
DINZ德网 | 非常建筑 · 工坊与住宅的结合

DINZ德网传媒 德国室内设计网 2023-09-24

张永和与鲁力佳于1993年在美国创立的非常建筑事务所,在过去近30年中,从一个以研究、创新为特 色的个人工作室逐渐发展成国际知名的建筑设计事务所,在建筑、艺术和设计领域,将前瞻性的视野、丰富的经验、良好的专业素养和独特的创造力结合,挖掘不同文化内核和现代表达手法。非常建筑坚信设计的价值,强调研究,重视方法,致力于建造工艺的革新,逐渐形成了一个涵盖多个设计领域 的综合实践性事务所。

鸟瞰东钱湖教育论坛 ©田方方


The Education Forum at Dongqian Lake in Ningbo is a community that includes a convention center, a hotel, an art museum, villas, and other facilities. The owner is passionate about education as well as art. A group of four studio-houses are built specifically to accommodate visitors, especially scholars or artists who may come for a relatively extended period of time to conduct research and/or work on creative projects.

鸟瞰四栋坊宅 ©田方方

设计研究Design as Research

四个坊宅中的三个是张永和于20世纪90年代初在没有业主和基地的情况下首次构思的,设计的焦点是如何模糊古典主义与现代主义之间的界线。这些“纸上建筑”实际上是严肃地对建筑核心问题之一 "空间"的研究,同时也是可建造的方案。坊宅设计的特殊背景使这组建筑成为教育论坛有关艺术研究讨论的参与者。

Three of the four studio-houses were conceived by Yung Ho Chang without client nor site in the early 1990’s as an attempt to blur the line between Classicism and Modernism. These “paper architecture” are in fact serious investigations of a core issue of architecture“space”and buildable propositions as well. This particular history of the project makes these four pieces of architecture an engaging participant in the discussion and exchange of ideas on art and research at the Forum.

张永和绘制的院宅研究,1991年 ©FCJZ

院宅研究实体模型 ©FCJZ

探索空间原型Prototyping Space


The studio-houses are meant as experiments to test out ways to organize architectural spaces. The openness of the work-live program allows us to produce four distinctly different spatial conditions. Designing space can never be separated from imagining experience as well as lifestyle.

从建筑群入口看四栋坊宅 ©田方方


The four studio-houses are thus named respectively after an architectural element that characterizes the spatial organization. They are House with Face-to-Face Loggias, House with Cruciform Glass, House with Walkable Beam, and House with Flipped Roof.

总图 ©FCJZ


House with Face-to-Face Loggias


During design, a symmetrical volume is imagined being sliced in the middle and pulled apart to accommodate a pool flanked by two loggias on the ground level, one on each side. The two facing loggias define the open space in between framing both outdoor and semi-outdoor events.

廊廊相对宅鸟瞰 ©田方方

廊廊相对宅入口 ©李柯梁

居者要穿过水院从一侧的住所抵达另一侧的书斋去工作,工作结束回归住所再次跨水而过。过水,成为每日生活中的仪式之一。坐在廊下与对面廊下的朋友隔水交谈, 是小住于此的又一乐趣,此刻廊的关系化作人的关系。

The inhabitant needs to cross the water court from the living quarters to work in the study on the other side and then cross it again on the way back, which creates a ritual for daily living. Sitting in a loggia and talking to a friend is another pleasure the house offers. At that moment, the relationship of loggias morphs into that of people.

两廊之间的水院 ©李柯梁

从底层的工作空间看水院及厨房 ©田方方

生活廊一层的厨房 ©田方方

生活廊的楼梯 ©田方方

生活廊二层的起居空间 ©田方方

工作廊二层的书斋 ©田方方

玻璃十字宅House with Cruciform Glass


On ground level, spaces are organized with a pinwheel formation; on the upper level, a transparent volume is divided into four equal quarters for living, cook/dining, sleeping, and bathing by a hollow cruciform double curtain wall that connects the second-floor to the ground below.

玻璃十字宅鸟瞰 ©田方方

玻璃十字宅的每侧各有门廊 ©李柯梁

玻璃十字宅二层入口侧立面 ©田方方

一层的十字形半室外空间 ©李柯梁

十字形天井 ©李柯梁


The space in the upper floor glass house is simultaneously open and divided. The inhabitant may move along the outer glass curtain wall enjoying a panoramic view of the surrounding water court, which is only punctured by the sceneries through the cuts in the peripheral wall.

