
DINZ德网 | 立方体设计事务所 · 数字梦境与虚拟现实

DINZ德网传媒 德国室内设计网 2023-09-24


From music to architecture, from literature to film and television, everything in the universe crosses the boundary between real numbers and art, and changes the way we see the world with a new vision.


"These explorations are to create the future before we reach the future", said designer Xu Lin.

虚拟艺术 超现实世界

Virtual art surreal world


Foshan, China, has a long history but is young and fashionable. Just like their entertainment lifestyle, it is avant-garde and extraordinary.娱乐空间是艺术创作者的先锋阵地,将数字艺术引入为了更好地利用现实中不可能实现的体验,模糊艺术世界和商业之间的界线。

Entertainment space is the vanguard position of art creators. It uses the experience that is impossible to realize in reality to blur the boundary between the art world and commerce.


Art is a way of healing, which can not only reveal the beauty of the world, transmit ideas and ideas, but also bring freedom to the spirit.在自由的元宇宙世界,温柔的艺术力量打破传统意义上对科幻既定“酷炫、强硬”的印象。

In the free meta universe, the gentle artistic power breaks the traditional impression of science fiction as "cool and tough".

光影世界 城市会客厅

Light and shadow world city reception hall


When the entertainment space goes outdoors, water is the best medium, maintaining its space-time texture of virtual and real crisscross, and integrating the charm of light technology and color.


穿越时空 感知多维

Multidimensional perception through time and space


360 degree immersive device is the energy storage of light, the capture of motion trajectory, and a real and thorough experience of the world.流沙般的曲线以独有的衔接方法,架起人与艺术的沟通桥梁,是对美的纯粹表达方式。

Quicksand like curve, with its unique connection method, builds a bridge between people and art, which is a pure expression of beauty.


Through the tracks of metal, glass and rhythm, rhythm brings an infinite sense of future to the architecture and field space. Create an artistic space-time scene, connecting consciousness and subconsciousness, dreams and reality.


Time comes for a new protagonist, and time comes for a new form of task.

置身于感官无界的艺术世界之中,时尚与艺术跨界的多融性, 突破想象,夸张比例的视觉倾斜,打造城市脉搏律动,活力在此激活。

Being in the boundless art world of senses, the cross-border integration of fashion and art breaks through imagination and creates the pulse of the city.

超越空间、 时间和质地,创造五感全开的视觉饕餮盛宴,是未来生活方式助推器。

Beyond space, time and texture, creating a visual feast with five senses in full bloom is the booster of the future lifestyle.


When digital art works appear together with people's daily environment, reality and fantasy are intertwined, creating a unique aesthetic fantasy.


Enter the dream tunnel, linger in the dream world, and explore the unknown.


Scarcity experience and aesthetic value


Based on the in-depth investigation of generation Z user groups, the blue futuristic space keynote marked by cyberpunk is more in line with their emotional perception of "freedom" and "release".思考空间的功能与美学已经过于单薄,发掘并平衡消费者的表层和深层需求,并非简单的叠加,而是融入并相互加强。巨型艺术雕塑形成打卡记忆点,同时成为营造超现实的尺度感的道具。

The function and aesthetics of thinking space are too thin. Exploring and balancing the surface and deep needs of consumers is not a simple superposition, but integration and mutual reinforcement. Giant art sculptures form punch in memory points and become props to create a surreal sense of scale.


The ubiquitous geometric lines full of rhythm and rhythm reshape the shape of the super private room. Its changefulness and invisibility trigger endless imagination. It is an endless starry sky, and can also be seen as a deep jungle, or the blue coast under the night sky.


Entering the virtual world of science and technology, no form is more exciting and shocking than the ultra-high-scale three-dimensional space. Designers hope that users can feel the spiritual shock brought by its "big" in their hearts, which is not only the physical scale of space.


The essence of entertainment space design is to shape personal dreams in every time and space, and be stripped layer by layer in reality.


Imagine a door that can be opened at will. The world landscape behind it is made up of data and light. When the gravity of materials disappears, physics and illusion merge.


Vision is deceptive. It is a line to surface arrangement, forming a multilateral, three-dimensional and multi-dimensional, becoming broad, grand and always pure.


The sense of visual extension and substitution, through the refraction and reflection of minimalist lines in space, has the feeling of space-time structure in Star Trek, and creates the most tension space with the least design.



项目名称 | MIX PARTY项目类型 | 室内设计公司名称 | 立方体设计事务所设  计 师 | 徐麟项目地点 | 佛山项目面积 | 5500㎡完成时间 | 2022年摄  影 师 | 毛鸿依

SPACE³总部位于加拿大温哥华,2009年在中国境内成立了事务所,目前在广州和沈阳都有分支机构。加拿大立方体设计事务所服务于全球娱乐空间设计,在洛杉矶、 波士顿北美地区、 新加坡等东南亚地区都有在建项目,中国境内北京、上海、广州、深圳等各大城市都有在建及落地项目,事务所成立以来先后设计数百件作品,累计丰富的设计经验,屡获多项国内外设计大奖。我们设计团队一直以最高标准、高品位的要求构建起全球最具竞争力的娱乐空间设计公司。

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