play the tape.

2.Ask some questions. On Sundays Daming usually plays basketball/helps his father/rides hisbike/does his homework. Is he playing/helping him/riding it/doing it today Why What’s he doing now

3.Show the pictures and sentences.

4.Play the tape

ⅣFurther Development .

1. Look and Fill blanks

2. Practice in pairs.


1. To all studentsMake some sentences with”usually“and “-ing”then draw them.

2. To a part of students Make a dialogue and act it out.

1.Say“hello”to teacher

2.Sing and do the actions

Listen carefully then listen to the tape.

1.Listen and point 2 times.

2.Answer questions.

No he isn‘t.He’s ill.

He‘s watching TV.

3.Look and say.

4.Listen and repeat 2 times.

1. Look and say.

2. Show a dialogue.


Aims  教学目的

Comparing routines with current actions



Language Today is gandma’s birthday and we are helping her.

Function Comparing routines with current actions




Teaching process

Teacher‘s activity

Student’s activity



  一.Warming up and revision

Say hello to the students. .leadingin

Draw two circles on the board. In one write “usually” and in theother write “now”

  三.Listening and reading activities

Activity1. Listen and repeat

Show the picture about the text. Play the tape.

Play the tape again.

Write the words on the board.

Play the tape sentence by sentence.

Draw the table on the board.






Activity 2 look and say

Choose four students to come to the front of the class to do somemimes.

Look at the picture talk about it. Teach the sentence I usually ... but now I am ...

Activity 3.listen and say then say the poem.

Before saying the poem

1. Have the students describe the picture

2.play the tape. Teach the poem sentence by sentence.

3.choose eight students to come to the front. Write out the eightparts of the poem and give one to each person at the front in a jumbled uporder.

Here are the eight parts of the poem

1) What do you usually do on Sundays

6) What are you doing now

3) I usually play all of the day

5) And what are you doing now this Sunday

7) I am lying in bed with a pain in my head.

2) What do you usually do

8)That is what I am doing now

3) That is what I usually do.

  四.Further Development Activity 4.game find five differences say them.

Before doing activity4

Tell the students that I am going to describe things from thepictures.

Now one the board writes these verbs.

wearing eating

holding reading

Do activity 4.


Make a dialogue with your partners.

Sing the song “I am listening to music.

The student suggests activities and writes them around the circles.Then they can pick one activity from each circle and make sentences.

Look at the picture. Guess what happen in this girl‘s home

Listen and find the words don’t understand.

Read after the tape.

And do some mime.

Look at the table then ask and answer.

Each student should perform two mimes. The first mime is whatusually happens. The second mime is what is happening now. Other studentsanswer what are they doing.

Say it one by one.

Then say it together 新课  标第一网

Look at the picture and talk. (A girl is sick in bed and she isthinking about playing with her friends)

Listen to the tape do some mimes.

The eight students should hold up their pieces of paper so the classcan read them. The student holding the first parts of the poem should be on theleft and the student holding the last part of the poem should be on the right.

The students have to say if it is from picture 1 or picture 2.

Look at the two pictures and write all the objects that go with eachword.

Play the game.





  熟练掌握单词与短语:Children’s Day, play, some, say, poem, class,

dragon ,dance

  熟练掌握重点语句:Daming is doing a play with some children.

Lingling is singing a song.






Step 1 Warming up

1. 以这首歌: I’mlistening to music导入课程教学.

2. 谈论现在发生的一些活动,引出所学新单词.

Step 2 Presentation and practice

1. Teacher takes out a calendar. Point to June 1st and say what dayis today?

  给孩子们一个整体感知。Teach Children’s Day to the students.

2. Today, we’ve got a new friend. Listen to the first picture andfind “ He’s

Xiaohu. He’s from School TV.”

3. Listen to the CD-Rom and answer 2 questions.

(1) What is Ling Ling doing?

(2) What is Amy doing?

