
DINZ德网 | 邸韵设计 · 时间印记,沉淀之境

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After thousands of years, the city of Beijing ishome to many enduring scenic spots, embodying the brilliance of China's magnificentculture. lt is like a heavy historical book, withevery page recording its prosperity and charm.The Longhu Yuhu Scenic Area, with such a richcultural background, falls in Shunyi in the centerof the center in an exquisite and exquisite way,creating a comfortable residence at the top ofthe tower.The lmperial Shangclubhousebrings together all of this aura, becoming acommunicator of the exquisite style of theresidential complex.



The attraction of space


“一切文明的焦点”"The focus of all civilizations"


Civilization must be transmitted, exchanged, and derived through communication. The administrative lounge has become the carrier of civilization with a solemn attitude. The large area of marble paving is based on the foundation and stability of nature, with symmetrical floor lamps, positioning the secret atmosphere of space. Originating from Akar de Nissim's iconic ox horn coffee table, it highlights the uniqueness of space, showcasing the upward power of communication under the flow of light.



于雅境之下的滋养Growth under the elegant environment


Quietness is the most positive force, with a serene and textured atmosphere. Based on a calm dark color, seeking a touch of soft light, from top to bottom, softens time and also softens the inside. The linear shaped row lights and stacked screens echo the inside and outside, connecting oneself and the world in the elegant space layer by layer.



Tea, utensils, water, and people blend together to create a relaxed atmosphere in the space, and also create a leisurely state of mind under the flow of light and shadow. In the exquisite and rich space, one can perceive oneself and others, observe the freely growing green plant installation, touch the continuation of nature, and use water wave texture lighting to capture and fix time. Here, one can freely place their body and mind.


流光溢彩、星光熠熠Flowing light and sparkling stars


Under the light, everything becomes a supporting role. More than points, lines and surfaces are visualized here. Aesthetics also begin to be visualized in the flow of light and shadow. Under the contrast of light, the walls around the body are metallized, bringing people into a dreamy future, and becoming a habitat for fuzzy time.



Deep fusion



在艺术的图腾里In the totem of artShowcasing展现古今交替的力量the power of ancient and modern alternation


For Beijing, Peking Opera mask is a unique urban imprint, while red in Peking Opera mask culture symbolizes bravery, justice, and patriotism. The designer uses deconstruction to freeze its three-dimensional image here, standing in the space with a majestic and just momentum. As they gaze, they seem to see the continuous overflow of civilization accumulated over thousands of years in this city, lingering in the building with a huge force, involuntarily immersed in the epic charm and infectious power.


于优雅下的碰触Collision under Elegance


The billiards room is delineated in black, extending the upright attitude and aura of the Beijing Opera face mask, but highlighting a pure and stable spatial style. The milky white top softens the color tone of the space, and the natural texture in the lighting enriches the hierarchical changes in this area. Through the ever-changing techniques and every collision, it meets friends with the ball and sees itself with the ball.



镜面中的内在探索Intrinsic exploration in the mirror



International fitness spaces and yoga rooms provide ample private space for exploring the inner world. The wooden texture carries the healing power of nature and builds a poetic bridge for exploration. Under the soft lighting, the atmosphere of the space is quiet, and amidst the noisy outside world, one can enjoy a leisurely journey.


细腻的宴享空间Delicate banquet space


Adding a private banquet space to the clubhouse, the designer creates more possibilities with atmospheric and simple lines. A private banquet becomes a container for deeper communication and transmission. The black marble conveys a more romantic and delicate life ceremony from top to bottom, and the entire green original stone background wall shines brightly in the interplay of wine and chips, full of grandeur.



The clubhouse is an extension of the homestead and another storage place for life memories. Many memories can be preserved, and the exquisite aspects of the venue will leave a deep impression on these memories. Along with growth, it becomes a place where strength accompanies. The Imperial Shanghui is not only a gathering place for residents, but also a spiritual axis, with its exquisite beauty, it calmly connects people and life.Embark on a comfortable journey home from here.

项目名称 | 龙湖御湖境幸福西街会所项目时间 | 2023年12月项目地址 | 中国,北京项目业主 | 龙湖地产北京公司设计团队 | DYDesign 邸韵设计项目摄影 | 骏尔天钦 阿骏

创始人 / 穆瑞敏

DY Design邸韵空间设计成立于 2014 年,是一家集室内设计及软装设计、陈设为一体的室内设计公司,专注于提供创新性与专属性的定制设计。



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