二楼出入口 ©田方方

二层由十字空腔玻璃幕墙隔开的四间房间 ©田方方

二层玻璃宅的承重墙从玻璃幕墙围合面推进来,形成有水院环绕的房间之间的过渡 ©田方方

从二层房间俯瞰一层 ©田方方

一层四个研究室之一的烹饪实验室 ©田方方

来去梁上宅House with Walkable Beam


A double-height space for plastic art studio is bookended with two oversized porches and floats in the middle a cruciform beam that is walkable.

来去梁上宅鸟瞰 ©田方方

来去梁上宅入口 ©田方方

从东侧看来去梁上宅 ©田方方


The inhabitant’s creative process unfolds around the beam: standing on it to examine his/her art on the walls or underneath, hanging from it work-in-progress, or crossing it on his/her way to the library.

贯穿建筑和庭院的梁 ©田方方

从边院看楼梯间 ©田方方

从廊下看工作室室内 ©田方方

在可行走十字横梁上 ©田方方

横梁可通往图书室 ©田方方

从可行走的十字横梁上可以欣赏挂在两侧墙面上的艺术作品 ©田方方

三楼的厨餐厅 ©田方方

翻转屋顶宅House with Flipped Roof


A single space is divided by an inverted sloped roof into two zones, one for work and one for live.

翻转屋顶宅鸟瞰 ©田方方

翻转屋顶宅廊侧立面 ©田方方

翻转屋顶宅主入口 ©田方方


This inhabitant lives and works in the same space, almost. Visually, live and work areas on opposite sides of the inverted roof have limited connection yet whichever side the inhabitant is on he would be constantly aware of the other. Studio-house juxtaposes combination and separation.

入口 ©田方方

一层的开放空间 ©田方方

通过门廊望出去,上面可看到屋顶与二层之间的空隙 ©田方方

二层生活区 ©田方方

从浴室门口看二层生活区 ©田方方



Reinforced concrete is used like clay to mold pure spaces. The textured surface of the exposed concrete poured in timber formwork is intended to avoid abstraction and give expression of tangibility to the spaces.

木模混凝土墙面细部 ©李柯梁

木模混凝土塑成的建筑空间:从室内到室外 ©李柯梁

项目客户 | 宁波华茂教育文化投资有限公司项目地点 | 浙江宁波主持设计 | 张永和,鲁力佳项目团队 | 梁小宁、黄舒怡、武竹青、韩书凯、张敏、何泽林设计管理 | 浙江华之建筑设计有限公司设计合作 | 中国建筑上海设计研究院有限公司基地面积 | 3900㎡建筑面积 | 1255㎡建筑结构 | 钢筋混凝土结构设计周期 | 2013-2016竣工时间 | 2022

非常建筑在长期的实践中发展出自己对建筑的认识,将建筑理解为对空间(Space), 结构(Structure)与场景(Scenario)的同歩设计。其中场景指向功能、使用、内容或者生活,更关注其形式。三者都具有形式表达的能力。形式可能构成三者独自或统一的组织框架。虽然空间、结构和场景一直都是建筑学的核心组成部分,但直到近几十年,当建筑师越来越多地参与到策划(Programming)中去,这三个要素才获得越来越多的平等关注与深度融合。一个项目的设计起点可能是三要素中的任意一点,同时必须尽快将另外两点纳入设计进程,使它们齐头并进。带着如此对建筑的理解,非常建筑设计实践的出发点可能是由某种特定材料构成的结构体系,也可能是某种纯空间,最终的设计成果则可能包括物质空间和/或物体以及使用方法建议,类似于产品的使用手册。换句话说,设计团队将人们如何使用设计纳入设计的一部分。这可能有助于解释作为建筑工作室,非常建筑何以不断涉足其它设计领域,如家具、产品和服装。在他们看来,只有当三要素的内容不断互联互通,新的空间、新的结构、新的场景 – 亦或是新的生活方式 – 才得以诞生。


JSPA | 宁武燕麦工厂深圳31设计 | 南京百家臻园营销中心

Suppose Design Office | House T

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