4. Listen again and answer “What is Daming doing?” 引出doing a play这个词组,新授完doing a play之后,老师课件先让学生整体感知词组:

playing football, playing basketball, playing ping-pong, doing aplay, 再让学生观察这几个词组的不同之处,以此引出单词play的词性和意思的变化,教师在此基础上进行总结。然后教授句子Daming isdoing a play with some children. 从中找出some 并知道some用法。

5. 通过复习M3 U2的诗,引出poem一词和saying a poem 这个词组。Listen again and answer “Whatis Sam doing?”.

6. Guessing game. 通过播放图片的一部分,让学生猜出正在做的事情。主要是对今天所学词组的巩固。

7. 通过图片教授单词dragon、词组dragon dance, from Class 2和句子They’re doing a dragon dance.

8. 播放CD-ROM

  第一遍Listen and circle“-ing”.

  第二遍Listen, point and repeat.

Step 3 Consolidation and extension

1. According to the dialogue, read and complete.

2. Students book A3 on page 27.小组活动。先在组内进行练习,然后小组选代表模仿小播报员说一说。

3. Play time. 拍摄了一组学生大课间时的照片,先小组练习,再选表模仿小播报员说一说。

Step 4 Summary


Step 5 Homework

1. Listen and repeat the text 5 times.

2. 制作个人的快乐档案。并用play ,some 等重点词组造句。

3. be ,playing ,等重点词组写一篇短文。


Teaching aims:

1.Emotion goal:

2.Knowledge goal:

3.Ability goal:

Innovative fulcrum: 1.Importance:


3.Innovation: r.

Teaching aid: Some cards , pictures , tape , CD

Periods: Four

Period 1

Teaching courses(教学过程)

1. Warm up:

Teacher : Hello, boys and girls.How are you ? I’m very well.thankyou.Sit down please. What’s the weather like?I’m happy to have this lesson withyou.Are you happy? Ok ,Now let’s sing a song .Stand up.Sing a song: “I’m listening to the music….”(actions)

2. Revision:

Before the new lesson,let’s look at the big screen.

1) Show the words : do-doing………..

Who can read it? (The Students read it.)

2) Teacher:You did a good job,I made the words differentcolours,green,blue and black.Do you know why? What’s the difference?......

3) Teacher:Yes, do-doing, run-running, write-writing.

4) Now let’s make sentences with these words? (Look at the bigscreen)

(Do it one by one.)

---What are you doing? ---I’m….

--What’s he/she doing? ---He’s/She’s ….

3. New lesson:

1) Teacher: Please look at this picture.(put the pictures on theblackboard

2Teacher: Nowopen your books , listen and point,then answer some questions.

Students: Read and discuss in pair then answer(Show the questions onthe screen.)

3) Read after the teacher. Teacher Circles the verbs with –ing.

4.Practice: x k  b 1 .c o m

Look at your papers and do it.write by themself and then report


Listen to the tape and recite the text.


1) What are the lions doing? They’re______________.

2) What are the monkeys doing? They’re_________basketball.

3) What are the snakes doing? They’re_________at the children.

4) What are the elephants doing? They’re__________.

5) What are the giraffes doing? They’re____________



  新标准英语(一年级起点)第四册第八模块 第一单元 本课简单描述了火车从出发,然后上山和下山(The train is going up a hill.\It's going down a hill.)和行走过程中经过医院(It 's going past ahospital.,最后停在车站(It 's stopping at thestation.)的行走过程。


  知识目标:学生能听、说、读本课的词up down past hill hospital station, 和相应用于交际的句子The train is going up ahillIt's goingdown a hill/past a hospital,在情景中能用句子进行交流。创设情景,在情景中学语言,培养学生运用语言的能力。

  教学重点:单词past ,句型:The trainis going up a hill.It's going down a hill/a hospital.

  教学难点:学生能用句型: The train is going up a hill.It's going down a hill /past ahospital.在情景中运用。









  交际法、情景教学法、儿童游戏法、TPR 教学法、听说法、小组合作法


Step 1 Warming-up(热身)


Sing an English song << 1 2 3 4,stand up!>>

[设计意图:运用课件展示歌曲,并且学生边唱边跳,亲切的问候,熟悉的旋律,生动活泼的画面,带动学生轻松进入课堂的同时,也复习了stand up /sit down\point to the ……的语言点和动作,为进一步学习做好铺垫]

Step 2 Revision

Listen and do the actions.(stand upsit down! )

[设计意图:学生积极踊跃地做动作,既吸引了他们的注意力,唤醒了他们对学过的动作短语stand up\sit down的记忆]

Step 3 Presentation


(2)Drill the words

(3)Follow the teacher:look up look downpoint uppoint down


[设计意图:学生跟教师边说短语,边做动作,在说说做做的同时,轻松愉快的对单词 up down 进行了扩展练习,培养了学生的发散性思维的能力]

  (4)教师介绍:I likeclimbing the hill.Do you like climbing the hill?Please look at the TV,What'sthis?通过课件直观展示桂林骆驼山的图片,引出新词:hill

(5)Drill the word

  (6Teacher:Lookat the train,the train is going up a hill.(用火车道具演示火车上山)引出短语:up ahill.Then drill the phrases.

(7)引导学生在情景中说出短语:downa hill

[设计意图:该环节通过学生生活中常见的玩具火车上山和下山的演示,充分贴近了他们的生活,由于对up downhill在之前有了教学铺垫,在进行短语教学时,教师只需要让短语up a hill在学生中进行操练,一些能力较强的学生能只要根据教师的演示,就能说出down a hill,能力稍弱的学生在教师的引导下,也能轻松掌握。这样锻炼了学生的自学能力和发展性思维,还培养了他们互相帮助的良好品质]

  (8Practise:教师模仿火车指挥员打旗语,复习刚才学习的up a hilldown a hill,教会学生打旗语。然后进行男、女生比赛,一方打旗语,一方用火车道具演示火车上下山。

9)通过教师打旗语引出短语:past a hill,学生充分练习之后,根据课件上出示的火车经过学校和动物园的情景,引导学生说出其他短语:past a school\past a zoo


  (10Guessinggame:Where is the train going past?



(11)通过猜一猜游戏引出新单词:hospitalthen drillthe word

(12)教师通过课件演示(运用FLASH课件:火车伴随着音乐愉快地走者,突然停下,并伴有滑稽的刹车声)Teacher:Now the train is stopping.引出新单词stopping,then drill.

  (13)课件继续播放:在运行的过程中,突然将火车站的标志夸张放大,引出新词:station,学生对可爱的卡通图标兴趣盎然。这时适时引入短语:stopping at the station.

(14)继续通过课件上可爱的动画火车上山和下山的情景教学句子:The train is going up a hill.It's going down a hill.It 's going past a hospital.Then drill thesentences(采用多形式操练,如:男女生分角色读、举手读、开小火车读、扮演小老师领读等等)

Step 4 Practise


  (1 教师扮演火车头,让学生排在后面列队,模仿课文中的情景,带学生经过各地点

  (2 小朋友模仿刚才教师和学生的扮演,一边说,一边表演(男女生比赛)

  【 设计意图:儿童天性爱做游戏,通过与教学内容相关的游戏,使学生学以致用,将知识运用到实际,充分体现任务型教学思想,同时大大提高了学习兴趣,活跃了课堂气氛】


Look and listen(看课件听课文录音)

Listen and repeat


What have we learned today?(由学生总结说出)







1 教师准备 Point up! Point down! Touch the sky! Touch the ground! Turn around!的五张短语卡片。

2 、教学课件(包括歌曲和动画)。




  (2)让学生起立,师生共同表演小唱,边做边唱。如: Up up standup. Down down sit down. Point point point to your nose. Point point point toyour head.






  (4 在学生学完五个口令之后都很累的时候,教学生一首新歌。介绍两个拓展单词: shake stamp



  教师让一个学生任意说一个短语,请他后面的同学做动作,然后这个同学再任意说一个短语,请下一个同学做动作,以此类推。www .X kb1.coM










Module8 Unit2 We’re turning around.

Point up! Point down! Touch the sky! shake

Touch the ground! Turn around! stamp


  本课时教材通过Listen and do. Sing a song 两部分的内容分别复习了所学的五个口令。两部分内容的复习均通过游戏的方式展现,学生在玩中学、玩中练,避免了复习的枯燥和单调。教师在教学过程中每一个环节都精心设计和组织,照顾了不同层次的学生,让每个学生都真正参与到活动中来,达到了复习和巩固知识,提高学生多方面能力的目的。





1 Enable thestudents to listen say and read the new word straight turn right left wear lake road

Sentence Where is lake road\Go straight on.\Turn left.\Turn right.

2Raise theirinterest to learn English .Encourage the students to have good cooperation witheach other and learn form each other.



1Importantpoint Students canread and say these words straight turn right left wear lake road

2Difficultpoint Students canread say and usethese sentences freely and correctly.



CAI Picture Cards Tape Radios




Feed back

Teacher‘s Activity

Student’s Activity


1 Warning upand Revision

① Greetings.

Eg Nice to seeyou again. How are you etc

②Teacher might give students some order students must listen carefully anddo it.

Eg Turn around Point up Point down Point the sky. etc


①CAI shows out a picture of simple map.

T I want go tothe school but I‘m lost,,Who can tellme how to walk

②Today Sam visit his friend Daming . But he’s lost too.

Let‘s go and see what’s wrongwith Sam.

③Show the picture

3Listening& Reading Activities.

①Before do the Activity 1 write these sentences on the blackboard .

②Learn to the new words

③Play the tape

④Play the tape again


(1)Say the same sentences

(2)Do and say

Turn around Point up

Point down Point the sky.

(1)Students free talk how to walk in Chinese.

(2)students listening carefully make clear the aims.

(3)look at the picture and think

(1) look and guess

(2)read and use

(3)Children open your books listen and point.

(4)Listen point together and repeat

(5) Children say the dialogues in pairs.

(6)Children Match by themselves act in pairs.


①Play the games. Use the cards

Review the direction words.

②Do the exercise of part 3.

③Encourage the students to find another road and draw out .


①Whole class

Plan a game about route.


Act this story and encourage the best one.

(1)Do their best to say sentences

(2) Through the dice and compete.

(3) Whose road is the best nearest then encourage and reward.



学习短语a farm, avillage, a flat,

学习句型Where doyou live? I live____.


能听、说、读、写本课短语。Xk b 1.Com








Teaching steps :

Step1 Warming –up

Greeting each other.

What’s your name ? What class are you in ? Where are you from ?(Ssread countries namesone by one)Where do you live? Today we’ll learn Lesson 3Where do you live ?

Step2 Let’s learn

1,Play the tape,Ss listen and repeat.

2,Learn the new words :

Where do you come from ?

= Where are you from ?

Where do you live ?

I live in Beijing.

Learn new words :Paris ,London ,Hong Kong ,Moscow,

Learn new words: FranceEngland Russia.Ss read them one by one.

(With them instead ofChina,beijing )

Step 4 Practise in groups

Ss ask and answer in groups. Drill and read the text

Step 5 Text

Play the tape Ss read the text .

Step 6 Let’s chat

Where do you come from?Where are you from?

I come fromEngland.I’m fromEngland.

Where do you live? Where do you live?

I live in London,in London.

Where does he come from?Where is he from?

He comes from China.He ’s fromChina.

Where does he live? Where does he live?

He lives in Beijing,in Beijing.

Ss read it together.

Step 7 Extension拓展延伸

1, Can you be like me? x k  b 1 .c o m

Good moring ,my little friends ,I am Mis Wang .I come fromChina.I live in Luohe.I like you .Do you like me ?Thank you ,Good-bye!

Have Ss say it like the teacher.

2 , Do you know them?

AShow thescreen about Pu Jing ,Yao Ming, Michael Phelps

Do you know the man ? Who can act him ?Who can ask him somequestions ?

B ,Ask your classmates about some questions.

Step 8,Summary



Teaching aim and requirement:

Talking about how to find places.

Teaching main and difficult points:

Learn to say: next to , in front of, cousin, supermarket

Learn to ask:Where’ the supermarket? It’s next to the park. It’s infront of the school.

Teaching aids:

Tape-recorder, pictures, computer

Teaching procedure:



2.Say the chant in last lesson: Left Foot.

Guide to the text:

The teacher tells the students :“Sam meets Daming and his consin Linon the street. Daming is introducing Lin to Sam. At that time , someone iscoming to ask the way of the city . Lin tells him the way clearly. Why does Linknow the way of the city so well ? Let’s learn the text together !”

Activity 1 Listen and repeat.

1. Put the picture of this lesson on the blackboard. Play thetaperecorder and ask the students to listen to it while watch the picture.

2. Play the cassette again. The children try to underline the newwords and phrases and guess the meaning of them .

3. Write “next to , in front of ”on the blackboard and ask thestudents to guess the meaning of it

4. The teacher ask the students to practise to say the words ofpositions according to their seats.

5. Read the new words after the teacher.

6. Play the taperecord after each sentence and ask the students toread after it.

Activity 2 Act out

1. Divide the whole class into 5 groups .Each group act as a role.Ask the students to practise the text in groups.

2. Play the taperecorder of Unit2, ask the students to read afterit. Then practise the dialogue in pairs.

Activity 3 Games and Activities

1. Looking for treasures:

2. Draw and say. Draw a simple map of a place that knowm well byoneself. Then introduce the map in groups.

Writing on the Bb:

Where is the supermarket?

It’s next to the park. It’s in front of the classroom.




1. 能灵活运用句型:Whereis the …please? 进行交流对话。

2. 能灵活谈论方位。


  挖掘课堂中的兴奋点培养学生运用英语表达自己的情感,积极参加课堂交流活动,激发学生学习英语的兴趣。新| 课|标| 第| 一|网


  运用Where is the …, please?礼貌地问路和指路。


1. 准确区分并灵活使用方位词。







1 教材相配套的教学录音带

2 五张写有地名的大卡片

3 作为给学生奖励的小太阳,小星星等。


Step 1.Warming-up

1. Free Talk


  (设计说明:Free Talk是学生喜爱的一项活动,只有通过师生、生生间大量的语言交流,才能培养学生用英语交际的能力。课堂上的Free Talk是培养学生听说能力的有效方式。)

2. 老师准备五张卡片,上面写上一些名程,如下图:


T: The zoo is next to the park.

S:student withthe “zoo”card moves next to the student with the “park”card.

T: The station is in front of the zoo.

S:student withthe “station”card moves in front of the student with the “zoo”card.


Step 21. 教师和学生一起热身之后,教师给学生看下图,请学生大胆猜一猜图中的男孩、女孩和服务员在说些什么,如果学生猜不出来,教师就带学生一起走进课文,看看他们到底说了些什么呢?






Step 3 Practice



over therepoint into distance

straight onpoint straight ahead

in front ofpoint directly in front

next to point by side

on the left point left

on the right point right


T: in front of

S: point directly in front


Step 4: Learn to say the text.



 Step 5 Activity

1. 老师让全班表演对话,男、女生与老师分别扮演男孩、女孩和服务员,也可以请三个同学一组表演对话,最后请几组同学到台前来表演展示,下面的同学当评委,给在台上表演节目的同学打分,看看哪个小组的同学表情动作自然丰富,演技佳,语音连贯,语调准确,那么这个小组的同学就是今天的表演之星,老师给予这组 同学以物质奖励,同时,也要给其他参加表演的同学适当的精神和物质奖励。


2. 老师鼓励学生用课本第二部分的句型,同桌两个人一组进行替换练习,如:

S1: Excuse me. Where is the schoolplease?

S2: Go straight on .Turn left. It’s on the left.

S1: Thank you very much

S2: You are welcome.


Step 6 Learn to say the chant



Tape: look left.

Left group:stands up

Tape: look right.

Right group:stands up

Tape: A car is coming, so start again.

Ss:(all stand upthen sit down.

  (设计说明: 通过此练习,培养学生对本单元知识的快速反应能力。)

Step 7 Homework

1. 和小组同学复述并表演本单元的对话。

2. 回家把今天学到的“chant”说给爸爸妈妈听,还可以当小老师交给你们的爸爸妈妈;当你和家人出行时你可以尝试用你学过的英语给大家指路哦!他们一定会为你的进步感到高兴的。


  附:Bb design(板书设计)

Where is the toilet, please?



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